R Kelly Girlfriend Jocelyn Savage Turns On Him Spilling The Details Of His Abusive Acts
Such As Forcing Her To Drink His Urine, Eat Feces And
Having AbortionsNovember 26. 2019

Jocelyn Savage and Azriel Clary
One of singer R Kelly's girlfriends, Jocelyn Savage,
who spoke out on his behalf in CBS News interviews conducted by
Gayle King, has now turned on the disgraced entertainer, who is
currently behind bars. Kelly being tried on
charges of sexually abusing underage girls. Kelly, who is a
pedophile that has been preying on underage girls for over 30-years, currently has four
criminal cases against him in three U.S. states, all stemming from charges of having sex
with minors.
The federal case, which carries the most severe
penalties, is currently being tried in Kelly's hometown of Chicago,
Illinois. Kelly, who in 1995 was illegally married to a then
15-year-old singer, Aaliyah, when he was 27-years-old, and also
physically beat her. Aaliyah died in 2001 in a plane crash.
Kelly recently denied all the charges
against him in each criminal case. The new disclosures
online by Savage could be used against him. She stated
Kelly would urinate on her and other teenage girls. If
they threw up the urine, he would force them to eat his
feces. He and others also watched them while they
showered. There are other Hollywood stars engaging in
this type of sick, controlling cult behavior that
includes perverse acts of voyeurism. Kelly is a sex
offender in every sense of the word.

R Kelly in court
The NPR website reported regarding Kelly
and Savage, "She now claims that he sexually and
physically abused her, and forced her to have two
abortions." Savage stated the abortions occurred at his
home, rather than in a medical clinic, which was a very
insane and unsafe thing to do.
NPR further reported, "Savage alleged
that within weeks of the start of their sexual
relationship, he began demanding that she refer to him
as 'Master' or 'Daddy,' and that on one alleged occasion
'around February 2016,' after she called him 'babe'
accidentally, she writes, 'He grabbed me and choked me
until I blacked out. I had bruises around my neck, and I
was told by him to wear a turtle necks [sic] or a scarf
to cover them up whenever he would take me out in
public. I was frightened to tell anyone about this
because of what he may do next. His assistant didn't
even care, and especially the other girls they were in
for the money as well.'"
Savage stated the videos she made in
defense of Kelly, which were recorded and released
several months ago, were all staged and forced by the
singer. Kelly tried to use Savage and another of his
young girlfriends, Azriel Clary, whom he began having
sex with when she was a minor, to defend him in
televised interviews. However, they came across as
brainwashed and agitated. Make no mistake, Kelly has
been sexually abusing underage girls. He deserves to
spend the rest of his life behind bars.
One Of R. Kelly's Most Vocal Defenders Now Claims
She's Also A Victim
November 25, 20195:15 PM ET - Joycelyn
Savage has been among R. Kelly's most ardent defenders
in public. One of the R&B singer's two recent live-in
girlfriends, the 24-year-old has spoken out on his
behalf in a widely seen CBS interview with journalist
Gayle King in March and in two videos with TMZ, as well
as showing up to support him during various court
appearances. But she now claims that he sexually and
physically abused her, and forced her to have two
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