The FBI Is Criminally Meddling In Foreign Banks
And Embassies
In Violation Of Domestic And International Law
The FBI Criminal Interference In
British Owned HSBC Bank And Jamaican Embassies In
Two U.S. States Is A Danger To All World Governments
Regarding The Lawless And Deranged FBI
The FBI Interfering In The Medical System,
Education System, Wills And Real Estate To Commit Criminal Fraud
And Theft Domestically And Internationally
August 9. 2024

FBI Director Christopher Wray is a madman and a
This is a follow up to the October
14, 2023 article "The FBI Has Been Criminally Going
Into Hospitals And Medical Clinics In America Damaging And Killing
Patients For Political And Financial Gain (Videos, Medical Documents,
In the article I described how the FBI followed me into
two hospitals and several medical offices on different occasions and engaged in
criminal conduct. I also wrote about the severe abuse they inflicted on
my elderly mom at Jackson North Medical Center in Miami, where a cooperating FBI
informant had contacted me via phone, while I was there with mom, telling me they are going
to kill my mom in the hospital. And they almost did. I had to threaten legal and political
action to save her life.
They refused to transfer mom to another hospital and kept
deteriorating her health via brazenly bad medical care. They gave her morphine over back pain,
after they wrenched her back out. The morphine sent her into a coma, which
necessitated tube feeding, as they had refused to feed her or give her
liquids for 5-days like they were leaving her to die. They further
abused her in the manner in which they shoved an NG tube down her nose and into
her stomach, causing permanent damage to her nose and throat. They also gave her atrial fibrillation
(cardiac problems) due to the abuse from hospital staff. They
also gave her dangerous staph due to the conditions in the
hospital. I have photos, videos and documentation of
everything. It's only by the grace of God my mom survived the evil they
committed against her.
On September 21, 2023, my mom came out the hospital ill
and with bruises all over her body from the physical abuse she endured
at the hospital. Mom also came out the hospital with bed
sores due to the horrible medical care at the hospital. They turned my
mom into an invalid. I began taking care of my mom and
she started to recover.
Then, in March 2024, another doctor, a new one I
had to take her to for routine medication, was compromised by
the FBI, and prescribed her very damaging medication against my
wishes. I repeatedly told him I did not want her on that
as she had suffered a brain injury after Cano Health prescribed her a
damaging medication in August 2023, which led to her hospitalization at
Jackson North Medical Center in
September 2023. I asked the doctor to leave her current medical regimen in
place. However, he kept insisting it was the best course of action, prescribed it
and within one week it damaged my mom, and she had to be taken off that
medicine. The damage has lasted for the the past
5-months. I'm seeing some improvement regarding it, but very slowly. You
don't give someone who had a brain injury from bad medication
another bad medication that has a massive medical warning
attached to it, as it
can damage them (which I will discuss in a future item and in great
My mom had to be placed on costly Eliquis (when we came
home) after the
abuse at Jackson North Medical Center nearly sent her into a fatal heart attack. I
remember right before it happened, I warned the nurse very sternly, as I
saw where this was headed, that I would sue them all and contact a
political office, if she has a heart attack from all this bad treatment
and medical malpractice, while refusing to let her be transferred to
another hospital about 15-minutes away. It alarmed the nurse, she ran to
the doctor and told him something.
Then, the nurse came back and said she
doesn't like how my mom's heart rate is escalating while she was knocked
out in a coma for days by the morphine she should not have been given
for simple back pain the hospital created via negligence. She and another
nurse rushed her down to the ICU (intensive care unit) where she
remained over night. My mom was
on the verge of having a heart attack, just as I had thought was about
to happen due to all the abuses in the hospital. Once again,
they'd also starved her for 5-days which I kept complaining
about everyday. They'd even stopped giving her diabetes and
blood pressure medicine for days. As someone with medical
training, it gives the impression you want the person to die.
