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President Joe Biden's Debate Disaster Was A Gift To Rival Donald Trump As It Exposes The Fact He Is Not The One Running America Confirming Previous Site Claims (Video)

July 1. 2024

Last week's debate between U.S. President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump went spectacularly wrong. Trump was calm and clear in his answers. Biden was a complete disaster. Biden spoke gibberish, kept staring out into space, could barely move his head and forgot the questions.

It was completely embarrassing. Biden's poorly disguised Lewy Body Dementia was on full display. Biden even stated abortion is necessary because people are getting raped by their sisters. The prepped Biden for the debate over the course of a week and pumped him full of drugs meant to help him pay attention, but none of it worked. Dementia won this battle.

The polls on the debate were bad for Biden. Trump won the debate by a whopping 40 percent in most polls. The debate caused a global controversy with the world publicly asking, who is really running the United States of America, because it is not Joe Biden. The scam has been unmasked. The Biden presidency is now the political equivalent of Milli Vanilli.

For the past 4-years I warned Biden was not in control of his presidential campaign nor would he be of his presidency. I warned Biden's presidency would be the illegal third term of former U.S. President, Barack Obama, who is a power mad, deranged person, willing to go to any lengths to have control over America. Any person willing to pull this scam is deranged.

Years after I wrote articles making this claim, even the mainstream Associated Press began to refer to Biden's presidency as Obama's third term in office Mainstream Outlets Refer To President-Elect Joe Biden As Barack Obama's Third Term In Office Much To His Annoyance But Confirming Previous Site Claims).

Obama hired all the same people, reenacted all his old and failed political policies trying to engage in unfinished business, bought a house down the street from the White House, and kept popping up at White House events (Former President Barack Obama Never Truly Left Office And Has Been In The Background The Entire Time). Anyone who does such things is crazy. All those years of cocaine and marijuana use messed up his brain.

The debate was so bad I couldn't even watch the whole thing. Biden was unbearable. It was pure foolishness coming out of his mouth. Some even stated he appeared to be using an earpiece. There were times it showed a shocked moderator prompting him as he couldn't focus due to dementia.

Obama and company (Jill Biden, Nancy Pelosi et al) have turned America into a farce. When you consider the terrible economic state America is in and how millions of people are suffering, it makes you angry that this madness is transpiring in the White House. Obama and company have placed their greed, egos and power hungriness ahead of the welfare of 330,000,000 people. America is sustaining permanent damage because of it and things are set to get worse. They know they've been exposed due to the debate. They are now redoubling their efforts to steal the election via voter fraud and hacking.


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