Human Rights Group Files Formal
Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna
And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex
Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions
In Africa
July 7. 2023

For years I have stated on this
website that washed up, hideous pop singer, Madonna,
is a very sick and evil person (The FBI Is
Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In
Madonna Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional
Documents). She is a self-avowed
devil worshipper, who also calls herself a high
Madonna has been in the news
recently on serious allegations she is engaging in
child sex trafficking and child trafficking. years
ago Madonna started a fraudulent charity called
Raising Malawi, where she solicited over
$150,000,000 in charity donations for impoverished
African orphans in the nation of Malawi, and kept
the majority of the money for herself. Madonna's
charity even ran afoul of the IRS for hiding
millions of dollars in offshore accounts, which is
illegal under the U.S. tax code.
Ethiopian World Federation has filed
a complaint with the African Congress against
Madonna and her charity Raising Malawi for child
trafficking, child sex trafficking and running
experiments on children. It should be noted, there
are items online which state Madonna made multiple
visits to "Pedophile Island" owned by the late
Jeffrey Epstein, who engaged in the child
sex trafficking of thousands of underage girls, some
as young as 12-years-old.
Madonna's name, address and
telephone number were also found in Epstein's
address book. Recently, Epstein was unmasked as a
FBI and CIA employee of 20-years (whom the federal
agencies got out of prison very early on pedophilia
charges in Florida, which freed him to go back to
the same sick child sex crimes for another 15-years
before his controversial death).
An article states of the Ethiopian
World Federation's case against Madonna before the
African Congress, "The petition argues that the
'psychology' behind Madonna's ability to 'release
child pornography,
religious imagery,
and vulgar pornography has prompted her to open an
orphanage in Malawi named 'Raising Malawi' in 2006
to host social experiments on vulnerable African
children in Malawi."
For years I'vewarned about Madonna's cult and child
porn/pedophilia (Madonna's Kabbalah Cult Has Rapists
And Pedophiles And Some Are Passing Around Child Porn In Hollywood
Bryan Singer Sued Again For Sexually Assaulting And Raping
Another Underage Boy
Hollywood Director James Gunn Fired From 'Guardians Of The Galaxy' Film
Sequel Over Sick Items He Wrote Promoting Pedophilia And Rape
Teens Having Sex To Get Record
According to what is written online,
in response to the Ethiopian World Federation's
petition against her, Madonna quickly deleted from
social networking all photos of herself posing with
the African children in her "Raising Malawi" charity
(people branded it Madonna trying to delete
The Ethiopian World Federation has
revealed Madonna's adoption of four African children
from Malawi has been through force and coercion.
Malawians were lied to as the sick, ugly demonic
singer, Madonna, showed up in their villages and
started picking children to adopt from their
unwilling families like she was grocery shopping.
Parents objected but through questionable
circumstances lost custody.
Some of you may remember when
Madonna first began adopting African children, she
was condemned all over the world as a "baby thief"
and "baby snatcher" for using devious and unethical
means to force adopt and smuggle a boy out of
Malawi. Madonna was crying on the "Oprah Winfrey
Show" due to the global hate she received for the
unethical adoption.
Madonna took the young child from
Malawi under deceptive means and changed the boy's
African name name to David. Strangely enough, before
Madonna did this madness, I had written an item on
one of my copyrighted sites that I think the name
David is a great name for a baby boy (it is my
grandfather's name). It had nothing to do with her.
The next thing that was in the press months later is
Madonna had adopted a boy and changed his name to
I also wrote a copyright based on a
dream I had one night about a woman moving to a
European nation with her son so he could play
football. Madonna insanely began using the
copyright, dragged David to the European nation of
Portugal and tried to turn him into a professional
footballer at the age of 11 (when 99.9% of all top
footballers start from age 4 or 5 and in academies).
As I predicted online, Madonna's adopted son David
ended up not doing well in football and never got
into the league. She tried to buy his way in (as she
does with so many things in her pathetic life
concerning herself) but it failed. In football once
you step on the pitch, you better deliver or
audiences will immediately spot that you can't play
and it won't be pretty.
Madonna adopted David as a little
boy, as she was seeking attention, after seeing all
the massive publicity actress Angelina Jolie
received for adopting an African baby. However,
Jolie's adoption came across as sincere. Madonna's
adoption of a little African boy was publicly
labeled a publicity stunt for attention. When the
public turned against Madonna, labeling her "baby
thief," there were rumors in the industry that she
began taking it out on little David.
Madonna is now turning David
transgender for attention, in what is damaging to
his mind and body. Madonna's career is dead, so she
is seeking publicity, much like other demonic,
attention seeking Hollywood degenerates, such as
Charlize Theron, who have been adopting vulnerable
African kids and turning them transgender. This is
frowned upon in Africa. Not to mention it looks
racist as heil that white women in Hollywood are
adopting these African children and running
experiments on them, including but not limited to
turning them transgender.
