Study States Glaciers
Are Melting In The Swiss Alps At An
Accelerated Rate Confirming Previous Site Claims
September 9. 2022

Swiss Alps
In the June 15, 2022 article "Yellowstone Floods In Unprecedented
Climate Event Confirming Previous Site Claims (Videos)" I stated
regarding the Doomsday Glacier in Antarctica known
as Thwaites, "Other glaciers are melting at an
accelerated rate as
well, and if allowed to reach full hilt without a proper scientific
intervention, it will create unprecedented sea rise that will wipeout costal areas."
Another example of excessive and record glacial melt
has surfaced outside Thwaites ('Doomsday Glacier' In Antarctica
Under Imminent Risk Of Collapse Confirming Previous Claims).
A new mainstream press report dated July 26, 2022 states the
glaciers in the Swiss Alps are melting at a record and accelerated
rate, faster than was expected. Drones were used to capture the
footage for comparative purposes in determining the deterioration.
I keep issuing these articles for a reason (Doomsday
Glacier' In Antarctica Under Imminent Risk Of Collapse Confirming
Previous Claims and
Yellowstone Floods In Unprecedented
Climate Event Confirming Previous Site Claims (Videos)
Kentucky Experiences Deadly And
Unprecedented Flooding Confirming Previous Statements About Climate
Change (Videos) and
Florida Is Experiencing Record
Flooding Confirming Previous Site Claims and
NASA Warns About Wobbling Moon
Causing Global Flooding Confirming Previous Claims and
Historic Flooding In Pakistan Leaves One Third Of The Nation Under
Water In Climate Change Disaster Confirming Previous Site Claims).
Reuters reported, "'We are seeing model results
expected a few decades in the future are happening now," Huss said.
"I did not expect to see such an extreme year so early in the
The reason I keep publishing these types of articles
to the site is because I've noticed items on social networking and
from select press outlets, written by some who genuinely believe
climate change is a hoax. However, it is very serious and life
threatening. We've not seen the worst of it yet, which will only be
compounded by inaction, regarding failure to fully act to solve the
Exclusive: Glaciers vanishing at record rate in
Alps following heatwaves
MORTERATSCH GLACIER, Switzerland, July 26 (Reuters)
- From the way 45-year-old Swiss glaciologist Andreas Linsbauer
bounds over icy crevasses, you would never guess he was carrying 10
kg of steel equipment needed to chart the decline of Switzerland's
Normally, he heads down this path on the massive
Morteratsch Glacier in late September, the end of the summer melt
season in the Alps. But exceptionally high ice loss this year has
brought him to this 15-square-kilometer (5.8-square-mile)
amphitheatre of ice two months early for emergency maintenance work.
The measuring poles he uses to track changes in the
depth of the pack are at risk of dislodging entirely as the ice
melts away and he needs to drill new holes.
The Alps' glaciers are on track for their highest
mass losses in at least 60 years of record keeping, data shared
exclusively with Reuters shows. By looking at the difference in how
much snow fell in winter, and how much ice melts in the summer,
scientists can measure how much a glacier has shrunk in any given
Since last winter, which brought relatively little
snowfall, the Alps have sweltered through two big early summer
heatwaves – including one in July marked by temperatures near 30
Celsius (86 Fahrenheit) in the Swiss mountain village of Zermatt.
During this heatwave, the elevation at which water
froze was measured at a record high of 5,184 meters (17,000 feet) –
at an altitude higher than Mont Blanc's -- compared with the normal
summer level of between 3,000-3,500 meters (9,800-11,500 feet).
"It's really obvious that this is an extreme season," Linsbauer
said, shouting over the roar of rushing meltwater as he checked the
height of a pole jutting out of the ice.
Most of the world's mountain glaciers — remnants of
the last ice age — are retreating due to climate change. But those
in the European Alps are especially vulnerable because they are
smaller with relatively little ice cover. Meanwhile, temperatures in
the Alps are warming at around 0.3C per decade — around twice as
fast as the global average.
If greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise, the
Alps glaciers are expected to lose more than 80% of their current
mass by 2100. Many will disappear regardless of whatever emissions
action is taken now, thanks to global warming baked in by past
emissions, according to a 2019 report by the UN Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change.
Already, Morteratsch is much changed from the
glacier depicted on the region's tourist maps. The long tongue that
once reached deep into the valley below has shrunk back by nearly 3
kilometers (2 miles), while the depth of the snow and ice pack has
thinned by up to 200 meters (656 feet). A parallel glacier Pers
flowed into it until 2017 but has now receded so much that an
expanding strip of grit lies between them.
The dire situation this year raises concern that the
Alps' glaciers might vanish sooner than expected. With more years
like 2022, that could happen, said Matthias Huss, who leads Glacier
Monitoring Switzerland (GLAMOS).
"We are seeing model results expected a few decades
in the future are happening now," Huss said. "I did not expect to
see such an extreme year so early in the century."...
Swiss Glaciers Melting Faster, Have Shrunk By
Half Since 1930: Study
The glaciers in Switzerland have shed half their
volume since the early 1930s, a new study has said. The ice volumes
in the glaciers have reduced by half in the 86-year time period said
the study.
The glaciers in Switzerland have shed half their
volume since the early 1930s, a new study has said. It said that the
retreat of the ice structures is accelerating at a time when there
are growing concerns about climate change, Fox News said in a
report. Since the early 2000s, scientists have been closely
monitoring rapid glacier melt in the Alps and elsewhere, which they
believe is caused by climate change, the outlet further said.
The researchers who conducted the latest study
performed a first-ever reconstruction of ice loss in Switzerland in
the 20th century based on the analysis of topographical changes.
They said that ice volumes in the glaciers have reduced by half in
the 86-year time period they studied - from 1930 to 2016. In just
six years, the glaciers have lost a further 12 per cent of their
mass, the scientists further said.
The study was published in a scientific journal
named Cryosphere. Its co-author Daniel Farinotti was quoted as
saying by Fox News, "Glacier retreat is accelerating. Closely
observing this phenomenon and quantifying its historical dimensions
is important because it allows us to infer the glaciers' responses
to a changing climate."...
Historic Flooding In Pakistan Leaves One Third Of The Nation Under
Water In Climate Change Disaster Confirming Previous Site Claims
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