I went back to university in 2020 due to the
pandemic and I've been doing well in my classes. However,
Madonna has been paying her hackers to criminally interfere
and she also called on the
bribe taking FBI to assist her in this sick,
Civil Rights Act abusing conduct. As stated previously on
the site, two
FBI agents
were on the university's campus and for corrupt, criminal
reasons not permitted under U.S. or international law.
There has been a string of terrible behavior from
Madonna and the FBI, and the latest is her hackers hacking the
university's computer system again, and this time removing me from
all three classes I was registered in for the new semester beginning
January 2022 (this week is the last of the current semester and I
have done well in my classes).
A few weeks ago I chose my new classes for the
upcoming semester that begins in January 2022 and an advisor at the
school enrolled me in them. I confirmed I was enrolled in the
classes. However, not long after Madonna's hackers breached the
university's computer system again and criminally removed me
from all the classes, in violation of the Civil Rights Act, among
other laws.
I'm getting too close to completing the degree for
their taste, with a scheduled completion date of Summer 2022, and
Madonna and the FBI hate that, as they've been criminally infringing
my copyrights and have been trying to destroy me, an innocent
person. They have a detailed and ugly history of
abusing and killing black people, as this is
their way.
I've been called "slave" "nigger" "foreign nigger"
"c*nt" "bi*ch" by Madonna's cult on her instructions, in writing and
in public when they've sent thugs to stalk and harass me at places
such as bookstores, libraries, the supermarket and restaurants,
among other places. They are thoroughly hateful,
depraved and sick.
I'm a peaceful, unarmed person and they've
repeatedly threatened and bullied me. In noted incidents they've
tried to kill me via
vehicular homicide, even as recently as this year. Madonna's
private eye, Anthony Pellicano, whom I filed a complaint against
with the FBI and he later went to prison for the very things I
accused him of, with the FBI/DOJ even using documents in the case
they requested from me, repeatedly tried to run over innocent people
that trashbag Hollywood celebrities like Madonna paid him to
criminally target, spy on and abuse.
The people in Madonna's cult and those at the
FBI/DOJ, who took bribes to aid and abet their criminal behavior,
have been abusing me and my elderly mom to terrible degrees (because
the FBI doesn't give a darn about victims of crime and have a sick,
self-serving, evil streak and corrupt agenda (The FBI's Deliberate Criminal
Negligence And Obstruction Of Justice In The USA Gymnastics Case That
Allowed Underage Gymnasts To Be Raped And Sexually Assaulted Exhibits A
Pattern Of Criminal Behavior Present In Other Sex Crime Cases Such As
Those Concerning Madonna And Hollywood (Video)).

Former FBI Director Robert Mueller and Heinrich Mueller
There were only a few spots left in the main
medical/science class I chose and I did so because Advisement stated
I need to take it for my degree. Advisement enrolled me in said
class and two others. Only for Madonna's hackers to hack the
university a few days later and remove me from all three classes. I
have digital proof of this.
A few days ago, I was able to register for classes
again when I discovered what they did and got back into the main
science/medical class after a seat became available again. For days
the class was listed as "closed" meaning full with no seats
available. I emailed the school about what transpired and they
stated I'd have to wait and see if a spot would open up (and it
As stated previously on the site, the FBI and
Madonna's hackers also criminally tampered with and messed up the
$17,000 in a Pell Grant and separately a school loan I obtained from
the federal government before even returning to the school last
year. Please see my previous article regarding the things that have
transpired (The FBI Is Criminally Violating The
Civil Rights Act At Miami Dade College In Florida In Acts Of Racist
Discrimination, Segregation And Fraud).
They are still tampering with my Pell Grant and
Loan, as the FBI and Madonna via her hackers violated the Civil
Rights Act at the school via criminal fraud and hacking. In my
previous article on the subject, I wrote of how I'd received a
hacked letter from the school stating I don't qualify for the Pell
Grant and loan, as I'm not enrolled in two classes, when I was
enrolled in two classes at the time (Biology and Art History and the
latter also included Architecture).
As stated previously, the letter contained one line
stating I don't qualify for the Pell Grant and Loan money I obtained
directly from the federal government for my education, then under
that line was pure gibberish, which is a sign of criminal hacking.
When I took the letter into the university, they stated I should not
have received that letter, as it was erroneous and "strange."
However, Madonna's hackers had tampered in the
university's computer system prompting it to send out the fraudulent
letter on the school's letterhead (Madonna's hackers have even
hacked my bank accounts, my previous mortgage, my credit card
accounts, my Twitter account, my Amazon account, for which I have
proof via emails and letters from each company about my accounts
being illegally hacked and accessed). Madonna is a pathetic lunatic
to be commissioning these sick crimes. She is such a sick loser.
