Kodak Black Releases Song With Sexually
Explicit Lyrics About Lesbian Rapper Young Ma That Brings Gay
Issues In Hollywood To The Forefront
March 19. 2019

Kodak Black
21-year-old Florida rapper and felon, Kodak
Black, is mired in a social networking controversy, due to an
explicit rap song he released. The song "Pimpin Ain't Easy"
contains lyrics about 26-year-old New York lesbian rapper, Young
Ma, of whom Kodak Black stated, "I'm f***ing Young Ma as long as
she got a c***hie (vagina)."
I think he was trying to be funny, as most male
and female rappers do in their lyrics, but it was a backhanded
compliment, as it sounds like he's wondering if Young Ma has a
vagina or penis, due to her decidedly manly appearance. Then, he
unfollowed everyone on Instagram except her, which made people
on social networking laugh.
Lesbians erupted in anger on Twitter, slamming
Kodak for what they labeled sexually harassing Young Ma. In
response to the comedic comments on social networking, Young Ma,
stated in a video, "Obviously, the n***a is weird." This
prompted many people on social networking to call her "weird"
for dressing and behaving like a man. She then released another
video calling herself "weird" and reiterating that statement
about Kodak Black.

Young Ma raps about going after straight women and
lesbians. However, she has taken offense at a straight man,
Kodak Black, rapping about pursuing her, which is hypocritical
Appearing somewhat miffed at the social media
war, Kodak shot back in a video on social networking stating,
"I'm talkin' 'bout, how are you are girl but don't want your
p**** penetrated." The public exchange of insults between the
two became very awkward and uncomfortable for a number of people
on social networking. She has exhibited the fact she is not
interested in him. Therefore, he should leave her alone.
However, I'm going to check some of you on
social networking in this article, as your behavior is out of
control. Some of you are losing the plot with the things you are
stating on social networking in acts of harassment that violate
the terms of service. Social networking has fooled some people
into believing they are all seeing and knowing, and their
opinion is law. Well, it's not.
People asking simple questions out of genuine
curiosity, such as men wondering out loud why Kodak and other
males are not permitted to find her attractive, were arrogantly
bullied, insulted and threatened by lesbians with everything
from anal rape to death. How is that hatred and bullying
exhibiting the tolerance you seek from others regarding your
sexual preference.
For instance, I made a few statements in
observing the situation from a psychological standpoint. I
stated and retain the view that Young Ma acts like a man. It's a
severely pronounced effort on her part. Anyone with vision can
see that. Two arrogant women on Twitter tried to cram their
unscientific, crazy opinion down my throat (that I wasn't even
talking to in the first place). While accusing me of
"homophobia" made "xenophobic" slurs about my homeland, which is
an idiotic thing to do that undermines any point she hoped to
make, as she's showing herself to be hateful.

Young Ma
Hollywood likes to promote a view that Jamaica,
my homeland is homophobic, but there are far more hate crimes
committed against gays in America, where Young Ma and Kodak are
from and the current scandal in centered on, as well as many
other places in the world. The same Hollywood, via figures like
gay blogger Perez Hilton and James Charles, among others in the
industry, then hypocritically turned around screaming "ni*ger"
at black people in well-documented incidents that offended the
public. Again, some gay people are very hateful, but falsely
accuse others of being hateful.
Back to the two arrogant females who have not
learned the concept of everyone, including me, having free
speech. They kept stating in a crazy and defamatory manner that
it is homophobic to state Young Ma acts, speaks and dresses like
a man. No it's not. It's medical science. Young Ma is suffering
from Gender Dysphoria. There are lesbians who do not dress like
or act like a man. She has taken profound pains to do so, in an
effort to exert masculinity and it's confusing some women and
men who look at her. She does and to severe extremes, indicating
the psychiatric disorder is present.
No amount of falsely screaming "homophobia" and
mimicking slanderous catch phrases regarding "rape culture" to
appear "woke" as the slang term goes, is going to change that.
To call it "homophobia" is to devalue the word and
simultaneously state that all psychiatrists, psychologists,
scientists and medical journal publishers, who subscribe to
these well-established medical models and proven scientific
guidelines, are homophobic. Only a crazy person would hold that

