Jay Z Rapper Nipsey Hussle Killed Over
Documentary On Dr. Sebi
April 3. 2019

Nipsey Hussle
33-year-old rapper and father of two, Nipsey
Hussle, was brutally and disrespectfully gunned down in Los
Angeles on March 31, 2019. Hussle was signed to the record
label, Roc Nation, owned by self-professed Hollywood
“Illuminati” (occult) member Jay Z, who is violent felon and former
cracker cocaine dealer. Jay Z is known for stabbing a record
executive, hitting his wife Beyonce and separately a female
concertgoer, which was caught on tape.
It’s very curious how people keep getting killed
in that so-called “Illuminati” circle. In an act of deflection,
some try to use their little brains and attribute it to
conspiracy theories, but when people associated with the same
group of high profile individuals, keep warning that they are
going to be murdered, then it happens, it’s clear something is
criminally wrong (Michael
Nipsey Hussle among many others, warned that they would be
killed, then they were in strange ways).
discussed something before his murder, which I had also stated on
this site years prior, which I learned after two interviews with
the FBI about the sick sect - the Hollywood "Illuminati" are high
profile criminals commissioning deaths as sacrifice to the devil for
alleged success and wealth. Hollywood believes in that crap and it's
costing people their lives (see: RELATED ARTICLES below).
Hussle was shot to death in front of his store
called the Marathon Clothing Company. Police have named and
apprehended a suspect in the murder, publicly identified as
29-year-old Eric Holder, whom Hussle knew. Holder had every
intention of killing Hussle. He kept aggressively going up to
him in trying to draw him out into a fight, as a reason to kill
the rapper, while claiming self-defense.

Los Angeles Police Department's tweet
onTwitter.com regarding murder suspect Eric Holder
Curiously, he shares the same name as former
Barack Obama Attorney General, Eric Holder, who has ties to Jay
Z. The attorney general helped Jay Z get out of being indicted
for financial and racketeering crimes he committed. As stated
previously on the site, the Hollywood "Illuminati" likes to use
people with names similar to one of their members or one whose
name has significance to the target. It's a symptom of the
serious mental disorder schizophrenia (mimicking and aping).
I saw this in action regarding me. The
self-professed Hollywood "Illuminati"
hired a hacker with my
dad's name (Vaughn). They hired lawyers with my cousins first
names (I have email exchanges to prove it). It's a form of
manipulation and word association perpetrated by feeble,
obsessive minds.
Now that Hussle is dead, Jay Z's Roc Nation is
profiting from his passing, as sales are way up. I've gone over
this issue before on the site, regarding entertainers like
Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston, who had ties to the
Hollywood "Illuminati", being worth more to the labels dead than
alive (Michael
Jackson Is Worth More Dead).
Don't think they won't do it. After all, this is
the same industry that killed Tupac then the Notorious B.I.G. in
public settings in front of witnesses, after both began getting
death threats from within Hollywood. Another factor is Hollywood
is affiliated with organized crime and it's gotten worse than
A few months ago I read an item on Twitter.com
regarding Hussle working on a documentary film about a man named
Dr. Sebi, who I had not heard of before. It caught my attention
due to the fact many on Twitter started making comments about
“protecting Nipsey Hussle at all cost” as they believed he would
be murdered by the “U.S. government” and “medical corporations”
in America.
Hussle himself even stated he would be murdered.
Hussle stated, “gang related homicide is what they will say” but
warned it would not be. Fast forward a few short months and
Hussle has been viciously killed, with one shot to the head and
five to the chest.
Dr. Sebi, real name Alfredo Darrington Bowman,
was not a licensed doctor, but a Honduran herbalist, who made
claims that he cured all diseases with herbs and a specific
vegan diet. He learned herbal practices from his grandmother in
Honduras and a herbalist in Mexico, whom Dr. Sebi stated healed
Dr. Sebi opened a herbalist business in New York
called the Ogun Herbal Research Institute (USHA) and made
thousands of dollars per day, partly due to his celebrity
clientele, such as singer Michael Jackson, actor/comedian Eddie
Murphy and the late rapper Lisa “Left Eye” Lopez of the girl
group TLC. In fact, Lopes died in a road accident in Honduras
when she went to visit Dr. Sebi. She swerved to avoid an
oncoming vehicle and ended up in a ditch.