Other odd things have been happening. For example, I
did not receive the book allowances all other students with a Pell
Grant and or school loan receive. I received two letters about book
advance funds being available in my account at the school's
bookstore, but each time I checked online, there were absolutely no
funds. As a result I've spent over $600 on school books since last
year, when I'm not supposed to have out of pocket expenses, as I
have a Pell Grant and school loan. Madonna's hackers have been
tampering with that since last year via hacking.
Each semester the classes are supposed to be paid
for out of the Pell Grant and you are supposed to get a disbursement
for additional expenses, and book allowance funds at the bookstore.
However, due to the commissioned hacking and criminal fraud being
paid for by Madonna, I've been defrauded and shortchanged every
single semester, which is a criminal violation of the Civil Rights
Act, among other laws. Once again, I have all the proof of these
The university has tried to fix things, but with the
FBI running criminal interference in breathing down their necks and
making outrageous demands that violate the Civil Rights Act, as well
as Madonna and her hackers criminally tampering in the school's
computer system, for which I have proof (and will publish everything
in a future item), the school is as the phrase goes "between a rock
and a hard place." The FBI and Madonna/her hackers criminally
interfering in the university, an institution of higher learning,
constitutes massive felonies. Their behavior is outrageous and sick.
The school has been trying to correct the problems
that occurred, but Madonna and the FBI are still running criminal
interference in acts of sabotage, with the same methods seen
previously under the FBI's notorious COINTELPRO program that so
disgraced America in the world, for its horrific treatment of black
people. They've placed the school in an awkward position.

Former FBI Director Robert S. Mueller is a
complete criminal who has committed grotesque human rights
abuses. He is a racist who descends from literal Nazis. He
turned the FBI into a Nazi police. During his time in
government he had innocent people tortured. Many people have
died because of this sick scumbag.
A government official in a large, wealthy,
English speaking foreign nation, which is one of the U.S.
government's top allies, privately slammed the FBI and
Madonna for this criminal conduct he read about on this
site. Said official, who is one of many government workers
and officials worldwide whose offices have come up in site
stats and shall remain anonymous, slammed the FBI and
The government official in the large English
speaking nation, who is white, referred to the FBI and Madonna as
"white trash trying to prevent black people from getting an
education" and "white trash always sticking their noses where it
doesn't belong."
However, Madonna and the FBI clearly think their
depraved behavior is a good look, when it's not in any measure and
the world is watching. People all over the world hate it. Americans
are also embarrassed by Madonna and the FBI, and have told me that,
as there is no excuse for their evil behavior.
Another government worker from a different nation
than the aforementioned one, labeled the FBI and Madonna "very, very
sick people" as he's been reading of the horrible human rights
abuses being committed against me.
Therefore, Madonna/Hollywood and the FBI/DOJ's sick,
racist behavior is not being received well in the world. In fact,
most world governments and corresponding offices, with the exception
of Cuba, have all been visiting this website for years. They know
what you've been doing. People are disgusted by you.
The government can't claim to be human rights
leaders and people in America and the world see you doing
inexcusable crap like this:
The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna
Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents) and
Former FBI Directors Robert Mueller And James Comey Criminally
Defrauded Florida Submarine Company Out Of Billions Of Dollars In
Copyrights And Patents To Benefit Former Employer Lockheed Martin
Then Stonewalled Congress Regarding It.
Madonna/Hollywood and the FBI have criminally stolen
so much from me, via stealing a fortune in copyrights I began
authoring and registering in my early teens. I was minding my own
business and not bothering anyone. Then they attacked me in every
way they could.
The racial aspect took over in their dirty, ugly
minds, and they started issuing racial, ethnic and xenophobic slurs
like "a nigger shouldn't have all that" and "let's rob this nigger"
regarding me and my copyrights. Madonna sent a songwriter to tell me
that and to let me know they are spying on me, even in my very home,
like dirty, hard up perverts (more on that in a future item).
However, stealing the copyrights is not enough for
them. They want me homeless, destroyed and dead, and have made
criminal attempts to do so, but by the grace and mercy of God it
failed. They are an absolute embarrassment and disgrace.

Current FBI Director Christopher Wray has been
committing a host of crimes at the FBI, which resulted in scandals
in the mainstream press
Please put this in perspective. I've been all the
way in Miami (away from Hollywood and New York where the
entertainment industry is centered). Yet, Madonna moved to Miami and
started doing some sick things concerning me. When I went to London
twice on business, which ended up running far over what I expected
due to criminal interference from the Madonna and the FBI, they
followed me over there as well and began engaging in depraved
behavior. They even harassed and threatened my family.