Young Ma before her full masculine make over
However, that's the new thing online. If someone
doesn't agree with your unfounded, unproven, unscientific
opinion, act them online with defamatory statements and slander
that could get you sued, then pull the homophobia, transphobia,
race, rape culture, sexism or misogynist card, then block the
person you harassed that wasn't even speaking to you in the
first place. Crazy!
Some criticizes someone's dress or hairstyle on
social networking and another person will scream homophobia,
transphobia or pull the race or sexism card. Did you stop to
think that maybe you looked jacked up that day. Did you stop to
think that maybe, just maybe, you didn't have your look together
that day when you posted that unfortunate selfie.
The whole thing has become manipulative,
weak-minded, juvenile and mentally ill. Today, people invoke
serious cards at the drop of a hat, for the least little thing
and so often, people cease to take them seriously anymore, which
is regrettable, as there are actual instances of misconduct in
the world regarding real hate crimes. These attacks on free
speech are happening to a lot of people on social networking now
and killing all dialogue on these matters. People then walk away
learning nothing about social problems. How is that healthy.
It's because of people like them why many don't
take feminists seriously. They cry wolf at every turn over every
little thing, including innocuous opinions. Women like them are
a danger, because they attack everyone with their speech to the
point people just stop listening. Everything is not a fight.
Everything is not misogynistic and "rape culture." Only crazy
people keep throwing those terms around for everything. To use
that term to another woman, one you don't know and regarding a
woman she does not know, is sick, insane and defamatory.
I don't respect when people try to tamper with
well-established medical facts that identify behaviors, to
spread their misinformed and misguided opinion. It does not
benefit society. Today it's trying to redefine psychiatric
conditions. Tomorrow it's attempts at redefining racism, rape,
xenophobia, pedophilia, child abuse and murder.
I read when Young Ma was younger she was
admitted for psychiatric care after the violent murder of her
brother. A traumatic event can bring about dramatic changes in a
person's appearance. My other observations are Young Ma is a
woman whose reaction to Kodak's male attention was extreme. It
gave the impression that she saw herself as a male, in essence
one of them, and was shocked, hurt and dismayed that Kodak saw
her as her biological sex, a female.
Yes, he was crude and out of order in his lyrics
and subsequent speech on social networking. However, one thing
he did get correct is Young Ma is a biological woman and that
can never be changed. It's in our DNA. That's not an insult. I'm
a biological woman and proud of it.

