Los Angeles Authorities State Nipsey
Hussle Was Assassinated (Videos)
Telling Choice Of Words
April 6. 2019
The Los Angeles Police Department made a revealing statement
this week, in stating the 33-year-old rapper Nipsey Hussle was
"assassinated." The telling choice of wording came during
a press conference updating the public on his shooting death.
Hussle was killed by 29-year-old acquaintance, Eric Holder.

Nipsey Hussle and girlfriend, Lauren London, who is the
mother of one of his children
Holder was apprehended shortly after the shooting, when
witnesses provided his name to the police as the suspect in the
killing. Holder is being
held on $7,000,000 bond. He has pleaded not guilty to the crime and is being
represented by famed O.J. Simpson case prosecutor, Christopher Darden.

Christopher Darden and Eric Holder
As stated previously on the site, many on social networking are
of the belief Nipsey was killed over the Dr. Sebi documentary he
was working on, which threatened to expose Big Pharma in America
and reduce their profits (Jay Z Rapper Nipsey Hussle Killed Over Documentary On Dr. Sebi).
The Feds (FBI and CIA) have been trying to do their own spin on
the story, via computer bot items posted on social networking,
in an effort to deflect attention from themselves and Big Pharma,
but people online aren't buying it. This massive, unchecked
greed in the corporate sector, in putting profits before people
at all costs, is going to destroy America.
Jay Z Rapper Nipsey Hussle Killed Over Documentary On Dr. Sebi