For years in articles on this site,
I have repeatedly questioned the sense and legality
of madwoman Madonna being allowed to adopt children,
as she is a psychotic, who is prone to violence and
the criminal exploitation of others. For over a
decade I have cited numerous times, a story that was
carried in the New York Post, regarding Madonna
choking and battering an 11-year-old boy, Keith
Sorrentino, for following her out of a theater and
asking for an autograph, on what she stated was her
day off. Madonna choked the boy and slammed him
against a wall in front of his teenage sister.
I have also cited other items from
external sources about, Madonna at age 25, having a
sexual relationship with her former manager's
16-year-old nephew, much to the manager's anger. I'd
also posted items from external press articles,
regarding Madonna ripping the top off a 17-year-old
girl and stating very lewd things to the minor
during a concert.
Then years later, Madonna's
15-year-old biological son, Rocco Ritchie, ran away
from home, taking a flight from New York to London,
England to stay with his dad. Madonna's lawyer began
making threats that he be returned to New York at
once. However, Madonna's son cited abuse and the
British courts refused to make the boy return to New
York to live with her.
The same year he ran away, he posted
an item on social networking revealing he is glad to
be away from Madonna's house, stating life in there
is crazy and mad (the last few remaining Madonna
fans, about a dozen of them, insanely began
attacking the child online, proving they are
lunatics like Madonna). He prefers his dad and
stepmother to Madonna. That speaks volumes.
Previously, I wrote about Madonna
criminally targeting a then 17-year-old footballer,
Jadon Sancho, as a target for her sick Kabbalah
cult, in acts that are very questionable (Madonna's Deadly Hollywood Cult
Kabbalah Is Targeting British Footballer Jadon Sancho And Other
Professional Athletes).
Sancho is a personable, hardworking
footballer, who was doing well in the German league
(Bundesliga) and his name was being touted in the
British and European press as a very promising young
athlete, who could land a lucrative contract worth
£100,000,000. Greedy, lascivious old pedo, Madonan,
began targeting Sancho, even sending him Kabbalah
cult red string bracelets, which he wore on
Instagram (he recently deleted the photos).
Madonna's conduct began to
negatively impact Sancho's game (he barely scored
goals anymore, when prior to Madonna's madness his
average was quite high) and his fans openly
criticized him for posting Madonna's trash lyrics on
his Twitter, as they hate her. Madonna repeatedly
hounds young stars about posting about her
(mentioning her name, lyrics, music ect) on their
social networking, as she is trying in vain to gain
relevancy with young audiences who slam her on
social networking. Madonna and her cult have
exploited Sancho and it is absolutely vile. She's a
grown woman in her 60s; what is she doing chasing
after a 17-year-old boy. She is a sicko!
Madonna has a sick, nasty, perverted
habit of spying on people and their children. She is
a nasty, hard up old voyeur. When she became
obsessed with baseball player, Alex Rodriguez, she
began spying on him, his wife AND CHILDREN. She
behaved like a complete stalker (well, she is).
Madonna's criminal invasion of the family's privacy
was cited in the divorce papers filed by Rodriguez's
I wrote about another example of
Madonna's sick stalker conduct via the story I broke
about her targeting her ex-husband guy Ritchie, his
younger wife she is jealous of, and their kids (Newspaper Reports Madonna Has Hired Private Investigator To
Stalk Guy Ritchie, His New Wife And The Couple’s Children
Confirming Previous Site Claims).
Madonna has targeted me in vile
ways. She is sick. I don't know Madonna (nor do I
want to) and never did anything to her, yet for
years she has insanely commissioned a long spree of
sick and violent conduct against me, all over
copyrights I authored and registered with the
Library of Congress in Washington, which she coveted
and later criminally infringed.
Madonna's conduct went from stealing
copyrights to mushrooming into horrific,
commissioned acts of violence against me, my elderly
mother (and others), as well as sick invasion of
privacy and gang stalking. In doing so, she has
criminally violated the Civil Rights Act and many
legal statutes in the U.S. Code, with the assistance
of the FBI, who are notorious bribe takers (FBI Agent Arrested In California And
Charged With Falsifying Documents To Cover Up Bribes He Took From
Organized Crime and
Instances Of FBI Agents Accepting Bribes
FBI Agent Arrested For Accepting A $200,000 Bribe To Derail A
Criminal Case The FBI Was Supposed To Be Investigating
Another FBI Agent Caught Taking Bribes To Derail Serious Cases).
In 2015, there was an attempted rape
at a hotel in London, England. Madonna had one of
her cult members check into a room next to mine
(after I reserved the room online over my computer,
which has been confirmed by Comcast and computer
specialists as being hacked). My room was at the
very end of the hall. I returned to my room one
evening after going to some stores and as I was
reaching for the keyfob (digital card that is the
key to unlock the room), one of Madonna's cult
members springs out the room next to mine WEARING
HIS BRIEFS and starts trying to back me into my
room. I had to rush into the room and slam the door
to get away from him.