Young Ma before her masculine make over
Some men and women are curious if Young Ma sees
herself as a male, due to the fact she dresses, speaks, raps,
walks and overall behaves like a man, in what is a deliberate
effort on her part. A few short years ago she did not have the
appearance of a man. She wore dresses and styled her hair in a
female fashion. I'm not trying to hurt her feelings or insult
either one of them. However, when you are in the public eye
under those circumstances, people will have questions.
Back to the people on social networking
attacking Kodak Back and other males for saying Young Ma is
"attractive" or "cute." You are violating terms of service in
attacking men online with threats, insults and bullying. If you
can't act like civilized human beings, keep your opinion on your
own Twitter page and try to refrain from behaving in an uncouth,
uncivil manner in spewing criminal threats. It's not a good look
on anyone.
That's another thing, some chicks (straight and
gay) run their mouths that they are going to fight men, then
when they try and get beaten, they cry and file charges. Stop
showing off for social networking. Stop trying to attack and
beat up others because they disagree with your opinion or said
something smart to you. Once again, it's not a good look and you
can get physically hurt challenging a man to a fight.
Learn to accept other people have a right to
their opinions. It's part of being a mature adult. Anything less
indicates stalled emotional and mental development. You don't
get to make up your own views, then force them on others. You
are free, however, to think as you wish.
These attacks on free speech are doing nothing
for your causes. All they are doing is making enemies of people
who had no negative opinion. Going around social networking like
a wild pack of dogs looking for innocent people to attack,
because their lawful opinion is different from yours is stupid,
argumentative, contentious and a terms of service violation. Not
to mention, it looks crazy.
Additionally, some of the same self-identifying
lesbians cussing Kodak Black into the ground on social
networking routinely send Young Ma very sexually explicit,
profanity laced tweets and messages about them wanting her to
use a lesbian "strap" on them, as well as tweeting other graphic
descriptors of oral sex they are demanding. That's called sexual
harassment. Yes, the same thing you accuse Kodak Black of you
are doing as well.
You've set the tone for this and it doesn't look
right coming from Kodak Black, lesbians or anyone else. If men
were to write messages on social networking containing the same
type of items lesbians send to Young Ma, you'd report them for
terms of service violations and get them booted from social
networking. Heck, some of you would file police reports. There's
a hypocrisy regarding sexual harassment that is not being
At the end of the day, you can't order people
not to be attracted to someone nor can you order an individual
to like someone they have no attraction to at all. It's called
freedom of expression. While what Kodak Black rapped about was
distasteful and not a good thing to say about any woman, but you
can't force him not to like her nor can he force her to like
him. Why some of you on social networking don't grasp that is a
mystery. You make things more complicated than they need to be.

Speaking of hypocrisy. Remember when lesbian
singer Kehlani announced her pregnancy. Some lesbians were
inexcusably being abusive to her in her pregnant state, calling
her everything from a traitor to a fake lesbian "sneaking d**k."
Sending abusive messages on social networking to a pregnant
woman could have caused fetal distress (harmed the unborn baby).
Is this the type of thing your parents raise you to do via
attacking pregnant women online.
Kehlani was distraught to the point she made a
statement about the online abuse from lesbians who were angry
with her for having a boyfriend and deliberately getting
pregnant (Bisexual Singer Kehlani Expresses Her Anger At Being Slammed By The Gay
Community For Having Sex With A Man Who Impregnated Her). The
people sending her horrible verbal abuse and vicious insults
over her pregnancy acted like they were dating her and she
cheated on them or something. They needed to get back to reality
and stop obsessing over and being abusive to others, whose lives
they are not a part of in real life.
The people that sent her abuse acted like they
owned her. At the end of the day, it's her life and body. Who
are you to tell her that she can't have a boyfriend or get
pregnant. Once again, you don't own her. Just like you protest
that women should have control of reproductive rights, how is it
some of you angrily and hatefully tried to abuse Kehlani over
Kehlani referred to herself as "queer" which she
equated to being bisexual. I'm not gonna lie. When I heard she
was pregnant, I laughed, cause it meant she couldn't give up
penis. Of course, me making that joke will insanely be branded
"homophobic" by some unbalanced people on social networking,
even though that's exactly what happened regarding Kehlani (see
external article excerpt below).
That's another thing that is confusing the
public, regarding some gays saying the word "queer" is a
homophobic slur. I read an article where a gay man equated the
word "queer" with the word "ni*ger" (see article excerpt below
from ABC News). The inconsistency is confusing people.
Another example of this is rapper Kanye West
using the term "dy*e" in the song "Bigger, Faster, Stronger"
about bisexual ex-girlfriend Amber Rose. No one complained. Now,
Kodak Black used the term "dy*e" in the song "Pimpin Ain't Easy"
and some gays are stating it's a slur. Again, the inconsistency
and double standard is confusing people.

