The Racism And Xenophobia Of Prime
Minister Boris Johnson Is Creating Division And Crime In
Britain To The Nation’s Detriment
February 28. 2020

Boris Johnson
The Prime Minister of Britain, Boris
Johnson, has been stating and doing things that are
causing racial division and xenophobia to sprout up in
the United Kingdom. Johnson is doing real damage, some
of which will be permanent and irreparable. The United
Kingdom consists of England, Scotland, Wales and
Northern Ireland. Britain consists of England, Scotland
and Wales. Britain has a tumultuous past regarding race
issues and xenophobia. However, the nation had
progressed in modern times.
Britain had become far more harmonious
in modern times. That is up until 2016 when verbose,
loquacious Boris Johnson, who was then Mayor of London,
began pushing Brexit (Britain’s exit from the lucrative
and prosperous European Union, which is a bloc
containing 500,000,000 people).
Johnson and others such as politician
Nigel Farage (a far right, racist politician who wants
all blacks, minorities and immigrants thrown out of the
UK), became the face of Brexit. Johnson and Farage
campaigned heavily for Brexit. Reports indicate Russian
funds were used in the Brexit campaign. Johnson made
deceitful claims in the lead up to the referendum vote,
in order to turn the British people against the European
The Brexit vote was taken on June 2,
2016. Under Johnson and Farage’s lies, Britain voted to
leave the European Union, wrongly believing they were
being taken advantage of by the EU. Brexit was finalized
January 31, 2020 by Johnson. However, the negotiations
still continue and are expected to run on for another
year. Johnson is already messing up the negotiations
with the EU and has also imperiled the potential trade
deal with America, which I predicted in advance would
Britain's Prime Minister Boris
Johnson Is Failing At Negotiating Trade Deals With The European Union
And America.
Johnson and Farage, as well as others, such as former
Prime Minister, Theresa May, and politician Jacob Rees-Mogg,
have been stating terrible things about minorities and
immigrants. It has created a deliberate air of hostility
in Britain, known as May's lasting "hostile
environment." It has not been without consequences.
Johnson has slurred blacks, Muslims,
immigrants and gays, in conduct that has inspired the
far right to attack the aforementioned groups with a
confidence and arrogance not seen many several decades.
An official report states in 2016 hate crimes in Britain
soared by 41%, due to the Brexit vote. In 2017, reports
indicated hate crimes in Britain were at “record
levels.“ In 2019, police reported hate crimes had gone
up by 10% in Britain.
Immigrants and descendants of immigrants
in Britain have been physically attacked in acts of
racism and xenophobia. This month, a black bartender was
attacked by six white men in the Duke of Wellington pub
in London, England. Unprovoked they began racially
abusing the black bartender. Then, they physically beat
him and stole his jewelry. The incident has sparked
protests, as such behavior was not commonplace in modern
Britain. However, Boris and his far right supporters
caused this misconduct. He did not deserve to be
attacked and or robbed.
In 2016, a 15-year-old, far right, white
British boy attacked and punched Polish immigrant
Arkadiusz Jozwik, in a confrontation over Brexit,
Britain’s then pending departure from the European
Union. One of the punches the 15-year-old rendered to
the back of Jozwik’s head killed him. He did not deserve
to be attacked or killed.
In 2016 and 2017 there were police
reports concerning Polish people being attacked and
xenophobically slurred in Britain, due to Brexit. Poles
were slurred, chased, beaten and told to "go home."
Polish people have been filling labor shortages in
Britain in a number of industries. They have been
contributing to Britain and paying their taxes. They did
not deserve the attacks and slurs.
A Spanish woman was attacked on a train
in London. White far right female Brexiteers beat her
for speaking Spanish in England. The Independent
reported the “24-year-old” victim was “left with head
injuries.” The newspaper also reported the assailants,
“Told the woman she should be speaking English in
England.” She did not deserve to be attacked.
Other attacks have been reported on
trains, where blacks were racially slurred and or
physically attacked by far right Brexiteers. The videos
were posted to social networking, showing far right
white Brexiteers issuing racial and xenophobic slurs.
They did not deserve this abuse.
Johnson had publicly issued slurs about
gays, which inspired his far right supporters to be
abusive to gay people. In 2019, a lesbian couple was
attacked on a bus, beaten bloody by a group of men
issuing gay slurs. This is so uncharacteristic for
Britain and needs to stop. However, Boris and his far
right cronies inspired this madness.
In 2019 white, gay journalist, Owen
Jones, who repeatedly spoke out against Brexit, was
slurred and beaten up on his birthday in a British pub
by a group of white, far right thugs who are Brexiteers.
Jones was beaten up for his "sexuality" and "political
views" on Brexit. Jones has been a voice for equality on
social media, in newspapers and on television. He did
not deserve to be attacked. Again, the attack on him is
so uncharacteristic for Britain and needs to stop. Boris
and his far right cronies inspired this madness.
