Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult Kabbalah Violate HIPAA And Engage
In Criminal Harassment At A Medical Office
February 5. 2022

Ugly, vile Madonna
For background on this article
please read "The FBI Is
Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In
Madonna Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional
Documents)." I have a science
background. I'm in university. Graduation is
scheduled for this summer on my first degree. I’ve taken many classes.
The medical and
science classes are biology, anthropology (which had
archaeology and geology included), psychology: human
growth and development (a medical and psychiatric
class), sociology and psychology. I've also taken
humanities, which is considered one of the sciences.
I've also taken other required classes such as
computers and English, among many others. However,
my main focus in university has been and is science.
For years I've written many
groundbreaking articles about medicine and science
that later proved correct (please see the
site exclusives
page for those items). I even predicted the pandemic
was coming (Theresa
May And Boris Johnson Under-Funding Of The NHS Left The
Health Service Ill-Prepared To Counter The Effects Of
The Coronavirus (Covid-19)).
In October and November 2021, in
time stamped tweets on the website, I
made a statement/prediction about the environment,
stating there is a serious problem regarding
crumbling and cracking underneath the earth's
surface in the Southern Hemisphere that needs to be
looked at from space.
2-months after I made the time
stamped statements a group of scientists with the
American Geophysical Union looked at it from space
and discovered there is accelerated and significant
cracking and crumbling under the mountain attached
to the "Doomsday Glacier." It is the size of Florida
and has the potential to flood out costal areas such
as Florida and Manhattan in 3-5 years, that is
without intervention ('Doomsday Glacier' In Antarctica
Under Imminent Risk Of Collapse Confirming Previous Claims).
As stated above I study science. I
have inventions that I plan to release. I have been
authoring forthcoming pharmaceutical drug patents
regarding cancer and AIDS, among other diseases.
I've been working on patents for medical machinery
and surgical techniques. I also write copyrights.
This is how I spend my time.
Recently, I took my mom to the
doctor for a pre-surgery examination. One of lunatic
Madonna's cult members was there, in acts of
criminal stalking, and approached us in an interior
hall way of the exam suites. He was saying very
negative things about my mom's condition (she has
Guillain Barre). I thought his speech was
inappropriate and nosy.
Then, when I sat with my mom in an
interior waiting room of the medical office, waiting
to sign medical papers for her surgery, the same
cult member started talking to us again. This time
he was angrily muttering about the State of Florida
and the "Doomsday Glacier" stating "let them sink."
He brought this up out of nowhere.
Ironically, in a private document I
authored on my computer that Madonna keeps paying to
have hacked, much like her private investigator,
Anthony Pellicano was found guilty of doing to many,
right after the FBI used my words and documents, and
that of others to lock him up for 15-years, I
privately expressed concern that the "Doomsday
Glacier" could cause select places to "sink" and
Florida is one of them.
Madonna sent this cult member of
hers to criminally stalk and harass me, after
reading via hacking that my mom had a medical
appointment at the aforementioned time and place.
Then starts angrily muttering at me items from my
private documents. However, whereas I have been
trying to find scientific solutions to the "Doomsday
Glacier" issue, Madonna sent this cult member to
angrily mutter that madness at me regarding Florida
in stating, "let them sink!"
Madonna is a ugly fool. Manhattan,
where she lives
to a lawsuit she lost, is just as flat as
Florida and surrounded by water the same. New York
City is in danger of massive flooding as well if the
glacier shatters in a catastrophic manner.
Madonna's luantic cult are among
those like Bill Gates, who believe the earth is
overpopulated and needs to be depopulated, and they
are a bunch of evil scum for thinking and uttering
such things. They think they are better than others,
when they are worse.
The incident in the medical office
is totally criminally and inappropriate. This is the
deranged, psychotic behavior that is constantly
being directed at me in America by that lunatic
Madonna and her cult. I'm in a medical office with
my mom and that trashbag loser Madonna saw it fit to
criminally send one of her fellow cult lunatics
there to pretend to need medical care for a
relative, then repeatedly approach me with that
insane cult madness while I'm trying to get
treatment for my mother. I cannot begin to tell you
how disgusting Madonna is for commissioning such a
It's the same type of harassment and
invasion of privacy that was done during a previous
medical appointment I wrote of on this site, where I
was threatened over my forthcoming cancer and AIDS
patents in the medical office of Dr. Eva Goyette
(Former FBI
Director Robert Mueller Obtained Executive
Orders From George Bush And Barack Obama To
Criminally Steal Copyrights Worth Billions For
Madonna And Hollywood While Engaging In Heinous
Human Rights Abuses That Left Innocent People
In another incident, while on my way
into a dental appointment on January 21, 2022, five
members of Madonna cult, dressed in the clothes
members of the sect wear, got in very close
proximity to me, flanking me, and began reading
items out loud from their crappy Kabbalah cult
books, in trying to cast some sort of curse. I put
my earphones in my ears and rolled my eyes.
Imagine that. I spend my time
helping the homeless, authoring pharmaceutical
patents regarding deadly diseases in order to extend
people's lives, and I also work on finding solutions
to environmental problems, such as the "Doomsday
Glacier" yet this crackhead satanist
Hollywood cult thinks they are somehow in the right
in criminally stalking, harassing and terrorizing
By the grace of God I have survived
many things that left many people, including
doctors, astonished and amazed. Your little curses
aren't going to work on me (LOL). Meanwhile in
Hollywood, people who are associated with Madonna
and her Kabbalah cult are dropping like flies (and
even before the pandemic). You obsessed satanists in
the entertainment industry need to be more worried
about the angel of death hovering over Hollywood,
rather than me.
Side Bar: Madonna and
her hackers continue to criminally interfere in my
education, as written previously on the site (Madonna's Kabbalah Cult Hackers
Hacked University And Removed Me From All My Upcoming Classes In
Criminal Violation Of The Law and
The FBI Is
Criminally Violating The Civil Rights Act At
Miami Dade College In Florida In Acts Of Racist
Discrimination, Segregation And Fraud
Last week while I was taking a test,
though my costly Comcast internet connection was at
full capacity and working correctly, the test froze,
glitched and stopped registering answers before the
allotted time had elapsed, then gave a "the
connection has timed out" message and redirected
itself to the frontpage of the university's site. It
was criminal hacking, which constitutes criminal
I also received a mass message in
the internal messages section of the university
software (called Blackboard) stating someone hacked
the class' What's App group (I had not joined it, as
I'm really busy). The mess doesn't end there. 90% of
the questions on the biweekly tests in the class
contain items that are not anywhere in the assigned
textbook or associated learning materials. It is
testing on what has not been taught. I saved
screenshots the questions for comparison and as
proof. Something very strange is going on and
students have publicly written about it on other
sites. More on that in a future item.
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