Kevin Hart
Then there's the Kevin Hart scandal. Someone
unearthed old tweets Hart made years ago stating he does not
want his little son to be gay. It set off a stream of abusive,
hateful and threatening tweets and online comments by gays
against the comedian. Hart apologized stating he doesn't want to
hurt anyone. However, some gay people were still demanding his
blood. Seriously, some gays wanted him dead and made comments
online to that effect.
When he made an appearance on the "Ellen Show"
and she accepted his apology, some gays then wanted her
cancelled, erupting in anger at her as well. Some gays want
Ellen's head on a platter over accepting an apology. The
comments online from angry gay people looked very hateful,
intolerant and unforgiving. It says the people who made the
comments don't want peace, but discord and hate.
Real talk, you can't force people to want their
children to be gay. What's wrong with a man or woman wanting
their child to be straight like them. Just like you have a
preference as gays, so do many straight people. You cannot take
away people's preferences. That's a part of the free will
afforded to everyone.
If a white man goes on a dating site and when
deciding what he's looking for in a date, selects someone of his
race, as a black woman I'm not gonna get mad at him, as that's
his preference and his life. Leave people be. If a black man
goes on a dating site and when deciding what he's looking for in
a date, selects someone of his race, as a black woman I'm not
gonna get mad at him, as that's his preference and his life.
Once again, leave people be.
If someone wants to raise their child to grow up
straight, that's their right and decision. No one has the right
to attempt to torch a person's career and life over it. You are
discriminating against someone for wanting to be straight and
raise straight children. This is all going too far.
Let's talk about Hollywood again. A few years
ago, an arrogant, abusive gay executive drunk on so-called
power, began sending out threats in Hollywood stating that any
straight actor who refuses to take a gay sex role, would be
blacklisted and dragged through the mud. Because some straight
male actors would not date him or submit to his demands to do
gay sex scenes in movies to fulfill his on screen fantasies, as
it goes against their natural feelings as straight men, he was
threatening to destroy people's lives and careers.
Is that tolerance? No. In essence, you want to
molest and rape others who don't want to have sex with you. You
are no better than Harvey Weinstein raping women in the
industry. No one, gay or straight, has the right to force
themself on another person. It's called sexual assault and rape.
If you as a gay man were told there is a female
executive who fancies you and if you don't give up your gay
preferences and date her and do straight sex scenes in films,
she will destroy your career and life, you will be blacklisted
and unable to pay your rent/mortgage, health insurance, car
payments and utilities. Would that be right? No, it would not be
right. So, how is it you are doing this to others.
I'll cite another example. Heath Ledger was a
straight man. He was popular years ago and a gay executive
wanted him for a role in the gay film "Brokeback Mountain" as he
symbolized masculinity. He did the role. However, his mind could
not take it. He became depressed and began abusing more and more
pharmaceutical drugs. Then he accidentally overdosed and died
For years gays protested against discrimination,
intolerance and mistreatment and now that people have been
exercising tolerance and inclusion, some gays in Hollywood are
abusing others. They are dishing out discrimination, intolerance
and mistreatment to others for being straight. That's not right.
Straight and gay men (and in some cases underage
boys) are being sexually assaulted in Hollywood. It's been going
on for years. People are terrified to lose their careers and
don't say anything about it to the authorities. Underage kids
are too afraid to speak out. Hollywood doesn't want to talk
about these issues, but they need to be brought out into the
open and addressed.
Another example, a certain music mogul turned
movie mogul in Hollywood has been ordering very abusive acts
against others for being straight and not doing what he wants.
He has become very vicious in these acts and it is harming
people in a very bad way. He needs to stop. I predict he will
end up in Congress over it in the future and it will be a
terrible day for him.