Once again, I've done several science and medical
courses and passed them all. I've been quietly doing my coursework,
not bothering a living soul. I've been putting in a massive effort
to do as well as possible. Yet, me peacefully living my life and
going to university, is greatly upsetting Madonna and the FBI.
How do you justify that. How do you quantify being
that evil and depraved, that a black person quietly getting an
education so upsets and disturbs you. Like I've stated before, they
are slavetrading trash to be behaving in this sick manner.
Madonna/Hollywood and the FBI, among others in government, are
behaving like dirty slavetraders.
Some (not all) in America, like Madonna and the FBI,
have not gotten rid of that slavetrader mentality from 400-years
ago, which caused their ancestors to defraud, abuse and even murder
black people during slavery and segregation. Some still think they
are superior to black people, whom they STILL dehumanize as slaves
not worthy of life, liberty, peace or property.
They are acting out like racist, wild animals and
the world is watching in disgust. Hence your sales collapsing and
people slamming you online. I never did anything to these people
(Madonna, Hollywood, the FBI). I was quietly living my life in Miami
and working on my independent, family oriented entertainment
company, and they went ballistic like deranged lunatics, because as
a lawyer told my dad, they deemed me starting an entertainment
company "would take bread off their table."
Only gutter trash think that way and Madonna and
company are definitely trash. They have no intelligence, class or
integrity. They are scum who were raised by scum. Real business
people do not think or operate in the manner than other companies
are competitors who must be destroyed and their owners robbed and
assaulted, with repeated murder attempts made in commissioned
criminal acts. Criminals operate in that manner, not real business
400-years later and America still has a racism
problem, and it runs very deep and very ugly, as evidenced by the
repeated actions of Madonna and the FBI. They criminally stole my
$500,000 home via foreclosure fraud, stole my copyrights valued at
billions via hacking and Copyright Office fraud, and devalued it
with their idiocy and mental deficiency. Then they tried to have me
murdered via acts of commissioned vehicular homicide, as in their
dirty, trashbag estimation a black woman and immigrant should not
have anything of worth in America, as that in their little white
supremacists minds is only reserved for white people.
They think they've found a slave and that slavery is
still in effect in America. They've robbed me of my home, copyrights
and money through astonishing and brazen criminal acts, and are
essentially holding me hostage via stealing from me and making
threats against me and my family. They are the sickest, most evil
people in the world. Their behavior is so abhorrent. They are
completely psychotic and demented.
Here's a part of the problem for them. When you lie
and violate the law at an innocent, hardworking person's expense,
you keep digging a deeper hole in trying to cover up your crimes.
When the victim won't lay down and die from the horrific human
rights abuses, you do more and more crime in acts of abuse in
attempts at destroying the innocent person, and in doing so end up
exposing your vile conduct to the world (like doing the unthinkable
in trying to prevent a black woman from furthering her education,
which in the world's site is completely contemptible, evil and
This is a pattern of behavior emerging in America
and it is not good for the country, regarding unqualified people
gaining positions in society they have not earned (and Madonna's
entire career is a
complete fraud of
stolen goods, which indicates she never should
have been famous).
Hollywood has a number of underachieving, untalented
idiots who keep stealing intellectual property from many people and
getting sued for it (necessitating they bribe federal judges with
stock to get out of the cases, as has been exposed in the press).
Look at the Kardashians. Talented journalist Barbara
Walters told them to their faces during an interview that they are
untalented and undeserving of the money and fame they have received
(by the way, they have been stealing many copyrights from various
people as well, with lawsuits having been filed against them for
this unlawful conduct).
Look at Kim Kardashian. She is as dumb as rocks. She
does not apply herself. She refused to go to university and law
school. However, she is buying her way into a law license. She did a
dodgy internship at a law firm in California that's very far from
her home (making me question the validity of it).
Kim repeatedly flunked the baby bar exam, finally
passing after four tries, which says she doesn't know the law or
what she's doing. A person with that history of taking shortcuts is
never truly going to be a lawyer, even if they buy a law license.
She took disgraceful shortcuts and does not know the law. The
Kardashians are a prime example of what's destroying America. The
crap rising to the top rather than the cream has been eroding the
Look at President Biden. Allegedly won the most
votes in history, though there have been credible reports of
electoral fraud. No one in their right mind believes Biden won more
votes than any president in U.S. history. Now America has the
dubious distinction of having the first leader with dementia.
Due to dementia, Biden is mentally disabled by all
medical and science standards. Once again, the cream didn't rise to
the top. There are many people in Congress who have all their
faculties in check and could have been president. However look who
ended up in the White House...the worst possible choice of the bunch
in Congress. How was this allowed to happen. The U.S. economy and
disease sufferers are paying the price for it, as Biden doesn't know
what he is doing and it shows.