My mom was rushed to the ICU about 4PM that
afternoon. I stayed with her until 8PM when all guests had to leave due
to COVID restrictions. However, I had been sleeping in the hospital for
over a week in an uncomfortable chair, while they had cameras rolling
recording us without warning (please read the article for more on that:
The FBI Has Been Criminally Going
Into Hospitals And Medical Clinics In America Damaging And Killing
Patients For Political And Financial Gain (Videos, Medical Documents,
Mom was also placed on Nifedipine (when we came home
from the hospital) due to the fact the FBI had sent a cooperating informant to our home
a year prior (June of 2022), knowing said
person had COVID at the time (coughing her head off), and me and my mom
are unvaccinated. We contracted it but survived by the grace of God
because for years we've been drinking green tea everyday and fresh lemon
juice in warm water, which clears free radicals and builds up the immune
system. There are many vaccinated people who did not survive COVID and
died within days or weeks.
The low blood pressure began
causing blackouts regarding my mom and resulted in 4 hospitalizations,
for a few days at a time, between September 2022 and February 2023.
As stated above we're both unvaccinated. The FBI knew and was hoping COVID would have
sent our health into a terrible tailspin. I survived with no residual
effects. However, the low blood pressure became a problem for my mom, as
COVID has done to the majority of elderly people who survive it,
according to published studies by Harvard.
Then, it led to an infection months later regarding my mom (August 2023)
and Cano Health bizarrely gave her the wrong medication, which
resulted in hospitalization at Jackson North Medical Center.
So now my mom has atrial fibrillation, which she did not
have before and it occurred due to the physical and mental abuse at the
hospital in September 2023. It greatly traumatized her, giving her PTSD.
She keeps asking from time to time why did they abuse her in
the hospital.
In light of all that has transpired, I decided to seek medical treatment for me
and my mom abroad. After all, under the criminal conduct of the FBI, my right leg
was damaged during an angioplasty, regarding an aneurysm I sustained because
of the FBI and Madonna's criminal conduct in stealing my copyrights, and
terrorizing me in demanding more copyrights be written for them to steal
(The FBI Is
Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In
Madonna Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional
Even a U.S.
senator, Marco Rubio, tried to get the documents from the FBI on my
behalf (had me sign documents to have his office obtain the documents) and
the FBI refused to release them, as it contains serious criminal conduct
on their part, Madonna and others in Hollywood, such as Rupert Murdoch,
among others. The FBI are a law unto themselves.
The FBI Criminally Interferes In International
I decided to, from Miami, Florida where I currently live, open a
bank account in London, England to pay for my medical treatment abroad
and that of my mother. I found a hospital that stated they are willing to
do examinations and see what can be done to help us after all the damage
we sustained (at Hollywood and the FBI's hands, no less).
I contacted HSBC bank in London, which is a massive
British bank that was founded in Hong Kong in the 1800s. The bank
manages trillions in assets. I thought as they are in Britain, Jamaica
(my home country) and America, it was a good idea. I reasoned if I had a problem, my
family in Jamaica could handle my finances while I was getting medical
treatment for my leg and heart (the FBI and Madonna's criminal conduct
caused me to develop a heart problem; it's fixable, but I still have to
be careful regarding it).
I began the process online in Miami of opening an HSBC bank account to be based in London, England. Having a British bank
account saves several hundred dollars/British pounds and potentially thousands in bank fees.
During my previous trips to London, where I lived with my aunt in 2012
and 2015 for approximately 5-months each time, when I returned to
America my
bank in Miami hit me with several hundred dollars in fees, even though
they told me to get cash from their partner bank in London. With the
exchange rates fluctuating in all nations, I thought it would be the best course
of action to have a bank account based where the medical treatment would
take place.
In my previous trips to Britain in 2012 and 2015, I'd
only planned to go there for a few weeks each time, but
Madonna and the FBI criminally interfered with what I was doing regarding my copyrights and science research work, which stretched
out each trip. Each time it caused me distress regarding their deranged behavior
in having
people stalk me all the way across the Atlantic and approach me with
vile threats on noted occasions. International stalking is a very
serious and sick crime.
I made every diligent effort to open the HSBC bank account. However, due to
hacking from
Madonna's cult into my phone and laptop, in trying
to block transmission of my passport and Florida ID scans, the
data did not transmit properly to HSBC in London. The HSBC rep called me from London and
suggested I go into their Miami, Florida location in Aventura, and give
them my passport to scan, along with a reference number he provided for
the account he was opening for me, along with his name, telephone number and
email address.