Then, there's self-professed devil worshipping
Madonna. She repeatedly sexually harasses young women
(and men) in the industry. She has threatened women (and men)
that she will destroy their lives and careers if they don't do
what she demands (girls like Ariana Grande, among others). She
has even threatened people's families.
Madonna has forced lesbianism on women in the
industry, who did not want to have sex with her. There are
people who have rebuffed her that she sent people in her
Kabbalah cult to attack (in some instances, she sent thugs
employed by her now incarcerated private investigator Anthony
Pellicano). None of her behavior in this regard has been legal.
Madonna was sued in Miami by a man named Alfredo
F. De Castro for civil rights violations, regarding sexual
harassment. Due to the fact married De Castro rebuffed ugly
Madonna, she sent gay men to surround, harass, bully, assault
and threaten him, as listed in his lawsuit.
She was living in Miami and dating a murderous
member of the Italian-mafia, Chris Paciello, who became her
business partner in illegal ventures. Shortly after, he went to
prison for murder and armed robbery in a mafia home invasion to
steal an elderly couple's jewels. In another incident, Paciello
was arrested for trying to run someone over with his vehicle,
which is a mafia tactic she had done to me as well.
Madonna was also dating Paciello's night club
hostess, a female lesbian named Ingrid Caseres, whom she
publicly made very crude sexual comments about. She kept
sexually pursuing men and women all over the city (Vanilla Ice,
among others) and got a terrible name for being promiscuous. Her
ego couldn't take rejection from De Castro (or anyone else) and
arranged to have him attacked.
Madonna has sent numerous people to harass me in
Miami. I'm a Christian. I'm not into that wild industry
lifestyle and that's my right. I don't want anything to do with
them. One look at the behavior of Madonna, as well as men like
Harvey Weinstein and
Bryan Singer should tell you why. They're sick and
One day when I was at the library in downtown
Miami and Madonna again sent one of her insane Kabbalah red
string bracelet wearing cult members to harass me. I'd been
going to that library in Downtown Miami since age 15 and no one
bothered me. I'd go there to read books, especially unusual
reference books from around the world (you can't check out
reference books, but they tend to be the most informative on
certain subjects).
Madonna then developed a habit of sending people
to loudly harass me in a library of all places. When Madonna's
insane madness started up in Miami, I couldn't go anywhere in
peace, without her sending some lunatic from her cult up to me
with a threat or some other crazy speech about her that she had
them memorize, which I've never wanted to hear.
One on occasion after I left the library, I went
towards Flager Street, then another one of Madonna's red string
bracelet wearing Kabbalah kooks surfaced. This one was dressed
like a prostitute. She was wear a tube top and shorts that left
half her behind hanging out. People usually don't dress like
that in downtown Miami.
She kept breaking her neck trying to walk in
front of me and talk to me. So, I crossed the street to get away
from her. Then, the lunatic crosses the street in a rush and was
breaking her neck again to walk in front of me again. So, I
crossed the street again to get away from her. Then, she tried
to cross again and almost went straight into a car. Then, I
reached a store I was going to and got away from her.
One another occasion, Madonna sent another cult
member up to me to ask me very crude sexual questions and I
pretended I did hear her and walked off. One another occasion in
a department store, Madonna sent another cult member up to me to
harass me, spouting off some speech she was clearly given to
memorize, about lesbian relationships in Hollywood.
Hollywood gays have repeatedly targeted
Christians in this manner, sending people of the same sex to
sexually harass us with crude and demeaning sexual speech and it
is outright criminal. Under U.S. law it constitutes stalking,
conspiracy, harassment and sexual harassment. It also
constitutes civil rights violations and falls under the category
of hate crimes, as they are targeting people in acts of stalking
and harassment, over our religion.
They do not respect others' religious beliefs
and constantly go out of their way to degrade, insult and bring
forward offenses at believers' expense. They engage in abusive
acts aimed at barring people from peacefully practicing their
religion and that's sick.
There's something very wrong with them to be
commissioning these acts of harassment. However, gays in
Hollywood engaging in this misconduct aren't telling the public
about these acts of abuse against others (and there is proof).
There is an attitude among some gays in Hollywood like Madonna,
that straight people, especially minorities and immigrants, have
no rights and are to be threatened and abused whenever they see
fit (and she is repeatedly abusing immigrants and minorities).
It is a very poor and ugly reflection of Hollywood in conduct
that will be exposed in full, as it never should have happened
because it is sick and evil.
I don't know madwoman Madonna. Never met her.
Never want to meet her. Yet she has gone to these sick extremes
against me (and others, who also never did anything to her).
She's a psychopath. I never knew people could be so evil,
hateful and full of malice. Read more about her evil behavior
Former FBI Directors Robert Mueller And James Comey Criminally Defrauded
Florida Submarine Company Out Of Billions Of Dollars In Copyrights And
Patents To Benefit Former Employer Lockheed Martin Then Stonewalled
Congress Regarding It.
Side Bar: Between Kodak's explicit and
debauched lyrics, Young Ma's explicit and debauched lyrics, as
well as tweets from lesbians sexually harassing Young Ma, I am
well and truly worried for this generation. Their minds are in
the sewer. Where are their values and sense of public decency.
Where are the doctors, lawyers, scientists, astronauts, nurses
and teachers going to come from in this generation.
WARNING: explicit language contained in the following
tweets, which are of lesbians sexually harassing rapper Young Ma
on Twitter, but hypocritically slammed Kodak Black for doing
what they've been doing for years:

