Jussie Smollett Death Threat Letter He Sent
To Himself With Fake Anthrax Being Investigated By The Feds
February 19. 2019

Jussie Smollett
Jussie Smollett continues to receive terrible
publicity over credible claims he stage a hate crime against
himself in Chicago. Smollett went to police stating two white
men, who are supporters of President Trump, wearing red MAGA
hats, beat him up, poured bleach on him and hung a noose around
his neck. He also stated they screamed “This is MAGA country.”
Many people rushed to support Smollett. However,
some such as myself had reservations about his story, due to the
inconsistencies present. While you want to believe someone when
they tell you they’ve been attacked or a victim of a hate crime,
when elements of the story are off, you have to tactfully
question it.

The crazy letter Jussie Smollett sent to himself is being
investigated by the FBI. The letter contained fake anthrax. It
was actually aspirin.
It turns out the two alleged assailants,
Olabinjo Osundairo and Abimbola Osundairo, were not white, but
African-American actors from “Empire” whom Smollett paid $3,500
to help him stage the attack. The men purchased the noose from a
local hardware store, which police have confirmed. They also
purchased two plain red hats from a beauty supply store in the
area, which police have also confirmed. Police retrieved bottles
of bleach from the Osundairo brothers’ residence and several
other items related to the case.
A week prior to staging the hate crime, Smollett
informed the “Empire” staff that he received a letter stating,
“You will die black f*g.” The letter also stated “MAGA”, was
written in red marker and used letters cut out of a magazine, in
conduct a serial killer or stalker would engage in. This type of
severe mental illness is prevalent on the “Empire” set. For more
information on that read the article:
Jussie Smollet Slammed For Conspiring With Fellow ‘Empire’ Actors To
Stage A Homophobic And Racist Assault On Himself And Blame It On
President Trump MAGA Supporters (Video).
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