Apparently that is one of sicko
Madonna's favorite tactics. Basketball player Dennis
Rodman stated she stalked him to a hotel, found out
which room he was staying in (which is illegal),
checked into the suite next to his, where he was
with fiancée, Carmen Elektra, called his room (which
is illegal) and began screaming into the phone, "I'm
ovulating!" What a lunatic.
Last year lunatic Madonna
commissioned a chemical attack on me (Madonna Commissioned An Acid Attack
In An Act Of Attempted Murder and
Madonna Rushed To Hospital Suffering
From A Serious Bacterial Infection).
This year she sent two men up to me,
one of whom tried to sexually assault me in broad
daylight (Madonna Sends Her Vile Cult Members
To Engage In Attempted Sexual Assault In Public, Criminal Stalking And
Harassment). There was also this incident (Madonna Commissions Criminal
Stalking, Trespassing And Sexual Harassment)
My mom and I are unarmed, peaceful
people, yet there has been this sick onslaught of
commissioned violence, financial abuse, aggravated
stalking, aggravated harassment and attempted
murder, among other things, from deranged Madonna.
There is a case before Congress on the matter.
In short, Madonna should not have
custody of children. She is a lunatic who belongs in
Madonna Accused Of Child Trafficking In
Malawi—Here’s Everything You Need To Know
Madonna is being accused of
trafficking and sexually exploiting Malawian
children by a charitable organization known as the
Ethiopian World Federation – here’s everything you
need to know.
Jan 17th 2023 - Pop singer Madonna
is being accused of human trafficking and sexually
exploiting children by a charitable organization
known as the Ethiopian World Federation (EWF),
according to AllAfrica. As stated on the
federation's website, the EWF is "a civic service
organization that pushes policies and advocates to
change the laws that harm all Black People."
Madonna herself famously adopted
four children from Malawi, a landlocked country
located in southeastern Africa. In 2006, Madonna
founded a charity called Raising Malawi, a
non-profit group that seeks to support orphans and
vulnerable children through health and education
The EWF is asking Malawian President
Lazarus Chakwara to investigate Madonna's charity
and "restrict her and her associates accessibility
to Africa and to African children as a precautionary
measure until a thorough investigation is done into
child trafficking, sex exploitation, sexual slavery,
adoption reversal, threat of coercion, fraud,
deception and abuse of power or vulnerability."
Madonna's 1992 book titled Sex was
cited in the petition, which features adult content,
softcore porn, and sadomasochism. Pornographic
content and LGBTQ conduct is punishable by law in
the country of Malawi. "Gay porn stars were
photographed in pornographic pictures with Madonna
performing vulgar sex acts with the same sex which
should have been disclosed during her adoption case
in 2006 in Lilongwe, Malawi," the EWF's petition
It continues, "Madonna had to sign a
contract that forbade the book from including images
of child pornography, bestiality, or religious
imagery. Shortly after signing that agreement,
Madonna founded a company called Maverick, a
partnership with Time Warner. She now holds total
artistic control over any work released by Maverick,
who is now the book's publisher. The agreement she
signed with Time Warner with the sexually explicit
content in the book Sex was null and void."
The petition argues that the
"psychology" behind Madonna's ability to "release
child pornography, religious imagery, bestiality and
vulgar pornography has prompted her to open an
orphanage in Malawi named 'Raising Malawi' in 2006
to host social experiments on vulnerable African
children in Malawi."
The group suggests that the singer
is using her Malawian adopted son, David Banda, "for
sexual exploitation and social experiments." The
petition cites the photos of David wearing women's
clothes, makeup, and jewelry. The EWF also alleged
that Madonna falsely claimed David’s dad of being
absent when she applied for his adoption.
Madonna adopted more kids from
Malawi after David – in 2009, after battling in
court, the singer was finally approved to adopt
Mercy James. She adopted a set of twins, Estere and
Stella, in 2017. The plea further states, “We firmly
believe that Malawi has been robbed of its most
precious resource – its children,” it continues, “In
2013, the country accused Madonna of ‘bullying’
state officials and making diva demands – and of
citing her Raising Malawi charity as the reason for
doing so.”
This Is Not the First Time Madonna Has Been Accused
of Child Trafficking
In 2009, Madonna was accused of
child trafficking when the Malawi court rejected her
bid to adopt a second child. In her ruling, Judge
Esimie Chombo warned people against celebrity
adoptions, stating that they could lead to child
trafficking. “Anyone could come to Malawi and
quickly arrange for an adoption that might have
grave consequences on the very children that the law
seeks to protect,” she said. The court eventually
ruled in favor of Madonna after she filed an appeal
in 2009.
