Social Networking Slams Plastic
Surgery Butchered Madonna As 'Ugly' At The 2023
Madonna Bringing The Ugly To The Grammys
February 7. 2023

Madonna is all sorts of ugly after another
round of bad plastic surgery. They've pulled her face
so far back.
Television audiences and social
networking are horrified by Madonna's appearance at
this past weekend's Grammy awards telecast. After
another round of plastic surgery Madonna is even
more hideous than ever. She is so butchered by
plastic surgery she doesn't even look human anymore.
Social networking did not hold back.
She was slammed and called all sorts of unflattering
names for getting excessive amounts of plastic
surgery and turning up to the award show looking
like a muppet. It appears she tried to get her face
to look like plastic surgery addict, Kylie Jenner,
25, but she ended up looking like an ugly demon
instead. Why would anyone do that to their face.

Does she have a mirror in her house or has she
covered them all as she looks that awful
It's not even about age. Madonna and
Angela Bassett are about the same age. Yet, Angela
Bassett looks stunning. Madonna looks like someone
tased her, as the plastic surgeon pulled her face
that far back her eyes are on the sides of her head.
Audiences were not amused at
Madonna's presence at the Grammy's. In fact,
audiences just stared at her in shock (due to how
bad she looked) and annoyance like she didn't belong
there. It got so bad she had to beg them to clap.

Does she realize how evil and hideous she
looks. The plastic surgery she had done did not come
out right at all. It looks grotesque.
People on social networking were
also mocking her for forgetting to speak with the
fake English accent she insanely put on after living
in Britain for 5-minutes. Her time is well and truly
over. Ironically she is in denial and refusing to
accept it.
Some on social networking mentioned
Madonna's vile behavior and butchered face and body
are indicators her announced concert tour is going
to be terrible, therefore they will not be
buying tickets to the event. People on social
networking are actually laughing and stating they
are sorry for anyone who has bought a ticket to
Madonna's concerts already as she looks awful and
sounds weird.

The FBI Is
Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In
Madonna Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional
Former FBI
Director Robert Mueller Obtained Executive
Orders From George Bush And Barack Obama To
Criminally Steal Copyrights Worth Billions For
Madonna And Hollywood While Engaging In Heinous
Human Rights Abuses That Left Innocent People
Former FBI
Directors Robert Mueller And James Comey
Criminally Defrauded Florida Submarine Company
Out Of Billions Of Dollars In Copyrights And
Patents To Benefit Former Employer Lockheed
Martin Then Stonewalled Congress Regarding It
Madonna, Jay
Z, Beyonce, Rihanna, Rita Ora And Jessie J Sued
Over Copyright Infringement, Invasion Of
Privacy, Commissioned Criminal Harassment And
Assault Via The Kabbalah Center
Flight Logs Reveal Pedophile Madonna
Was Visiting Jeffrey Epstein's 'Pedophile Island' Where Sex Orgies With
Minors Occurred And She Is In His Address Book
Criminal Conduct At The BBC In Britain Has Nasty
Racist Slavery Connotations To It (Anthony
Joshua, Daniel Kaluuya)
Hollywood And The FBI Are
Criminally Engaging In Slavery