I took an Uber all the way to Aventura (Miami suburb)
from where I live in Miami to go to the HSBC location. When I arrived at
the location, there were two ladies at
the front desk. I told them I was sent by HSBC in London regarding
completing a bank account opening. I told them I was sent to them to
have my passport scanned. Both women immediately stated they could not scan
the passport. They stated HSBC in London would have to send the request.
I asked them to please telephone or email the HSBC rep in London and provided
his information, but they still refused.
Then a woman and a man came out from
a side office at the HSBC location in Miami. They began parroting what the two women had stated. The
male executive got frustrated because I wasn't buying what they were
stating due to what the HSBC rep in London had told me.
Out of nowhere, in frustration the man in the Miami
HSBC office stated, "Aisha we don't do that here!" I
thought to myself, "How does he know my name. I didn't tell them my name
nor did I give them my passport or ID."
As it turns out the FBI had been there. The FBI
criminally interfered in the bank in Miami, HSBC, that is owned by a
corporation of a foreign
nation, Britain. It is not the first time the FBI did something like that.
During the aforementioned Madonna and FBI case that was referred to
Congress, who stated in an email they are still working on it, the Prime Minister of
Jamaica at the time, sent me to the Jamaican embassy in Miami in 2008 and I was
told to call the Jamaican embassy in New York about the human rights
abuses Madonna had been (and is still) committing.
We needed to file a
complaint with the United Nations based in Switzerland due to the
violence, theft, threats and perverse privacy violations
Madonna, Hollywood and the FBI have been committing. My life and
that of my mom has been
in danger due to the sick human rights abuses, which have included death
threats and murder attempts. Following the Jewish Talmud and the
evil works of Italy's Niccolo Makaevilli, Madonna and her Jewish
cult Kabbalah, have commissioned multiple murder and
rape attempts against me.
The Prime Minister of Jamaica at the time also sent me to a law firm Sanders,
Squire and Dempsey, to take up the case, as my copyrights were (and
still are) being stolen, they tried to run me over with vehicles,
illegally wiretapped me, kept hacking my computers (still do), and were openly
making death threats (this is all conduct Madonna's private investigator
was later exposed for doing in multiple cases and was sent to prison for 15-years for, with the FBI using my documents and their interviews
in their office to help lock him up).
The FBI and Madonna criminally threatened the
law firm of Sanders, Squire and Dempsey, after a sitting Prime
Minister referred us to them. It was such a disgusting thing to
do. The FBI and Hollywood, among others in that circle, wanted
an unarmed and peaceful woman (me) and her unarmed and peaceful
elderly mother to be opened to any sick criminal abuse they felt
like illegally inflicting, without any protection under the law,
all while they have hundreds of lawyers between them. It says
something horrific about the U.S. justice system to the world,
but the FBI and Madonna are such trash they don't get it.
However, Madonna gave the corrupted United Nations a $10,000,000
donation right after my complaint was filed, and corruptly let her slide
with terrible criminal behavior. The United Nations is unfit for purpose. All these
horrific wars have happened in the world and the United Nations didn't do squat. The
United Nations is now a big joke all over social networking:
Worst of all, they let a child sex trafficker,
Madonna, roam free to abuse even more children (Human Rights Group Files Formal
Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions
In Africa).
During the mess in 2008, we watched as the FBI
illegally took over two Jamaican embassies (Miami and New York).
What the male worker at HSBC in Miami stated to me a few weeks
ago, mirrored things being privately said to me and my dad in
2008. It gave away the fact the FBI criminally tampered in the
Miami branch of HSBC.
The HSBC rep in London was in shock and
apologized. He stated it is not them in the UK doing this. He
stated the Miami branch violated the company's rules. I also
have saved emails and other items confirming what transpired.
Therefore, nations beware. Even though
international law states embassies in foreign nations have
special rights and must be treated as foreign soil, the FBI does
not agree and will criminally take over your embassy at will, to
further their own sick and illegal interests. The FBI is
criminally following and targeting foreign embassy employees in
America in acts of ill will, malice and greed.
