Jussie Smollett Arrested For Hate Crime Hoax
He Staged For Salary Increase And Media Attention (Video)
February 21. 2019
The Chicago Police Department have announced
that Hollywood actor Jussie Smollett has been officially named
as a suspect in the hate crime hoax he perpetrated and arrested
on felony counts of filing a false police report and disorderly
conduct, for staging a hate crime of a racist and homophobic
nature. Smollett turned himself into police today on the serious
charges. Smollett's bail has been set at $100,000.
Police revealed greedy Smollett staged the hate
crime, as he was dissatisfied with his $65,000 per episode
contract on the Fox television show "Empire." Smollett should
have been thankful for said salary, as he's not one of the main
stars on the show. He plays a supporting role. Smollett has been
getting more money than many television actors, yet he was not

Jussie Smollett's mug shot
This greed has become standard industry
arrogance in certain circles, where some think they are
indispensable and deserve all the money. Smollett's avarice, ego
and psychotic mind clashed in a disastrous way, leading to this
terrible scandal that has not only damaged his career, but
"Empire" as well.
Smollett paid two of his fellow supporting
“Empire” actors, Olabinjo Osundairo and
Abimbola Osundairo, to physically attack him at 2:00AM on
January 29, 2019 in Chicago, where the show is filmed. Smollett
paid $3,500 for the attack, which included a fake street fight,
where the men poured bleach on Smollett and tied a noose around
his neck.

Jussie Smollett
Smollett stated the two attackers wore red MAGA
hats and screamed "this is MAGA country" while also calling him
that "Empire f**got n**ger." As stated previously on the site
and my Twitter page, I did not believe Smollett from the start,
as Trump supporters do not watch "Empire." As his lies unraveled
over the ensuing days, others also realized Smollet has been
lying about the whole thing.
Police state Smollett inflicted the physical
damage upon himself, regarding minor facial injuries he sported
in a photo released online after the incident. Smollett hit
himself in the face to create the wounds. Self-harm is a sign of
mental illness. It is a component of various mental disorders
(schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, borderline personality
disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, factitious disorder,
Munchausen's syndrome).

Fox released a statement after Jussie
Smollett's arrest today
Smollett reported the hoax hate crime to police
as a factual event, in order to gain national sympathy and media
publicity, to boost his falling acting career, new album and
small concerts, which had not received much attention. Sales
have been low. For a 36-year-old man Smollett is not very wise,
as most people know police have the resources to properly
investigate crime, which includes subpoenaing phone records,
mobile phone tower data, CCTV footage and financial purchases.
Police unraveled the case using detective work
and all the signs pointed to Smollett. Believing himself to be
invincible, Smollett even foolishly broke federal law by sending
himself a death threat with fake anthrax, using the U.S. Mail to
transport the item to the “Empire“ set. That is a felony. As
such, the Postal Inspector and FBI are investigation, which
could breed more charges for Smollett.
Jussie Smollet Slammed For Conspiring With Fellow ‘Empire’ Actors To
Stage A Homophobic And Racist Assault On Himself And Blame It On
President Trump MAGA Supporters (Video)
Jussie Smollett Is Being Written Out Of The TV Show 'Empire' Due
To Hate Crime Hoax He Staged And Falsely Reported To Police
Jussie Smollett Death Threat Letter He Sent To Himself With Fake
Anthrax Being Investigated By The Feds
Grand Jury Convening In Jussie Smollett Hate Crime Hoax Case