How I Know Jussie Smollett Is Lying About
Being Attacked In Conduct That Has Become Typical Of The
Hollywood Cult He Joined
March 12. 2019

Jussie Smollett is crazy
Previously, I wrote about the show "Empire"
owned by Rupert Murdoch (Fox). As my longtime readers know,
in 2005 I formally reported
Murdoch and his business associate Madonna to the Metropolitan Police in London,
for commissioned criminal phone hacking/wiretapping and
computer hacking (click
here for police complaint).
6-months later the Metropolitan Police began
arresting Murdoch employees for criminal phone
hacking/wiretapping. When the arrests were made in 2006, it was
revealed that Murdoch had his employees phone hack/wiretap the
British royal family and a host of famous actors, actresses,
athletes and politicians.
It was later discovered some celebrities and
politicians were even blackmailed (Report:
Rupert Murdoch Blackmailed The British Prime Minister and
Murdoch's News Corp Criminally Accessed Sir Alex Ferguson's Medical
Records And Blackmailed Him With It). The arrests resulted in some of
Murdoch's employees being convicted in criminal court and
imprisoned for
phone hacking, wiretapping and computer hacking in 2006 and

Jussie Smollett's mug shot
Murdoch has been stealing items from my
copyrights for years and never stopped. He is a greedy, evil,
man, who has stolen copyrights and trademarks from others as
well (Senator
Demands FBI Investigate Rupert Murdoch For Hacking Rival & Stealing
Their Copyrights). Murdoch's whole empire is based on criminal intellectual
property theft, and illegally raiding and taking over other
people's companies through dirty, unlawful means.
Years after I reported
him to the police, Murdoch's company, continuing with with their
stealing spree, stole "Empire" from my preexisting copyrights.
I had copyrighted an item 10-years prior in the Library of
Congress in Washington, DC, which Murdoch and company stole to make "Empire."

Rupert Murdoch
Continuing with the criminal exploitation, the
producers of "Empire" (Lee Daniels and company) also illegally used the private details of
the life of a mentally disabled woman, my mom was the social
worker for, through a company contracted by the Department of
Children and Families (U.S. government). Daniels illegally used
HIPAA items (medical records and Department of Children and
Families records), private emails and wiretap transcripts he got
from Madonna's cult, who obtained them through criminal invasion
of privacy (commissioned wiretapping and computer hacking) to make the movie
It was a vile and sick criminal invasion of privacy
that perversely violated HIPAA, as well as computer, email and
phone hacking/wiretapping laws in America (Jussie Smollet Slammed For Conspiring With Fellow ‘Empire’ Actors To
Stage A Homophobic And Racist Assault On Himself And Blame It On
President Trump MAGA Supporters).
As stated previously on the site, Murdoch and
Daniels have gotten so cocky and pathetic with the stealing,
they've even stolen original items from time stamped articles published
to the Judiciary Report (this site) and used them in television
shows and movies. Aging actor Smollett, who is in Daniels'
circle and has had sex with him to be on and stay on the show,
decided he was going to show off as well in arrogantly stealing
from my preexisting work.
I know for a fact Smollett lied about the
alleged racist and homophobic attack,
because as stated in previous articles, he blamed MAGA supporters of President Trump
for attacking him, who don't
even watch "Empire." It's a black hip hop show that
they've added many gay sex scenes to and aired during
respectable viewing hours, unnerving viewers all over the
country, who have been publicly complaining online.

Sugar daddy Lee Daniels and Jussie Smollett.
Madonna and Lee Daniels are in the Kabbalah cult she runs. Madonna
got Daniels into serious legal trouble via lying about ex-husband
Sean Penn beating her with a bat (Jussie Smollet Slammed For Conspiring With Fellow ‘Empire’ Actors To
Stage A Homophobic And Racist Assault On Himself And Blame It On
President Trump MAGA Supporters).
There's also something else I hadn't
revealed, because Smollett's behavior is that sick, I'm so
appalled he did it. The item about "bleach" being thrown on
a victim of crime, who was beat up in an attack at night on the
street, came
from a preexisting, private, unreleased, time stamped, FICTIONAL item I wrote about a
black female character for a script.
What Smollett is publicly
alleging never happened. I wrote it for a
movie script. Smollett illegally accessed it, among items his
co-workers such as Daniels keep unlawfully obtaining and using,
and he flipped it to make it about himself and
added the gay and racial slurs that was not in my script.
Therefore, don't listen to a word Smollett says about being
a victim in that case. Smollett is a liar and fraud, who made up the whole
victimization angle for money (salary increase on "Empire" and
to cement his place on the show, as he was being written out of
it). He also wanted public sympathy. Daniels knew about it the
whole time, because he too had illegal access to the unpublished items