Tweet on Nipsey Hussle
Dr. Sebi was arrested and charged in New York
for practicing medicine without a license. However, he beat the
charges as the jury was not convinced he issued a medical
diagnosis to anyone. Reports indicate he brought forward dozens
of people he stated he cured of disease and had them testify in
the case. The government had to let him go.
The government then sued him for consumer fraud
in civil court, as he advertised services in the New York Post
and Village Voice newspapers, stating he cures diseases. One
could be treated by Dr. Sebi for a fee of $500 then $80 for
follow up visits. Due to the fact Dr. Sebi's natural products
were not evaluated or approved by the FDA, the government was
able to sue him.
Some online swear by his products. However, I
have not tried any of them. What I do know is the law makes it
clear that one cannot practice medicine without a license. Dr.
Sebi occupied a gray area, due to his products being natural.
Therefore, he technically was not practicing medicine in that
He made claims his treatments cured disease and
in doing so, one would have to prove it in a real live setting.
The problem with the failed criminal case is the government did
not present proof Dr. Sebi did not cure diseases and he actually
brought forth people to give testimonials. Once again, the jury
acquitted him. Nipsey Hussle was making a documentary to show
what he stated was Dr. Sebi curing disease, by focusing on what
happened at the trial, including the testimonials.

Dr. Sebi
In 2016, Dr. Sebi died from pneumonia in police
custody in Honduras, at the age of 82. He was arrested for
"money laundering" as he had $37,000 in cash on his person,
while going through the airport in Honduras and trying to board
a private plane. For example, in America, when attempting to
board or disembark from a plane with $10,000 or more, you must
declare it to customs and show proof of the source of the funds.
Based on items I read online, Dr. Sebi’s
followers believe he was killed by U.S. medical corporations
("Big Pharma"), as they are of the opinion his alleged cures
would have eaten into their profits. American Big Pharma is
dangerous. As stated on the site previously regarding my own
work for my forthcoming patents on disease, a paramedic
threatened me over Big Pharma, stating "they don't want anything
cured" and members of the Hollywood "Illuminati" threatened
"we don't want anything cured." Just wait until I tell you guys the backdrop for that
incident (I will in an upcoming item). You will shake your heads
in disgust at that cult. I sent details of the incident to Congress in January of this
year. As stated on the site weeks ago, I received a response
(actually more than one response).
I am of the belief Hussle was killed over the
Dr. Sebi documentary. Someone credible told me something that
leads me to believe so. Hussle's announced documentary was
starting to attract attention online, while he did digging/research
for the film that
made certain people uncomfortable. Hussle's announcement
introduced many people, including me, to Dr. Sebi's claims,
after reading about it on Twitter.
The killing was clearly meant to appear gang
related, at the hands of a known gang member, then case closed.
However, there is more to it than meets the eye. Hussle
correctly warned this would happen. What they didn’t plan on was
the killing getting a significant amount of publicity and
drawing more people than ever to Dr. Sebi’s claims. Over
1,000,000 tweets on Twitter were posted about the subject, which
sent Nipsey Hussle and Dr. Sebi's names trending. This is not
what they wanted, as they hoped the documentary would be
terminated and the issue forgotten with Hussle's death. The
killing was also meant to send a warning to others.
Side Bar: America is really in trouble.
Something spiritually terrible is upon the country in this toxic,
occult environment and it's causing bad things to happen. The
nation's future is bleak, due to the sick crimes occurring in
Hollywood and the corporate sector, which the FBI and CIA are
involved in. It is culminating into something very bad that's going
to wreak havoc on the country. They are going to end up destroying
the country, as they are committing serious crimes behind the scenes
and getting involved in things they have no business being in, which
impact the public's health and safety.
Nipsey Hussle murder suspect arrested; Lauren
London breaks silence
Updated on: April 2, 2019 / 8:28 PM / CBS News - Los
Angeles police have arrested the suspected killer of rapper Nipsey
Hussle, who was gunned down outside his clothing store on Sunday.
Police said that 29-year-old Eric Holder was taken into custody
after a witness spotted him in Bellflower, about 20 miles from the
shooting scene. Police said they believe the shooting stemmed from a
person dispute between Holder and the rapper...
During the press conference, LAPD Commissioner Steve
Soboroff read a letter Nipsey Hussle wrote to the LAPD prior to his
death. Soboroff said a planned meeting between the LAPD and Nipsey
Hussle's label Roc Nation and members of Hussle's family will
continue as scheduled. The rapper planned to meet with Los Angeles
Police Department officials to discuss ways to fight gang violence
in the city...
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