Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult
Kabbalah Are Engaging In Illegal Wiretapping, Phone
Spoofing And Telephone Impersonation In Criminal
Conduct That Constitutes Felonies
February 7. 2024

Ugly Madonna
As mentioned previously on the site,
psychotic, washed up pop singer Madonna, is under
investigation in Africa for sex trafficking
children. As also mentioned previously on the site,
Madonna was a close friend of convicted child sex
trafficker, Ghislaine Maxwell, and the late
pedophile, Jeffrey Epstein. Madonna personally
invited Ghislaine Maxwell to the launch of her
children's book (how ironic and sick under the
circumstances). Court documents posted online
revealed Madonna was in Epstein's address book (Flight Logs Reveal Pedophile Madonna
Was Visiting Jeffrey Epstein's 'Pedophile Island' Where Sex Orgies With
Minors Occurred And She Is In His Address Book).
There are also allegation she flew
to Epstein's house where he housed underage girls
that were sex trafficked to rich and famous men and
women. Epstein also made reference to Madonna in a
photo that was in his possession. Not to mention,
Madonna sexually assaulted a 17-year-old girl on
stage in Paris, France, by ripping her top off and
stating extremely sexually vulgar things to the
minor. A book about Madonna also revealed she
engaged in sexual activity with her former manager's
16-year-old nephew, which is illegal in the State of
New York where it occurred.
Due to bribery of judges and
government officials, Madonna has remained free and
continues to commit horrible crimes against innocent
people. Madonna's Kabbalah cult has sexually
assaulted and raped men, women and children. Even
the rabbi, Yehuda Berg, is a rapist and woman
beater, who was sued for this sick behavior.
I've warned for years that Madonna
is a very sick, evil and satanic person. She is a
literal devil worshipper. There are satanic symbols
in her music videos, songs, photos and interviews.
Only a very depraved and evil person would do such
The more I have exposed her online,
the more her sales have plummeted. Madonna has
commissioned criminal copyright infringement,
illegal wiretapping, computer hacking, gang
stalking, and murder attempts regarding me, among
other things, out of sheer jealousy at a copyrighted
catalog of works I registered with the Library of
Congress in Washington, DC.
After Madonna began engaging in this
insane behavior, I stopped making music for years
and turned to my other passions, which are science and
medicine. I've almost completed by bachelors degree
in Science (psychology/behavioral medicine and business). I only have a few more credits
to complete (I've completed about 90% of the second
degree). The completion of the bachelors degree was
delayed by my mom getting sick last September, as I
had to take time off to fully care for her, and she
has been recovering by the grace of God (The FBI Has Been Criminally Going
Into Hospitals And Medical Clinics In America Damaging And Killing
Patients For Political And Financial Gain (Videos, Medical Documents,
Photos)). I also have business certifications from
the university as a business specialist, among other
things. I started my first company in my mid-teens.
So business courses at university came easy to me.
I've been in that environment since my teens.
Even though I have not been
recording music or making filmworks in years,
Madonna still sends her cult members up to me
outside my home when I'm going out or coming back
in, as I'm about to go on the university campus to
take exams, at restaurants, in malls, and
supermarkets, among other places, to harass, threaten and terrorize me
over not writing and registering anymore copyrights
she can steal (I stopped registering copyrights in
Washington, DC at the Library of Congress in 2011).
Based on what has been said to me Madonna is angry
and desperate over the lack of copyrights, which is
disgusting. Imagine that, I'm minding my business,
doing my science work, and that entitled,
untalented, lazy trash Madonna thinks I'm a slave. Madonna and her cult are vile.
Madonna is under the delusion
harassing me for copyrights will bring back her dead
career. Madonna's career is, "As dead as a doornail"
and the nerve endings in her face after all that bad
plastic surgery. Madonna's last album had singles
that only sold under 1,000
copies each, which is really terrible for a major
label recording artist. She seems to think criminally terrorizing me
for copyrights is going to give her a comeback. The
public hates her. She is not paying attention to
that fact. If the public hates a person they are not
going to buy said individual's products. And once
again, they hate her. Just read social networking
and you will see it (especially Twitter/X).
I've been focusing on my forthcoming
science and medical patents. However, the hackers
Madonna has on staff have done everything they can
to criminally upend my work. They have been sending
malware to my computers in attempts at wiping out
all my forthcoming science and medical patents. When
you think of the implications of such evil behavior,
they need to be put under the prison.
They have been criminally
wiretapping my phone and causing massive
disruptions. As stated recently on the site, I was
speaking to a government official about some serious
matters concerning my safety, security, health and
well-being, and THREE TIMES Madonna's hackers cut
off the call, in a known symptom of illegal
wiretapping and phone hacking. The government
official had to keep calling me back. Madonna and
her cult are deranged and depraved. What kind of
insane madness is that to keep cutting off a call It
doesn't scare anyone. It makes you look sick,
stupid, obsessed and desperate.