Here are tweets of men wondering why they are not allowed
to like Young Ma and why some lesbians on Twitter are labeling
it "homophobic":

Here are tweets where a lesbian violated terms of service
targeting and harassing me on
my twitter page
over being straight and stating Young Ma dresses and acts like a
man, when I wasn't even tweeting at her. However, she and others
harassing people on social networking will hypocritically claim
on their pages that as lesbians they are the victims of
harassment online, not taking into account their own harassing
and mean spirited, hateful acts towards others:

Kehlani disheartened by LGBTQ reaction to pregnancy
13 November 2018 - Singer Kehlani was shocked by
the negative reaction from her LGBTQ fanbase after announcing
her pregnancy. The pansexual hip-hop sensation, who has been
open about her sexual preferences in her music and interviews,
has a devoted following among the LGBT community but the 23 year
old reveals that after she shared news she was expecting, many
fans began to accuse her of using sexuality to further her
“I’ve gotten everything from, 'I thought she was
a lesbian', to, 'She was using queerness to promote her career,
then went and betrayed us with a man', to, 'Her baby father is
just a sperm donor'," the singer tells Nylon magazine. "I never
identified as a lesbian. I’ve always been pansexual. My first
mixtape included songs about males, and songs about women. "I
never woke up and decided to be the ‘queer icon’ of the century.
Having so much attention on me outside my art already gives me
enough anxiety...
Gay Man Says Millennial Term 'Queer' Is Like the 'N' Word
Nov. 12, 1013—, 2013 — Nov 12, 2013 3:42 PM
ET - John Kichi, a 66-year-old writer and marketing expert in
Sewickley, Pa., recalled how decades ago he was thrown out of an
apartment and later lost a prestigious job because he was gay.
So when he began an online application for a job at Colorado
College recently, he was shocked by a question that asked
applicants to check one of five genders: "not disclosed,"
"male," "female," "transgender" -- or "queer."
"It would be like if they put down for race:
'white,' 'Latino,' 'black' and then the 'N' word,'" Kichi told
ABCNews.com. "Every one of my gay friends is appalled by this.
This is something I had never seen before." Kichi said he had
filed a complaint with the Colorado Attorney General's Office
and will soon do so with the federal Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission.
"I think queer harkens back to a time when being
gay was a documented medical abnormality," he said. "Queer is
also not a gender, and if you want to list sexual orientation,
that's even more egregious. To me, this was an attempt by the
university to scare away anyone who wasn't straight."...
How I Know Jussie Smollett Is Lying About Being Attacked In Conduct That
Has Become Typical Of The Hollywood Cult He Joined
The FBI Has Been Covering For Famous Pedophiles In Hollywood For Years
Since The Time Of Robert Mueller
4 More Victims Come Forward Stating Pedophile Movie Director Bryan
Singer Raped Them