Jussie Smollett Is Being Written Out Of The TV
Show 'Empire' Due To Hate Crime Hoax He Staged And Falsely
Reported To Police
February 20. 2019

Jussie Smollett turned off the comments on his Instagram
page due to the stream of negative items slamming his terrible
behavior in faking a hate crime. Smollett had posted some
strange item to his page.
The Daily Mail is reporting that Hollywood actor Jussie Smollett
is being written out of the television show "Empire" due to a
hate crime hoax of his own making. Smollett went from being a
victim of crime to exposed as a fraud and liar, who staged an
awful hate crime against himself for publicity. Smollett is
currently struggling under the terrible publicly stemming from
his reckless choices.
Smollett was scheduled to be written out of "Empire" prior to
the hoax. Ratings have been plummeting and a shake up was
planned. Smollett knew he was out. To drum up publicity for
himself, as he's near 40, an age where actors in Hollywood are
superficially given less work in favor of younger actors,
Smollett staged a terrible hate crime against himself.

Death threat Jussie Smollett sent to himself
Smollett paid two "Empire" actors, Olabinjo Osundairo and
Abimbola Osundairo, to punch him, pour bleach on him and hang a
noose around his neck. Smollett, who hates U.S. President Donald
Trump, then publicly blamed the hoax hate crime on the head of
state and his MAGA supporters (Make America Great Again) who
wear red hats containing the phrase.
Smollett had Olabinjo Osundairo and Abimbola Osundairo purchase
red hats from a beauty supply store to stitch up Trump
supporters. He filed a fraudulent complaint with police
regarding the attack he staged. The brothers released a joint
statement after being arrested and questioned by police, "We are
not racist. We are not homophobic and we are not anti-Trump. We
were born and raised in Chicago and are American citizens."

Olabinjo Osundairo and Abimbola Osundairo
Smollett hired a top defense attorney in the wake of the news
the brothers flipped and are cooperating with police. Smollett
has also hired a crisis manager. In a bid to salvage the show,
"Empire" is working him out of it, as some are calling for it to
be cancelled. The cast and crew of the show are angry over the
negative publicity that is threatening to upend it.
The week prior, Smollett is believed to have sent himself a
death threat via U.S. mail that reads, “You will die black f*g.”
The death threat contained fake anthrax, which was actually
crushed aspirin. It is a crime to send a threat through the
mail, especially one mimicking an anthrax attack. The FBI are
now investigating the matter. In a psychotic bid to keep his
career going and make more money, Smollett is losing it and a
fortune in legal fees.
Jussie Smollett's 'scenes on Empire have been cut and show
writers are scrambling to fill in the gaps' amid 'hoax' attack
Published: 07:56 EST, 19 February 2019 |
Updated: 09:28 EST, 19 February 2019 - Jussie Smollett's scenes
on Empire have been drastically cut back and writers are
scrambling to come up with changes to make up for the gaps, it
has been claimed. TMZ cites anonymous production sources who say
that the 36-year-old had nine key scenes in the new string of
episodes of the Fox show and one big musical but that they have
been cut...
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