R Kelly Demands Conjugal Visits In Jail
And Officials Said...
September 6. 2019
R Kelly
Disgraced singer R Kelly is currently behind bars in
Chicago, Illinois, pending trial in three jurisdictions, on a host
of criminal charges for sexually abusing underage girls, some of
whom he infected with genital herpes. The jurisdictions are
Illinois, New York and Minnesota, in both federal and state cases.
If convicted on the charges, Kelly is facing the prospect of
spending the rest of his life behind bars.
Kelly raped underage girls as young as age 11. He
has repeatedly complained about being incarcerated. However, his
criminal conduct is what has landed him in this predicament. He has
no one to blame but himself. To make matters worse in this
particular case, Kelly has been demanding conjugal visits (sex
behind bars). The jail and court have rejected his request.

R Kelly in court
Of all the stupid things to ask for in this
particular case. He's only been behind bars a few weeks and on a sex
abuse case regarding minors, yet there he is demanding conjugal
visits like a sex addict who can't control himself. If I were a
juror, I would frown upon Kelly's request in this particular case.
There's nothing wrong with conjugal visits. However,
when it has to do with a sexual predator and one who preyed on kids,
quickly demanding this in jail, there's something very unsettling
about it. I hope the jurors find out about Kelly's request and hold
it against him during deliberations.
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