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Joe Biden's Lewy Body Dementia Is Rapidly Advancing

April 30. 2024

Joe Biden and some of his coconspirators

The farce that is the Joe Biden's presidency continues, as the head of state makes countless gaffes. Biden, who is suffering from Lewy Body dementia, continues to see dead people and shake hands with imaginary folks who are not there. Biden has publicly done these things during interviews and speeches on stages. Hallucinations are present in the latter stages of dementia. To make matters worse a dementia patient is not supposed to be facing this much activity. The rigors of the presidency is too much.

Joe Biden making another gaffe

Former President Barack Obama is sacrificing Biden to hold on to so-called power. It is being done with the assistance of people such as congresswoman, Nancy Pelosi, and the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation). Biden is unfit to be President and it is damaging America.

Joe Biden is constantly confused

One of the problems with Biden's gaffes (at least for Obama) is that dementia removes inhibitions from people and they begin telling the unfiltered truth as they see it. In one incident Biden publicly stated he and Obama put together "the most extensive voter fraud" in history. This is in reference to stealing the 2020 presidential election from Donald Trump. Biden is a loose cannon and a liability to the democrats.


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