the Judiciary Report wrote:"Exactly how much Hashish
was the FBI illustrator smoking when he or she sketched a supposed aged
photo of terrorist Osama Bin Laden. What were they thinking? That
doesn't look like Osama. It looks like somebody's uncle. And did they
give him Botox? I have to ask, does the FBI enjoy getting laughed at?
Who okayed that mess."
Today, two days later, the FBI's photo has been
discredited and withdrawn by the State Department. It turns out the
Judiciary Report was right. The photo is actually a cut and paste job
and the FBI illustrator grabbed a pic off the internet and didn't bother
to check the identity of the person.
The photo the weed-smoking FBI illustrator used is of,
Gaspar Llamazares, who is...wait for it...a politician and Member of
Parliament (MP) in Spain.
He called the FBI's intelligence "low level" due to this
amateurish, dangerous publicity stunt gone wrong, that was designed to
showcase how useful, technologically savvy and "cutting edge" the agency
supposedly is, in order to distract from their role in
Fort Hood, the
Christmas Day attempted airline bombing in Detroit and the agency's
other blaring failures. As you can see, Llamazares looks nothing like
Bin Laden:

Bin Laden (left) the FBI's strange amalgamation
(center) and Gaspar Llamazares (right)
The Judiciary Report 1,247,007 - The FBI -0. You
know they hate me, right. Whatever! I'm not scared of the FBI.
I'm only scared of realistic things, you know, like the Boogie Man
Seriously, the sensible, logical way to have gone about
it is working with an actual photo of the real subject and adding
greying to the hair and to the face, progressing it with wrinkles,
slight jowls, a bit of crows feet, a mild wrinkling of the nose and
things of that order, to create a projected image of what the person
would look like as time passes.
But the FBI took the loco approach - they cut and pasted
pictures together, infusing the subject's image with that of other
people, which is criminally negligent and reckless in law enforcement,
as it will have the public looking for and trying to kill the wrong
person. All the signs are there that a crazy person is running the
It's very alarming that they took such a careless
approach with something so serious. Yet, the FBI called it "cutting edge." What, did
you do the cutting for the crazy photo at the edge of a
The FBI + Photoshop =

I seem to remember, a point of contention in
this lawsuit, sparked by an incident that transpired in late
2008, when an uncouth, ill-mannered Los Angeles FBI rep, Laura C.
Eimiller, emailed then phone me, barking like the butch bulldog she is,
about a photo on the Judiciary Report site. She stated it is of an FBI
agent and "he's very angry with me" and "what kind of
person" would run a photo without checking first...turns out that
kind of person is you.
My comedic error garnered laughs on the internet. The
FBI's dangerous error put a bounty on the head of a high ranking foreign
politician, who now fears he maybe murdered with people thinking he is
Bin Laden, due to the Federal Bureau of Investigation's sheer criminal
I found the above posted photo I used in the
2008 article through Google
Images. It was also used on another website that was ripping the FBI to
shreds. I thought it was a stock photo, as there was no name
or photo credit attached, which is standard with royalty free stock
photos (it's like people who do genital herpes commercials - they pretty
much know they are acting in a commercial that will expose their image
and likeness to all sorts of articles).
Had I known it was a real agent, I would not
have used it for the article. I couldn't imagine the photo was of an
actual FBI agent.
The guy looked so made up and over the top, with the blonde streaks in his hair, multiple
guns, the walkie-talkie and Arnold-Schwartzenegger-Terminator look on
his face, I thought it was an exaggeration for emphasis, as is routinely
done in stock photos. After all, I'd met and seen FBI agents and
none of them were made up like that.
In short, the FBI are a bunch of hypocrites, to
threateningly phone
me, a victim of crime, screaming like a raving lunatic at said victim,
over something that was a genuine mix up. They called and threatened me over a photo, yet in Court they've refused to give the above-posted agent's
name. That's pretty cowardly.
I'd also asked her for a photo of the agent that did get
arrested, to switch out the photos in the Judiciary Report article she
was complaining about, she started hesitating during the 2008 call, then
refused to provide a picture of him. She was more intent on issuing
veiled threats and screaming at me, not resolving the issue. So, I hung
However, I do believe the real anger and what was truly
behind that incident in the FBI contacting me, came from my article on
the Los Angeles FBI's hypocrisy in locking up a blogger for uploading
Guns N' Roses "Chinese Democracy" CD, prior to its release, while
letting dirty stars like Madonna and her contingent, commit serious
felonies, criminally ripping off a fortune in copyrights, for undue enrichment, that were meant to
go towards producing cures to Cancer and AIDS.
Disease sufferers are the ones that have a right to be
angry, not some incompetent, ignorant, racist,
bone idle, corrupt, criminally negligent law enforcement agency, headed
up by a Neo-Nazi, Robert S. Mueller, who've gotten more people killed
than any other in history.
Osama bin Laden a member of Spain’s
parliament? Embarrassed, FBI says no
Saturday, January 16th, 2010 -- 5:13 pm -
The US Federal Bureau of Intelligence is red-faced after being caught
using a photo of a member of Spain's parliament to create images of what
the world's most wanted terrorist might look like after years of
Two images of what an FBI forensic artist
thinks bin Laden might look like today were featured on the US Web site
Rewards for Justice for several hours. However, both images were
based on a photo of Spanish MP Gaspar Llamazares, who was decidedly
unhappy with the move.
