Kodak Black Slammed On Social Networking
For Going After Lauren London Days Proceeding Boyfriend Nipsey
Hussle's Murder
April 8. 2019

Kodak Black
Felonious rapper Kodak Black is in trouble
again. The rapper is facing sexual assault and rape charges, but
refuses to keep a low profile. Last month he sexually harassed
lesbian rapper
Young Ma. First he made a song with the lyric, ""I'm
f***ing Young Ma as long as she got a c***hie (vagina)."
Then, he upped the ante by pursuing her on
social networking, in unfollowing everyone but her on
Instagram.com. It created a backlash online. He then stated to
her in a cringe-worthy social networking video he posted online,
“I'm talkin' 'bout, how are you are girl but don't want your
p**** penetrated.” The whole episode was awkward and
uncomfortable to read on social networking. He was wrong for
publicly embarrassing her and referring to any woman in that
This month, Kodak Black decided to purse a newly
bereaved woman, actress Lauren London, whose longterm boyfriend,
Nipsey Hussle, who is also the father of her youngest
child, was brutally murdered in Los Angeles. This past Saturday,
Kodak Black stated of Lauren, "She gonna be a whole widow. I'll
be the best man I can be for her. I'll give her a whole year.
She might need a whole year crying and sh*t." When one of his
friends questioned his intentions he stated, "I'm not trying to
f**k that hoe."

Nipsey Hussle and girlfriend, Lauren London, who is the
mother of one of his children
I don't know where to begin on that statement.
First of all he referred to her as hoe. Most women strongly
dislike that. Lauren does not behave like a hoe. Therefore, why
are you calling her that. Secondly, you are up on rape and
sexual assault charges. Two women in different places have made
that allegation.
What makes you think you are right for Lauren or
any woman in light of that. You have a number of cases for armed
robbery and assault as well. There is something wrong with your
behavior. You may argue that Nipsey Hussle was in a gang,
but by all accounts he had long turned his life around and was
helping his community in Los Angeles. You have not turned your
life around, but you're pursuing his girlfriend days after his
I am of the belief Kodak Black needs extensive
counseling. He has serious issues. He keeps saying and doing
things that indicate he has mental problems. His conduct is
harming people (robberies, assaults and now alleged sexual
assault and rape) and causing offense. This needs to be
corrected. He has since apologized for his behavior regarding
Lauren, which is a good first step.
Los Angeles Authorities State Nipsey Hussle Was Assassinated (Videos)
Jay Z Rapper Nipsey Hussle Killed Over Documentary On Dr. Sebi