The Government Working On Legal
Maneuver To Seize Nipsey Hussle’s Businesses Worth $2,000,000 For
Gang Activity
July 18. 2019

Nipsey Hussle and girlfriend, Lauren London, who is the
mother of one of his children
At the time of his death, rapper Nipsey Hussle was
under investigation by the U.S. government for gang activity. Hussle
was brutally shot to death by another gang member, Eric Garner. Many
online have wondered out loud how Garner was able to afford pricey
attorney, Christopher Darden.
A few short months prior to Hussle’s death, he had
announced he was working on a documentary about the late Dr. Sebi, a
holistic herbalist, who stated in court that he cured people of
diseases, which infuriated the U.S. government and Big Pharma. Many
believe Hussle was killed over the documentary.
Now comes word that Hussle’s Marathon Clothing store
in Los Angeles, among other businesses he owns, could be seized by
the U.S. government for gang activity. Hussle was a member of the
the Rollin’ 60s Crips gang to the day he died. He made no secret of
it. Hussle's $2,000,000 estate could end up in the hands of the
feds. Holder is currently being held behind bars, after being
arrested and hit with a 6-count indictment for Hussle's murder.
Nipsey Hussle’s Clothing Store Could Be Seized
for Gang Activity
July 15, 2019 - Nipsey Hussle and his Marathon
Clothing store in Los Angeles were the subject of a police
investigation when the rapper was fatally shot outside the shop on
March 31, The New York Times reports.
The investigation remains open as police and the
city attorney’s office contemplate whether to declare the store’s
strip mall a site for gang activity, which would allow officials to
fine the property’s remaining owners and even seize the property
under so-called abatement laws. Hussle and partners purchased the
commercial plaza earlier this year after Marathon Clothing’s former
landlords were reportedly pressured to evict the rapper as part of
the probe...
Kodak Black Slammed On Social Networking For Going After Lauren London
Days Proceeding Boyfriend Nipsey Hussle's Murder
Los Angeles Authorities State Nipsey Hussle Was Assassinated (Videos)
Jay Z Rapper Nipsey Hussle Killed Over Documentary On Dr. Sebi