The FBI's last photo of bin Laden is from
1998, according to media reports.
"I was surprised and angered because it's
the most shameless use of a real person to make up the image of a
terrorist," Llamazares said at a press conference, according to the BBC.
"It's almost like out of a comedy if it didn't deal with matters as
serious as bin Laden and citizens' security."
FBI admits Spanish politican was model
for 'high-tech' Osama bin Laden photo-fit
The FBI has admitted using a photograph of
a bearded Spanish politician as the basis for a mocked-up photofit image
showing how Osama Bin Laden might look now.
Published: 3:24PM GMT 16 Jan 2010 - Gaspar
Llamazares: FBI admits Spanish politician was model for 'high-tech'
Gaspar Llamazares: The digitally altered
image of an older and greying Bin Laden was meant to show how the
world's most wanted terrorist might now look without his trademark
turban and long beard.
The US state department was forced to
withdraw the mocked up photo-image, circulated around the world last
week, after the discovery that it was not quite as technically
sophisticated as the FBI had originally claimed.
The digitally altered image of an older and
greying Bin Laden was meant to show how the world's most wanted
terrorist might now look without his trademark turban and long beard. It
was released in a renewed effort to locate him, more than eight years
after the September 11 attack which he ordered and directed.
But it created an unexpected stir in
Madrid when a Spanish MP recognised strong elements of himself in the
image and complained to the US.
Gaspar Llamazares, 52, a member of
Spain's communist party and the former leader of the United Left
coalition in parliament, said his forehead, hair and jaw-line had been
"cut and pasted" from an old campaign photograph.
The FBI claimed to have used "cutting
edge" technology to reproduce new images of 18 of the most wanted
terrorist suspects for the State Department's Rewards for Justice
But yesterday Ken Hoffman, a spokesman the
FBI, admitted that a technician "was not satisfied" with the hair
features offered by the FBI's software programme and instead used part
of a photo of Mr Llamazares, found on the internet. "The technican had
no idea whose image he had found and no dark motive for using it," he
Mr Llamazares said the mistake showed
the "low level" of US intelligence services. It could cause problems
for any individual mistakenly seen to resemble the wanted terrorist, he
said. "Bin Laden's safety is not threatened by this but mine certainly
Oops! FBI Used Google Pic of Spanish Guy
for Bin Laden Wanted Poster
January 16, 2010 - (ChattahBox)— Oh, man!
This is really embarrassing. This week, the State Department released
new digitally updated photos of al-Qaida leader and 9/11 plotter, Osama
bin Laden. The picture on file of the terrorist fugitive was nearly a
decade old.
So, FBI technicians were tasked with aging
bin Laden’s image using high-tech computer software. Two new updated
photos were produced and recently posted on the U.S. Department of
State’s Rewards for Justice Web site. One photo depicted bin Laden with
a trimmed beard and close cropped hair and another showed him sporting a
graying long bead. Well, a Spanish lawmaker noticed something familiar
about the photo of bin Laden with short hair. It was him!
Gaspar Llamazares 52, of Madrid noticed
that his forehead, hair and jaw-line had been used from an old campaign
photograph available on Google images. The FBI admitted that a
technician had used parts of Llamazares’ photo to make Osama bin Laden’s
cropped hair look more realistic in the enhanced photo.
Ken Hoffman, a spokesman for the FBI, said
“The technician had no idea whose image he had found and no dark motive
for using it.”
Llamazares says that he is now fearful that
he may be mistaken for the dangerous terrorist. “Bin Laden’s safety
is not threatened by this but mine certainly is,” said Llamazares...
FBI admits Photofit of Osama Bin Laden had
Spanish features
January 17, 2010 - A MOCKED-UP image of how
Osama Bin Laden may look today has been withdrawn by the US State
Department after the FBI admitted it was partly based on a photograph of
a Spanish MP taken from the internet.
The Photofit image of an older, greying
Al-Qaeda leader bore a striking resemblance to the left-wing politician
Gaspar Llamazares, a member of Spain’s Communist party and a critic of
the US “war on terror”. It turned out Llamazares’s grey hair, jaw line
and forehead had been simply cut and pasted from an old campaign
photograph by an FBI technician.
The FBI originally claimed it used
“cutting edge” technology to come up with new images of terrorist
suspects for the State Department’s Rewards for Justice website.
However, Ken Hoffman, an FBI spokesman,
admitted yesterday that the agency had used a picture of Llamazares
taken from Google Images to update the Photofit.
He told the Spanish newspaper El Mundo:
“The forensic artist was unable to find suitable features among the
reference photographs and obtained those features, in part, from a
photograph he found on the internet.”
The US government had previously been using
a 1998 photo of Bin Laden, including on a wanted poster that offered a
reward of up to $25m (now worth £15m) for information leading to his
capture or killing.
Llamazares, former leader of the United
Left party, was elected to Spain’s parliament in 2000. He said he would
no longer feel safe travelling to the United States. “I was surprised
and angered because it’s the most shameless use of a real person to make
up the image of a terrorist,” he said...