Former First Lady Michelle Obama (right) and Jussie
Smollett (left). Again, the Obamas are mixed up with another
crazy Hollywood star (Barack Obama, Michelle Obama And Hillary Clinton Slammed For
Their 'No Comment' On Harvey Weinstein Finally Issues Statements).
Hollywood is
insane to be doing these things and it is only a matter
of time before the full truth comes out. It's not the first time I've noticed someone in
that Hollywood cult illegally obtaining FICTIONAL items from my private,
PREEXISTING, time stamped, unreleased copyrights and running to the press
claiming items contained in the preexisting scripts and short
stories happened to them.
Another thing they've been doing in that
Hollywood cult is illegally accessing my PREEXISTING, original
copyrights and private time stamped emails containing other
copyrighted items, then
insanely going around telling people in music, film or
athletics it is about them, when they are original works of fiction
I wrote for scripts.

Jussie Smollett and the Obamas
For example, I wrote a private, time stamped set of
emails about a fictional athlete for a movie script I'd copyrighted.
hackers, who repeatedly hack into my emails and
computer (that connects online), and passes items to her, which they are being paid to do,
all in criminal violation of the law.
Madonna is a disgusting thief whose entire career is based on
criminal copyright
infringement and fraud. The nosy, ugly hag, obsessed
with me and my copyrights, really resented the fact I had been
talking to boxer
Anthony Joshua online and vice versa. Years ago, she
began having someone
contact Anthony and erroneously tell him the emails were about
him. He believed it and got upset. He later found out he'd been
lied to by them. Regardless, I'm entitled to privacy. What the heck
do they think they're doing playing around in my emails and sending
them to whomever they feel like, acting like a bunch of perverted,
nosy, obsessive lunatics.
The emails are a part of a titled movie script I
privately wrote and
the lunatic Madonna illegally accessed via her hackers. She knew it had nothing
to do with him. Yet, the lunatic sent some edited versions of
the emails to him. Then he started making comments about the
contents of the emails.
However, he should not have been listening to them
in the first place or having those types of communications with
them, as it is incriminating. The whole thing is invasive, as is
Madonna's conduct with the FBI, and them insanely targeting him and
asking him to do things (read the section about him in:
Former FBI Directors Robert Mueller And James Comey Criminally Defrauded
Florida Submarine Company Out Of Billions Of Dollars In Copyrights And
Patents To Benefit Former Employer Lockheed Martin Then Stonewalled
Congress Regarding It).

Barack Obama and Madonna
The contents of the script never
happened to him and the character's name is absolutely nothing
like his, but insane Madonna conveniently left that part out
when she had someone contact him with that madness. Frankly, I
don't know why he was listening to Madonna and Jay Z in the
first place. They're going to end up dragging him down with
I'll cite another example of Madonna's sick
conduct. She is so obsessed
with my copyrights I've registered in the Library of Congress,
which she illegally access through commissioned criminal
behavior and keeps unlawfully using like a lunatic, which
lawyers have found she has been unlawfully selling and passing
around to her cronies and associates at A&R departments and
movie studios, she began going around the industry like a
complete madwoman saying my FICTIONAL copyrights are about her.

Madonna and Jay Z are two thieves who are also
business partners in the failed streaming service Tidal, which is
under criminal investigation. The two have been committing a host of
sick social and financial crimes, which include criminal invasion of
privacy, commissioned hacking, wiretapping, criminal copyright
infringement, bank fraud, wire fraud, RICO violations, SEC
violations, threats of violence and voyeurism.
For example, years ago I wrote a fictional
copyright about a youthful black woman with curly (like me) in a
specific story/script that insane Madonna illegally accessed via
criminal hacking, then told people in the industry it is about
her, then unlawfully sold it. Madonna is a senior citizen, who is
white, with straight hair. Furthermore, none of the events in my
original script ever happened to her. Yet she went around
telling people the copyright is about her.
Another example of her thinking everything is
about her, is positive items I've written
on this site and my Twitter page about people like Halle Berry
and Christie Brinkley, Madonna has sent insane members of her
sick Kabbalah cult in Miami, to come up to me in public, babbling foolishness that
what I wrote
is about her (Madonna). What kind of pathetic person does
something like that. She thinks everything I write, publicly and
privately, is about her or whomever else she decides to insanely
assign and attach it to in her ever delusional state of mind.
Madonna and members of that cult like Daniels
and Smollett think everything is about them. It reminds me of
the song lyrics by Carly Simon which state "you're so vain, you
probably think this song is about you." People who think
everything is about them, with no demonstrable proof (as it's
not) are insane. It is paranoid schizophrenia and narcissistic
personality disorder. These mental disorders make them a danger to
others. Again, Smollett nearly started a race war that could
have turned deadly, by twisting a preexisting, fictional story
and making it about himself. What on God's green earth is wrong
with them.