If you have a company in America, beware. You
could follow the law to the letter and if it strikes the crazy
FBI or CIA's fancy, they will criminally engage in acts that are
detrimental to you and your company.
I'm lawfully trying to get proper medical care
for my mom and I abroad and this is what the lunatic FBI do.
They also criminally tampered in my doctor's office in Miami,
demanding they not issue any referrals to the London, England
hospital. The FBI further contacted my health insurer in
America, Humana, and had them deny me care. I had contacted
Humana months prior and explained the situation regarding
seeking healthcare abroad. The Humana representative stated yes,
and to send them referrals and they would pay for my treatment
abroad. The FBI then got involved to block it and at the last
minute Humana reneged.
The FBI thought that would be the end of it.
However, I got the money together (borrowed it) for the medical
treatment in London, England, after receiving an estimate via
email from the British hospital. Then as I tried to open the
bank account with HSBC in London, from Miami, as described
above, the FBI criminally interfered and blocked it. The FBI has
also been criminally interfering in me trying to rent a place in
London, England for a year to get medical treatment.
The fact this vile and deluded law enforcement
agency thinks I'm not going to expose them to the whole world
for their sick conduct is a mystery. The FBI and CIA's names are
already gone in the world. It's only a matter of time before
they lose their funding.
This is what the FBI is doing with your taxpayer
money. Following around sick people trying to get medical
treatment, with the FBI fighting like lunatics to block medical
treatment. Their behavior is insane and obsessive. They are
lunatics. Is there any wonder the US economy is in the toilet,
problems have broken out all over the place in America and the
country's name has gone up in smoke in the world.
The FBI and others in the Biden administration
are doing lunatic madness. They are too busy stealing
copyrights, and spying on and terrorizing women trying to get
medical care, to do any real work (Joe Biden Is
A Power Hungry Criminal From The Obama
Administration Following A Movie Script
The Economic Policies Of Dementia Stricken
Figurehead President Joe Biden Are So Terrible They Have Crashed
Stock Markets In America And Other Parts Of The West Wiping Away
Over $3 Trillion Dollars). They've gone mad. They
should not be in charge of America (or any other nation, for
that matter).
The FBI has also sent their cooperating
informants up to me with threats over getting medical treatment
abroad. The FBI is trying to cover their ugly backsides, as they
had interfered in my previous medical treatment in Miami during
an angioplasty, and in a very unorthodox and sick manner, as
described in my article "The FBI Has Been Criminally Going
Into Hospitals And Medical Clinics In America Damaging And Killing
Patients For Political And Financial Gain (Videos, Medical Documents,
Every medical professional that reads of and
sees the internal damage to my leg (it doesn't show outwardly)
is aghast, horrified and demands to know who committed this
medical atrocity. An FBI agent is not supposed to be advising a
surgeon (to damage the femoral artery and leave a catheter in
the leg, which is so unorthodox, but the x-rays show they did
One of the main reasons I do not want to undergo
medical treatment in America regarding the problem is the FBI
has sent their cooperating informants to me to threaten they
will remove my right leg during any attempts made to remove the
catheter. Once again, no medical doctor has stated this. FBI
informants the deranged law enforcement agency that murdered
Martin Luther King Jr,
Malcolm X, John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy, among MANY
others, stated these sick things to me.
The problem is when the FBI sends their
cooperating informants up to me to make vile threats, the
lawless law enforcement agency that is the FBI, always try to do
them, the law be damned. This is the sick madness the FBI are doing when they are supposed to be
working to rescue abused children, stop bank robbers and hackers, and
solve murders, under their congressional mandate they are
clearly not following.
The FBI spends its time spying on innocent
people (FBI And NSA Outed Again In New Court
Ruling For Illegally Spying On People In America Confirming Previous
Site Claims) and Congress (The FBI Caught Spying On Congress
Confirming Previous Site Claims), and murdering innocent
FBI's Criminal Interference In My Taxes
The FBI has also been criminally interfering in
my taxes AGAIN for the past 3-years, discriminatorily denying me
tax credits and refunds, throughout the Biden administration,
just like they did during the Obama administration (and Obama
has been running the Biden Administration for the past 3 and
1//2 years), causing me to break the story on them in 2009,
which ended up in the mainstream press then Congress (Congressional
Senator Confirms The IRS Politically Targeted Conservatives Just As
The Site Stated and
IRS Says Sorry For Targeting Conservatives As Obama Denies All
Knowledge Of Misconduct and
News Report: The IRS Targeted Christians).
