R Kelly Wants Computer To Work On New Album In Prison While
Demanding To Be In Solitary Confinement
July 22. 2019

R Kelly in court
Child molester R Kelly is treating his incarceration pending
trial, as business as usual, in demanding a computer to work on his
new album. 52-year-old Kelly is locked up in a federal prison for
sexually abusing young girls, after being denied bail. Kelly is in complete denial. To think this is the time for him to
make an album, shows his lack of remorse and detachment from
Kelly is facing serious federal charges in Illinois and New
York for human trafficking, kidnapping and child porn. He still
faces a state case in Chicago for sexually abusing underage girls.
The two cases have victims all telling the same story.
There is also videotape proof, as Kelly taped himself having sex
with underage girls. One victim on a tape in prosecutors’ possession
is 14-years-old. Kelly is also heard on the tape mentioning that she
is “14-years-old” while illegally and perversely having sex with the
child. Kelly privately kept the tapes as “trophies.” He is sick. The
tapes need to be destroyed after the trial. Their mere existence is
victimizing his victims all over again.
Kelly is in solitary confinement at the Metropolitan Correctional
Center in Chicago, as he fears being attacked by other inmates. When
a person is imprisoned for being a pedophile, other inmates are
known to be brutal and violent with them, over the crime of harming
R Kelly Faces New
Federal Hearing After His Employees Turn Over Tapes Of Him Having Sex
With Underage Girls
Kelly Pleads Not Guilty To 11 New Criminal Charges In Child Sexual Abuse
Case (Video)
Kelly Woes Worsen As He Is Indicted On Federal Charges In Child Sexual
Assault Case