FBI Slammed In The Mainstream
Press And Congress For Secretly Accessing The
Public's Computers Using Backdoors In Operating
Systems Such As Windows Confirming Previous Site
May 21. 2021

FBI Director Christopher Wray
For years I have stated the
FBI has been illegally using backdoors in
operating systems, such as Microsoft's
Windows, to secretly access people's
computers (The
FBI Has A Backdoor Built Into Windows For
I began making these claims
in 2006, after what I witnessed, after being
interviewed by the FBI twice in reference to
Madonna, Rupert Murdoch and their private
investigator, who is in the mafia, Anthony
Pellicano (whom they sent to prison for
16-years using information me and others
gave them).
The FBI initially denied the
claims for years, lying through their teeth
that there was no backdoor being used by the
agency to secretly access people's
computers. However, I experienced it and
went public with it on my sites beginning in
2006. The FBI for years have illegally
accessed my computer contents, emails, text
messages, phone calls and preexisting
Library of Congress registered copyrights
without permission, and illegally used them
however they felt like, in open criminal
violation of the law.
Time stamped items in my
computers, emails and text messages (all
legal, nothing inappropriate) would all of a
sudden be used on FBI.gov as stories without
permission. The worst was when they'd go
into Congress claiming they are working on
cases and some of the so-called cases were
fictional storylines from my film scripts.
They did so to extract bigger budgets from
Congress using the American people's tax
dollars, claiming they needed more money to
investigate cases.
At times, items from my
private TIME STAMPED emails and copyrights
would later come flying out of the mouth of
FBI and DOJ officials (among others)
VERBATIM, which is a criminal violation of
the law ("right of attribution" under the
Copyright Act, and violations of the United
Nation's Berne Convention on copyrights).
I've stated it before and I shall state it
you're a bunch of dirty slavetraders
who think slavery is still in effect.
Let me tell you something,
if you have to be illegally and secretly
accessing emails and copyrights belonging to
someone else, then publicly repeating what's
in them, criminally attributing it to
yourself, you are an absolute idiot of the
highest order who should not have the job
you are holding, as you're too stupid to do
it. Everyone of you that did this are a
disgrace and embarrassment to the U.S.
government and I'm going to publicly name
everyone of you in a future item.
This month in a effort to
legitimize their criminal violations of the
Constitution and U.S. Code, the FBI claimed
they have been using backdoors in operating
systems, such as Windows, to secretly access
computers to remove malware. Do you see what
sniveling liars they are, as I have
repeatedly stated for years.
Now Congress is looking into
the matter. The Los Angeles Times recently
reported, "If the FBI can’t be trusted to
follow the rules, Congress should impose
even tougher restraints. Sen. Ron Wyden
(D-Ore.), who sought stronger privacy
protections before the last reauthorization,
reacted to the violations detailed by
Boasberg by saying: 'This must change. ANY
search of Americans’ communications under
702 needs a warrant.'"
Senator Boasberg stated the
FBI "needs a warrant" to engage in the
spying through computer backdoors that they
are unlawfully doing. However, how can the
FBI legitimately get a warrant to illegally
spy on innocent people as they are doing.
Which judge is going to sign their name to a
warrant that could be made public,
illustrating they criminally gave the FBI
illegal clearance to spy on innocent
individuals for political and or financial
Some in Congress act like
they are shocked by the FBI's behavior. The
only thing shocking about this is Congress
being surprised the FBI is breaking the law
for the umpteenth time. It's hard to be
surprised that a law enforcement agency, who
has repeatedly taken bribes and criminally
so, would break the law in other matters as
(FBI Agent Arrested In California And
Charged With Falsifying Documents To Cover Up Bribes He Took From
Organized Crime and
FBI Agent Arrested For Accepting A $200,000 Bribe To Derail A
Criminal Case The FBI Was Supposed To Be Investigating
Another FBI Agent Caught Taking Bribes To Derail Serious Cases
Instances Of FBI Agents Accepting Bribes).
Under all this secret
spying, stealing and scheming by the FBI and
their associates, how has America been made
better. America is poorer and more divided
than it has ever been. It is also more
unsafe than it has ever been, due to a
record amount of violence. Well, when the
nation's main law enforcement agency is busy
taking bribes and secretly spying in
computers to steal, that will happen.
Side Bar:
While we're on the subject of the FBI
breaking the law, one of the things that
really needs to be discussed is the FBI's
secret program of using medical providers to
torture Americans (and foreigners) in
America and the international community. The
FBI is openly and criminally violating U.S.
law and the Geneva Conventions in grotesque
ways. More on that in a future item.
Editorial: Clamp down
on FBI’s backdoor surveillance of Americans
May 2, 2021 3 AM PT - For
the second time in two years, a federal
judge has faulted the FBI for improperly
searching for information about Americans
amid the emails, texts and other
communications collected by a foreign
intelligence surveillance program, even as
he reauthorized the program. If the FBI
continues to flout privacy protections,
Congress must act.
In an opinion from November
made public last week, James E. Boasberg,
the presiding judge of the Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Court, found that
FBI personnel on several occasions had
violated the rules for searching
communications collected under Section 702
of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance
That law allows the National
Security Agency to scoop up, without a
warrant, electronic communications of
foreigners located outside the United
States. The law prohibits the targeting of
Americans; but because foreign targets may
be in contact with Americans, sensitive
personal information about people in this
country can be amassed in the vast Section
702 database and sometimes searched.
Because such “backdoor”
searches raise serious 4th Amendment
concerns, the FBI is limited in its ability
to “query” the database. (To actually read
the contents of such communications for use
in an existing or “predicated” criminal
investigation not related to national
security, the FBI must obtain a court
Yet Boasberg found “apparent
widespread violations of the querying
standard.” Nevertheless, he extended the
program for another year, noting that the
violations occurred before the bureau had
instituted changes in its querying system
and before personnel were fully retrained.
It’s hard to know precisely
how often information about Americans
gathered as part of foreign-intelligence
collection leads to criminal prosecutions.
But even if such incidents are rare, they
represent an unacceptable use of information
obtained without a warrant. And even when no
criminal prosecution results, the fact that
Americans’ texts and emails can be
warehoused by the government and accessed by
investigators requires that law enforcement
personnel fastidiously adhere to privacy
In 2018 when Congress
extended Section 702 for another six years,
it included some modest protections for
privacy. If the FBI can’t be trusted to
follow the rules, Congress should impose
even tougher restraints...
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Black People (FBI)
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