The IRS had apologized to us years ago and said
it wouldn't happen again. The minute Biden and Obama get back in
the White House it began happening again.
There will be more on this shortly in a new article
on the site.
The FBI Criminally Interfering In My
College Education In Acts Of Fraud, Financial Fraud And
Discrimination (Violating The Civil Rights Act)
The FBI have also criminally meddled in my
college education. Something was exposed over the past couple
weeks regarding the FBI's crimes in reference to my degree and
it will blow your minds. My family and I have been shaking our
heads at it. You will never look at U.S. education the same way
again. I know I sure won't, because what transpired is that
corrupt, horrendous, outrageous and discriminatory.
I'm going to write about it on the site shortly.
The FBI's sick
obsession with me and my family has reached disgusting heights.
The FBI has been going around
contacting my family and friends domestically and
internationally demanding they remove my mom and I from their
wills, as they do not want us to have any money, while they are
on their criminal robbery campaign regarding my copyrights.
has made horrendous criminal threats in this regard.
That's how far-gone the FBI is. What kind of lunatics go that
The FBI also engaged in a sick criminal
scheme to steal my dad's mortgage free house and land in
Jamaica, but I was able to foil it. This is after the
FBI criminally stole my house in Miami through fraud, via the
law firm of Marshall C. Watson, who were later indicted. My
house and the equity stolen were never returned. I reported it,
among other things, to Congress in May 2024, along with Miami
prosecutor, Katherine Fernandez Rundle.
I'd reported the
matter regarding the house theft to Rundle and she stated in
writing she couldn't prosecute or do anything due to a "lack of
evidence." Well, that's because the FBI and Madonna had the
house fraudulently placed in foreclosure and stolen. I gave
Rundle a copy of mortgage documents, among other things, showing
the criminal fraud committed against me in stealing my house
(that's now worth $750,000). There was enough evidence, but
corruption was afoot. In July 2024, there was a news report on
TV in Miami that Rundle and her prosecutors are under
investigation for corruption. Of course, I fully expect
the FBI to interfere in the case and bury all the evidence in
violation of U.S. law.
It's only a matter
of time before the FBI, CIA and oligarchy destroy America with
their corruption (The FBI, CIA And Oligarchy In
America In Danger Of Bringing Down Western Civilization With Their Greed
And Thirst For Power). Then,
they will fight like lunatics over the ashes after they've
burned America to the ground.
For additional articles on FBI
corruption please read:
FBI Agent Arrested In California And
Charged With Falsifying Documents To Cover Up Bribes He Took From
Organized Crime and
Instances Of FBI Agents Accepting Bribes
FBI Agent Arrested For Accepting A $200,000 Bribe To Derail A
Criminal Case The FBI Was Supposed To Be Investigating
Another FBI Agent Caught Taking Bribes To Derail Serious Cases).
FBI Slammed In The
Mainstream Press And Congress For Secretly Accessing The Public's
Computers Using Backdoors In Operating Systems Such As Windows
Confirming Previous Site Claims
The FBI Behaved Like Nazi Police By
Subpoenaing USA Today Newspaper Demanding Their Readers Names And IP
Addresses Over Article Comments On Slain FBI Agents In Florida
President Joe Biden's Son Hunter
Biden Caught With A Young Prostitute And Complains Russian Drug Dealers
Have Another Of His Laptops They Are Using For Blackmail
FBI Agent Arrested In California And
Charged With Falsifying Documents To Cover Up Bribes He Took From
Organized Crime
FBI Employee Arrested For Child Porn
Concerning A 14-Year-Old Girl In An Agency Full Of People Committing Sex
Another FBI Agent Arrested For Being
A Pedophile Sexually Abusing Children
Agent Arrested For Raping And Sodomizing An
11-Year-Old Girl
The FBI Caught Spying On Congress
Confirming Previous Site Claims
Site Exclusives