Madonna's hackers have also been
spoofing my phone number and that of my mom, and
impersonating us over the phone using AI (artificial
intelligence), in attempts at damaging our names. In
a bizarre incident, a family friend called my mom.
Months later she spoke to me, stating my mom
snapped at her and said, "What do you want?!"
However, at the time the incident occurred, my mom
was in a coma at the hospital (The FBI Has Been Criminally Going
Into Hospitals And Medical Clinics In America Damaging And Killing
Patients For Political And Financial Gain (Videos, Medical Documents,
Photos)). I told the family friend that could not have
been her. I was with her in the hospital at that
time and as stated above she was in a coma.
What really brought it home that
something illegal and bizarre has been going on
regarding spoofing our phone numbers and using
artificial intelligence samples of our voices to
state what they want to people calling us, was when
they foolishly did so to my dad a couple weeks ago,
who is a well connected Jamaican legend. They
spoofed my telephone number and pretended to be me
to my dad. My dad got angry at the impersonation and
called my mom, who told him that could not have been
me, as I was right there beside her the whole time
that day (while she recovers at home).
My dad stated it sounded like me,
but it wasn't me, as it had the sound of a computer or
machine trying to mimic my voice (also known as
artificial intelligence). You've seen the artificial
intelligence videos online that spoof/pretend to be
public figures, while stating very damaging things.
This sick behavior is also happening via mobile and
landline phones. Do you know how sick and pathetic
you have to be to pretend to be someone, and talk to
their family members and friends doing said
impersonation on a phone line you have
The next clue was it dawned on me my
phone had not been ringing for the past few weeks
and I couldn't access any of my voice mails (I
usually only use my phone to make calls, not so much
to receive them, as Madonna's cult regularly send a
stream of deranged and threatening calls, texts and
emails). However, over the past few weeks my
mobile phone started posting error messages that
something is wrong with the voice mail and to call
customer service.
Important calls I was expecting were
not coming through. I'd see voice mails
from callers, but couldn't access them. Then I
called my own number from another phone and realized
it wasn't ringing anymore. That's because Madonna's
insane cult had taken over my phone, were diverting
the calls, then using artificial intelligence in
pretending to be me to my family members and friends. It's not the physical phone
that is the problem. It is the software and service
being hacked by Madonna's cult. It took customer
service hours to fix all the damage from the hack.
From a psychology standpoint, the
impersonation is textbook cult behavior, done in an
attempt to isolate the target from loved ones, in
trying to get them to turn on the person being
stalked and harassed, leaving the target vulnerable
to exploitation. However, as I was raised an only
child, isolating me would not work (I like me time,
as it gives me time to work and read). Not to
mention, I'm one of the nicest people on this
planet, but if you try to harm me I will ruin you.
I've exposed and ruined people on this site and via
other legal means for trying to harm me and my
financial interests. Therefore, metaphorically
speaking harassing, isolating, cornering and trying
to approach a lion isn't a good idea. You will get
mauled. God has brought me very far. I'm not going
to let the likes of those Hollywood cultist idiots
ruin the good work I have been doing in science to
help humanity (and I do know what I'm doing as my
page has repeatedly proven).
Madonna and her cult have this sick obsession with
trying to takeover everything I own, from my
copyrights to my phone. They had even spoofed an
email address for this website and was sending
people huge amounts of awful spam mail. The site
host contacted me about it. However, as my account
clearly shows, there is no working email address for
the Judiciary Report. I don't send out emails from
this site. Maybe in the future I will, though.
In the past Madonna's cult even
created a fake website and stated it was mine (
The site was dangerous. It threatened the Nigerian
terrorist group Boko Haram, and posted photos of
nude girls who looked very young. I ended up suing
over that incident and Google released the
information on the IP address connected to death
threats by one of deranged Madonna's deranged hackers,
Randy Vaughn,
and deleted the illegal site they had placed online
and falsely claimed it was mine. Considering Madonna
is a pedophile, was friends with Jeffrey Epstein, is
friends with Ghislaine Maxwell, and is under
criminal investigation for sex trafficking children,
putting up a fake site with nude girls is her kind
of behavior.
This deranged behavior in trying to
takeover/steal all the individual owns and engaging
in impersonation, is a serious mental sickness
exhibited by deranged stalkers, who psychiatrists
and psychologists agree should be locked away upon
exhibiting such dangerous behaviors.
Madonna Escalates Her Psychotic
Criminal Behavior In Commissioned Acts Of Vandalism, Property
Destruction, Trespassing, Stalking, Harassment And Hacking
Madonna Engages In Commissioned
Criminal Conduct Stealing Private Data And Spreads The Sick Crimes To
The BBC ("Doctor Who")
The FBI Is
Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In
Madonna Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional
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