Rather than doing real work, Biden is constantly
making dementia riddled statements, posing for photos all the time
like he's on a constant photo shoot, all whilst failing left, right
and center with the economy and pandemic. This is what happens when
the cream doesn't rise to the top.
Biden's brain is not working correctly. He also has
no ideas on how to solve America's problems. He's relying on the FBI
to illegally spy on doctors, scientists, journalists, professors and
other politicians, then forward him reports on people's private
papers, phone calls and emails, in searching for answers to prop up
a brained damaged president (It
Has Been Confirmed The U.S. Government Is Spying On Scientists And
Doctors In Violation Of The Constitution and
Confirmed: The FBI Spying On
Journalists Emails Just As The Website Previously Stated).
America is going to collapse under this farce of
unqualified people gaining prominence in society (and I was right
about my prediction of
China overtaking America in the world, which has now
happened, and I'm right about this as well).
The government been harassing me. They even tried to
push me into working for the State Department. I cannot begin to
tell you of the level of disgust I have for Biden and Obama after
what their government did (The
FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna Human
Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)).
Why anyone in the government would think I would
work for them shows how detached from reality they are. So detached
that they put forward a candidate with dementia and made him
president. Now the, "Chickens have come home to roost." The
government is failing at every turn, as seen with inflation and the
pandemic. Once again, there is a reason only the cream should rise
to the top.
To put it in simpler terms, if you had to have
major, life changing surgery, would you not want the best and
brightest surgeon, who properly completely his degrees and has many
successful surgeries under his belt. You certainly wouldn't want a
surgeon with a spotty medical school record, many failed surgeries
with egregious errors where people died, and dementia. Being
president you are responsible for the lives and futures of many, and
in situations where many could die. An unqualified person with
dementia and no ideas to solve the nation's serious problems, should
not be president.
I'm currently finishing up a sociology class at
university. It's one of two classes I took this semester that ends
this week. It has been an eye opening experience, as the informative
sociology textbook confirmed my worst concerns regarding the U.S.
The sociology textbook stated, "To understand how
medicine grew into the largest business in the United States, it is
necessary to understand how medicine became professionalized." You
would think the fast food industry, Silicon Valley or retail via
Amazon and Walmart are the biggest business sectors in America.
However, it's big pharma. Some people see sickness as a good,
profitable business and they wish for it to continue that way (every
other commercial on television in America is for a pharmaceutical
drug and many with horrible side effects).
Previously on the
site I wrote of an incident at the medical office of Dr.
Eva Goyette, where I went for a physical check up. In a prearranged
incident by the Obama administration, I was threatened about my
original forthcoming science patents regarding pharmaceutical drugs
for cancer and HIV, and medical equipment. I've also been working on
patents for surgical methods.
Someone in Dr. Goyette's office, whom I did not tell
about my work in science, was vile and aggressive. He threatened me
to stop work on my science patents because the medical industry is
“a multi-billion dollar industry in America” and “they don’t want
anything cured.” They want you sick, as it's profitable. They
literally don't care if you die, which is disgraceful and evil.
They are holding humanity back with these
meddlesome, criminal acts, all so they can steal copyrights (and
ironically they are losing a fortune as so many items in Hollywood
are flopping, because it's being run by dumb Madonna and her cult of
idiots who have no talent).
Life saving medicines, as well as inventions in
medicine, science and technology, are being been delayed because of
these vile people (Madonna/Hollywood and the FBI and company)
criminally meddling in my life, where they do not belong. They are
literally holding back human progress with this madness they are
doing in the name of greed and white supremacy.
The sociology textbook at university also details
how most decisions Congress makes is to benefit corporate America.
Congress' main priority is to render decisions that benefit the
biggest corporations in America, not the everyday American. Hence
the corruption....
Hypocritical Tidal Wishes Jamaica A
Happy Independence Day After Behaving Like Slavetraders In Robbing The
Island Of Billions In Intellectual Property And Associated Tax Revenues
President Joe Biden's Border
Security Filmed Horsewhipping Black Haitian Migrants In An Astonishing
Display Of Racism Reminiscent Of Slavery
South Carolina Man Sentenced To
10-Years In Prison And A $546,000 Fine For Beating Disabled Black Man He
Turned Into A Slave
Three Movies Released Denouncing The Federal Bureau
Of Investigation As Criminals Abusing And Killing
Black People (FBI)
The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna
Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)
FBI Agent Arrested For Accepting A $200,000 Bribe To Derail A
Criminal Case The FBI Was Supposed To Be Investigating
FBI Boss Exposed As A Predator
Sexually Assaulting And Harassing Women
Another FBI Agent Caught Taking Bribes To Derail Serious Cases
Instances Of FBI Agents Accepting Bribes