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Vice President Kamala Harris's Running Mate Tim Walz Is Another Joe Biden Who Is Confused And Making Up Stories (Video)

August 13. 2024

U.S. President Joe Biden dropped out of the 2024 presidential race, due to Lewy Body Dementia ravaging his health (President Joe Biden's Debate Disaster Was A Gift To Rival Donald Trump As It Exposes The Fact He Is Not The One Running America Confirming Previous Site Claims (Video)).

Biden's dementia related and Parkinsons was a hidden secret for years. However, I warned about it before Biden even assumed office in the White House (Elizabeth Warren Gaining On Joe Biden But Does The Democratic National Committee Want Her As Their Candidate and Joe Biden Tax Plan Slammed And Debunked On '60 Minutes' Confirming Previous Site Claims About His Poor Economic Plans).

Vice President Kamala Harris trying to stop President Joe Biden from wandering off and falling happened repeatedly throughout his presidency

Biden conceded the spot as candidate for the Democrats to his Vice President, Kamala Harris. Throughout Biden's presidency, former President Barack Obama has been illegally calling all the shots, from a house down the street from the White House, and did so with the help of the FBI and CIA, in criminal violation of U.S. law and the Constitution. Harris executed the orders of Obama, the FBI and CIA, in the White House. Then House Speaker, Democrat congresswoman, Nancy Pelosi, knew of the scam and advised Obama to stop going into the White House so much lest it give the game away. Pelosi became nervous.

Meanwhile, Biden spent most of his time sleeping, eating ice cream, falling down, getting lost in the White House and going to Delaware on vacation. Biden spent over 40% of his presidency on vacation, which is a disgraceful record for any head of state.

Now the same play is being repeated again. Obama, who is still trying to retain his grip on the White House, advised Harris on choosing Minnesota Governor, Tim Walz, as her running mate. Walz is an elderly, feeble, silver haired politician who like Biden has memory problems and keeps making up stories. Walz has been chosen for the same reason Biden was, they are older white men who will appeal to white liberal voters, but they are also struggling with memory problems, which makes them docile, and easy to control and fool into going along with whatever is proposed.

Walz's is showing the signs of having brain and mental health issues. He is saying inappropriate things pout of context, such as telling America to "mind your own damn business" regarding abortion, as he did last week during a campaign rally with Harris.

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz last week

Walz is being accused of stolen valor. Walz has been lying about his military service. This  misconduct has been called out by JD Vance, who is the running mate of Republican frontrunner, Donald J. Trump. Walz has repeatedly made false claims about serving in combat in places such as Iraq.

It reminds me of Biden repeatedly stating his late son, Beau Biden, served in combat in Iraq where he died. However, Beau Biden, died in America of brain cancer after he served in the military. How did Biden not remember his son died in America and from cancer. That was a serious and terrible event in his life. Just so, Walz, 60, is falsely remembering being in combat, when that never happened, which Vance, 40, has been calling out. That's a warning sign about Walz's brain and mental health.

The mainstream press, who are Democrats, are trying to cover for Walz. Yea, you go ahead and do that again. When America ends up with Biden 2.0, Harris beholden to Obama, the FBI and CIA, and the U.S. economy completely disintegrating under more of Obama's terrible economic policies destroying your financial futures and that of your descendants, you'll know what you did is foolish.

Obama, Biden and Harris have ruined the U.S. economy. They have done an enormous amount of damage, inflicting what was preventable financial hardships on the public. They have not learned from their mistakes and do not know how to correct them. They are three lawyers with no true understanding of economics and finance. They do not hold any financial savvy.

Obama didn't even pay off his school loans, nor did his wife, Michelle Obama, for a long time. Michelle Obama graduated in 1988. Barack Obama graduated in 1991. They didn't pay off their school loans until 2004, and only through a book deal, which was a couple years before announcing he was running for President of the United States.

I know that is the plight of many Americans regarding school loans. However, my point is any president or world leader should have far more financial acumen than the rest of the population, which Obama has consistently exhibited he does not possess. Heads of state must have a keen understanding of the economics that makes nations function and what causes them to financially thrive, if said world leader is to create situations that facilitate their nation flourishing.

Side Bar: you do realize that Obama was in office for 8-years with Biden, then Biden has experienced almost 4-years in office with Obama and Kamala. Now they, the Democrats in Washington, are trying to facilitate 8 more years of Obama embedding himself in a Harris presidency, which if they got their way would mean 20-years in the White House for 1 person, Obama, and his failed political and economic ideas. That is insane and a brazen violation of the U.S. Constitution.


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