The Dark Side of Madonna's Adoptions
Mercy's grandmother, Lucy, shared
her heartbreaking side of the adoption process. Lucy
placed Mercy in a local orphanage for care until her
immune system improved, but never intended to
permanently part ways with her granddaughter.
Mercy's family said they would let Madonna adopt her
only until she was of grade-school age, and that
she'd return to Malawi every two years for visits.
The “Material Girl” singer did
eventually return to Malawi, but she never took
Mercy to her grandmother – even though Lucy was
reportedly at her deathbed begging to see her.
Madonna's lawyers addressed the matter in 2011,
admitting that Mercy's family "had no legal right to
see her."
Mercy's biological uncle, Peter
Baneti, signed the adoption papers after he and Lucy
were told the little girl would be brought home
regularly for visits. "I was the one who signed off
the adoption papers," Peter said. "She told me
herself that she didn't want Mercy to cut ties with
her roots, that she'll be bringing her home
Mercy's family seemed to echo
David's father and his claims on Madonna's broken
promises: "The only reason I let Madonna adopt David
was because she promised me she would give him a
good education and then he could come home to live
with me," he said.
The twins' father, Adam Mwale,
claims he was misled throughout the adoption
process, and was told from the beginning that his
daughters would be returned to him. "I was told from
the start that Esther [Estere] and Stella were going
to a rich woman’s home abroad, that she would give
them a good education, then return them to me, to
live with me and help all of my family."
He continued, "Now you are telling
me the adoption is permanent. That cannot be true –
I don’t want it to be true. I am their father, and I
will always be their father."
It seems Madonna has a history of
disrespecting the natives of Malawi. In 2012, the
singer announced that she was planning on building
schools in Malawi that would educate at least 1,000
kids a year. The spokeswoman for Malawi's Ministry
of Education, Lindiwe Chide, insisted that Madonna
often acted behind authorities' wishes, adding that
she was "fed up" with the pop star. "Now she decides
to announce that she plans to build 10 schools
without getting authority from us again," Lindiwe
Celebrity Adoptee Shares Her Thoughts
In 2008, Christina Crawford – the
adopted daughter of actress Joan Crawford – spoke
out about celebrity adoptions and stated her
concerns about Madonna and Angelina Jolie. "I have
tremendous concerns about celebrity adoptions by
people like Madonna and Angelina Jolie," she said in
an interview. "From the adoptee's point of view, it
is vitally important to know who they are, where
they came from, or it can have profound medical and
psychological effects."
Madonna Accused Of Child Trafficking In Malawi
January 20, 2023 - Several reports
have confirmed that Pop icon Madonna is being
accused of human trafficking and sexually exploiting
children by a charity organization called the
Ethiopian World Federation. The company website
states that the EWF is “a civic service organization
that pushes policies and advocates to change the
laws that harm Black People.”
Madonna adopted four small children
from Malawi, a country located in southeast Africa.
In 2006, the “Material Girl” founded a charity
called Raising Malawi, a not-for-profit organization
that seeks to support orphans and at-risk children
through health and education programs.
The group alleges that Madonna used
her Malawian adopted son, David Banda, “for sexual
exploitation and social experiments.” The petition
cites the photos of David wearing women’s clothes,
makeup, and jewelry. The EWF also claims that
Madonna made false statements that David’s dad was
absent when she applied for adoption. Madonna’s camp
has yet to comment on these allegations...
Africa: Ethiopian World Federation Asks
President Chakwera to Institute Investigations On
Integrity of Madonna's Malawi Charity, Raising
4 January 2023 - Ethiopian World
Federation, an organisation established in the
United States in 1937 to promote love and good-will
among Ethiopians at home and abroad, has made
surprising stance on world celebrated performing
artist, Madonna Louise Ciccone -- who adopted four
The Federation, which has since
transformed into a global diaspora organisation, is
asking the Malawi leader, President Lazarus Chakwera
to prevent "homosexual and transgender" allegations
over the adoption of the Malawian children for
possible "human trafficking and social experiments".
In opening the investigations, the
Federation is also asking Chakwera to look into the
integrity of Madonna's Malawi charity, Raising
Malawi -- and "restrict her and her associates
accessibility to Africa and to African children as a
precautionary measure until a thorough investigation
is done into child trafficking, sex exploitation,
sexual slavery, adoption reversal, threat of
coercion, fraud, deception and abuse of power or
The Federation quotes Malawi Penal
Code that provides in Section 137A: 'Indecent
practices between females. Any female person who,
whether in public or private, commits any act of
gross indecency with another female person, or
procures another female person to commit any act of
gross indecency with her, or attempts to procure the
commission of any such act by any female person with
herself or with another female person, whether in
public or private, shall be guilty of an offense and
shall be liable to imprisonment for five years'...
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