Another example is a private email exchange
between me and a family
member, where we wrote about the sick, disturbing things
Madonna has been doing regarding us and the fact she needs to
stop, as it's disgusting and intrusive. The emails plainly named
Madonna and listed some of her sick conduct that has been
privately discussed. The email was hacked and
forwarded by one of Madonna's
hackers. The next time I left the house, Madonna sent
one of the lunatics in the Miami branch of her Kabbalah cult located in
Eastern Shores, Florida, to criminally harass and threaten me
over the lawful things I stated in the PRIVATE emails to my
family member, regarding disliking her (Madonna) whom I
accurately and correctly branded evil
and crazy.
Let that sink in. That vile madwoman Madonna
illegally intercepted an email via commissioned hacking (one of
many times she's done this), that wasn't even sent to or
addressed to her, that she wasn't even supposed to read, then
got her diaper/nappy all in a knot over it, then sent someone in
her Kabbalah cult in Miami to threaten and harass me in public, over my
personal and private view I lawfully stated to my relative,
regarding being sick of her disgusting and insane behavior.

Madonna and her Kabbalah cult's connection to
politicians such as Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton
have enabled them to commit serious crimes against innocent people
as seen with Kabbalah cult member Harvey Weinstein, who even bragged
about using Obama's U.S. Secret Service to threaten his victims (Barack Obama, Michelle Obama And Hillary Clinton Slammed For
Their 'No Comment' On Harvey Weinstein Finally Issues Statements).
Another thing that is alarming is how Madonna
and her cult keep
getting into very serious things that cause others trouble and
harm. Again, a civil rights activist publicly accused Smollett of nearly starting a race war in America with his
insane behavior, in lying to police and the public about the
racist and homophobic attack. It's absolutely scary that an
actor did something so reckless and outrageous that could have
cost people their lives.
Then, there's Madonna meddling in politics,
publicly claiming online that she is going to be in the White
House when her friend Hillary Clinton wins (Dish Nation TV Show Slams Madonna As A 'Crazy' Madwoman For
Stating She Is Moving To The White House And Can't Wait To
Redecorate (Hillary Clinton)).
She also began
making insane claims in bids at getting Clinton votes which
backfired (Madonna And Katy Perry Antics Cheapening The Election And Demean
Women). It cost Clinton votes, as Madonna was
stating she and Hillary Clinton are friends, she is in her circle and
involved with her political career. America does not want its
future decided by crazy people like Madonna.

Madonna posted this vile item about Hillary
Clinton that didn't help the politician get votes
Madonna then threatened to blow up the White
House where Trump and scores of employees live and work (Secret Service Opens Criminal Investigation Into Madonna After
The Pop Music Has Been Claims She Wants To Blow Up The White
House). After the Secret Service contacted
Madonna over her sick behavior, she fled America and moved to Portugal.
Madonna has also been meddling in the British
royal family, via Kate Middleton, whom she claims is related to
her ex-husband Guy Ritchie (12 times removed). Madonna has illegally passed
Middleton copyrighted clothing items that neither of them own (Lebron James Accuses Kate Middleton Fashion Designer Alexander McQueen
Of Copyright Infringement In Stealing Nike Sneakers Confirming Previous
Site Claims They Are Thieves).

Jay Z and Beyonce presented painting they stole
and used without permission, as their own artwork to Meghan Markle,
the Duchess of Sussex, creating a scandal with their disgraceful
behavior when the artist who did the painting condemned their
Recently, Madonna's fellow cult members
Jay Z and
pretended they commissioned and owned a painting done for the newest royal, actress Meghan Markle, who has
become the Duchess of Sussex in England, by joining the British
royal family through marriage. People thought the painting was
an original artwork Jay Z and Beyonce had commissioned and were
giving to Markle during the telecast. However,
it turns out Jay Z and Beyonce saw an artist's painting of Markle,
then stole it and presented it on television like it was from them. The artist
Tim O'Brien publicly complained about the theft of his work. He
was given no payment or credit.
That is mental illness by the Hollywood cult.
They keep going around stealing people's things (copyrights,
trademarks) and either illegally selling it to others (as
mentioned above regarding Madonna's illegal conduct in A&R
departments and movie studios) or illegally giving it to others
(Kate Middleton, Meghan Markle) to curry favor with people who
are out of their league. What kind of sick, mentally deranged
crap is that. It is the behavior of pathetic losers. How are you
going to steal other people's things and give it to royalty.
What kind of rubbish is that. It
is one of the most pathetic and insane things I've ever seen.
There's something very wrong with them in that cult.

Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex (left) and
Queen Elizabeth (right)
Not to mention, the Queen does not like bad
publicity. She abhors it. She does her best to stay away from
it. Yet these cult idiots like Madonna, Jay Z and Beyonce keep
drawing bad publicity for the royal family. Madonna and her
fellow cultists are a bunch of empty headed, untalented,
unintelligent, thieving clout chasers, who are punching above
their weight, as the phrase goes.

Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles
Mark my words, Madonna's cult is going to bring the
royal family crashing down with the madness they've been doing
before and behind the scenes, which they insist on dragging the
monarchy into in several ways. It's a prediction. Madonna's cult
and their insane conduct that has not desisted, will cause
lasting global scandals for the royal family, and based on what
I found out Madonna has been doing behind the scenes, the worst
is yet to come from her regarding the monarchy.
Items listed in this article are but a sample of how far Madonna and her cult's
insanity has gone and it's
causing all sorts of problems all over the place. They're sick.
They are so insane and self-centered, meddling in things they
have no business going near. Madonna's cult has tampered in U.S.
Social Security (hacking), NASA, Space X, the medical system,
banking system, the judicial system, and athletics, among other
things. It is going to culminate into a massive, unprecedented
Madonna and company are going to take down America
with the insane madness they're doing and severely damage Britain as
well, as the cult has gotten involved in very serious things in
government, commerce and
healthcare in more ways than one, none of which they have
any business meddling in [Madonna's Kabbalah Cult Is A Threat To British National Security
(Harvey Weinstein, Rupert Murdoch, Kevin Spacey)].
People will look back, remember the warnings I issued (much like I
have issued warnings about a number of things that later happened)
and state I was right (as I often am).
At the beginning of the year, I referred the matter
to the U.S. Congress in a letter, containing a number of publicly
undisclosed items, regarding exactly what Madonna has been doing and
the extremes she has taken things to, as her sick criminal behavior
has reached vile new levels that are not only harmful to America,
but Britain as well (the royal family,
the BBC,
British football).
Madonna has done far more appalling and sick things
than I have already publicly disclosed (most of it is in the letter
to Congress, the rest I will place in a film). I recently received a
response from Congress on the matter, in which they referred to
Madonna by her full government name, middle initial and all (where I
had only used her first name). I will disclose the congressional
response at a future date (forthcoming film and documentary).
Beyoncé & Jay-Z Didn’t Pay The Artist For
Meghan Markle Painting
21 February 2019, 12:07 - The artist who made the
Meghan Markle painted which featured at The Brit Awards, claims
Beyoncé and Jay-Z hasn't paid for the painting. On Wednesday,
Beyoncé and Jay-Z were the top talk of social media after they gave
a speech at The Brit Awards 2019 while standing in front of a Meghan
Markle painting.
The power couple said they chose the painting of
Meghan in honor of Black History Month, and later Beyonce
congratulated her on her pregnancy on IG. The Carters won a
Brit for 'Best International Group' and commemorated the Duchess Of
Sussex. According to TMZ, Tim O'Brien, the artist who painted the
Meghan Markle painting, has come forward. O'Brien was allegedly
shocked and honored to see his piece behind the Carters at
Wednesday's award show.
However, the artist has revealed Bey and Jay have
not paid him for the painting. Tim's homage to the Duchess of Sussex
was prominently displayed in the couples acceptance speech at The
Brit Awards 2019. The artist of the Meghan Markle painting, Tim
O'Brien states: “It would be been nice to profit someway, but that's
not what this is what its about,” he said. He added that no one from
Jay and Beyonce's camps hit him up for permission to use it
Jussie Smollet Slammed For Conspiring With Fellow ‘Empire’ Actors To
Stage A Homophobic And Racist Assault On Himself And Blame It On
President Trump MAGA Supporters (Video)
Jussie Smollett Is Being Written Out Of The TV Show 'Empire' Due To Hate
Crime Hoax He Staged And Falsely Reported To Police
Chicago Police Superintendent Reveals Jussie Smollett Told Police Two
White People Attacked Him Knowing It Was A Lie (Video)
Jussie Smollett Death Threat Letter He Sent To Himself With Fake Anthrax
Being Investigated By The Feds
Smollett Arrested For Hate Crime Hoax He Staged For Salary Increase And
Media Attention (Video)
Grand Jury Convening In Jussie Smollett Hate Crime Hoax Case