I keep reading about these negative
changes via open attacks on immigrants, people of color
and gays, which began spiking due to Brexit and keep
thinking to myself, this is not the Britain I know. I am
horrified by the whole thing. The Britain I know is a
peaceful, tolerant, caring country.
However, it has become clear, the far
right Brexiteers, who are a small part of the
population, and are inspired by Johnson, Farage and May,
among other notorious conservative figures, are behaving
in a deplorable manner. They are the ones causing this.
Their words and actions are also so loud, it is
dominating the news cycle and causing problems for
Britain in the world.
They are literally scaring off people
the country needs. Boris states he only wants the "best
and the brightest." However, the "best and the
brightest" have great concerns about living in a
"hostile environment." The "best and the brightest" can
write their own ticket anywhere. In a future item I will
discuss a story regarding how the Tory leadership over
the past several years, via xenophobia and racism,
scared off a small company from Britain that is now
worth a fortune (jobs and revenues lost that would have
gone to Britain).
Other consequences of Johnson and his
far right’s conduct includes over 10,000 doctors and
nurses leaving the National Health Service (NHS) and
returning to the European Union, under Brexit and the
accompanying xenophobia and racism. The NHS has tried to
show them they care and want them to stay. However,
under the "hostile environment" they have left and much
to Britain's detriment. The NHS is now struggling due to
the departures and deliberate under-funding by May, her
predecessor David Cameron, as well as her successor,
Boris Johnson.
The ever worsening labor shortages in
the NHS means longer wait times to see a doctor. Where
you would see a doctor every six months, it is now
taking longer. This creates the perfect storm where
serious medical conditions such as cancer and heart
disease can take root and reach a point where they turn
deadly. When people see a doctor at least every
6-months, it means better, more comprehensive medical
care which catches medical conditions before they can
take root and kill.
Remaining NHS staff are overworked and
being placed under enormous strain, which is not good
for their health. I knew a British doctor, whom I met as
a kid, through one of my relatives, who is a NHS doctor.
In 2016, he died fairly quickly of cancer. Many doctors
around the world work very hard and to the point the
neglect themselves.
Last year, I saw a documentary featuring
a NHS doctor, who worked in a London emergency room. He
was working 18-hours per day. He explained how exhausted
and overwhelmed he had become. You could literally see
the exhaustion on him. He also expressed regret at
having become a doctor, due to the excessive workload
(which is not the global standard). No doctor should be
working 18-hours per day. He was only sleeping less than
5-hours per day. The global guideline states people need
8-hours of sleep per day. Sleeping too few hours per day
leads to neurological damage and disease.
However, the poor man is a doctor forced
to make a tough decision regarding working excessive
hours to compensate for labor shortages and
under-funding that have occurred due to the Conservative
government. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has
taken 20-days vacation in the two short months since he
was elected. He's having gourmet meals and shagging his
mistress Carrie Symonds in Downing Street, while
refusing to visit thousands of flood victims in England.
In order to have a strong and prosperous
nation, the country's citizens need to be as healthy as
possible. The labor shortages, NHS under-funding and
general austerity under the Tory party, has resulted in
the deaths of 100,000 Britons, in a spike that caused
alarm in the nation and the United Nations (who paid May
a visit to denounce her deadly behavior). Johnson is
continuing May’s terrible policies. May also let go
22,000 police officers, which resulted in a massive
crime spike in Britain that cost many Britons their
Johnson, playing into populism, has let
his inner racist run free. He has referred to black
people as “grinning picaninnies with watermelon smiles’
which is a racial slur in the British Commonwealth.
Johnson also hired racist Andrew Sabisky as a political
advisor in his cabinet.
Sabisky publicly spouted his views
regarding eugenics, wrongly believing whites are
superior and blacks are inferior with low IQs. Johnson
refused to denounce Sabisky's views. This coupled with
another interview Johnson did, where he compared
minorities to animals, leads the public to believe, he
too subscribes to this racist philosphy.
Eugenics also seeks to stop blacks and
other minorities from reproducing, in what is referred
to as “selective breeding.” Eugenics further deems
blacks are slave labor, and Jews, gypsies and the
disabled are to be exterminated, in line with Hitler's
sick philosophy.
This is the type of thinking which led
to the human atrocity that is slavery, which saw Britain
kidnap, beat and torture black people the government
stole from Africa and imported to places such as the
Caribbean to be slaves for the financial enrichment of
The sad fact of the matter is modern
Britain is built on slavery. Many museums, mansions,
palaces and businesses in Britain were built from the
money and goods inhumanely gained through slavery. Even
the content of many British museums are from slavery
days and colonialism in taking other nations' artifacts
and treasures.
Up until 2015, the current British
families of former slaveowners, were still being
financially compensated by the British government for
being forced to sell their slaves when slavery was
abolished in the 1800s. It is mind-blowing that people
were accepting this slavery blood money up until 5-years
ago. The families who kept accepting the payments in
modern times should be ashamed.
Modern far right racists seek to even
deny slavery ever occurred (much like they are holocaust
deniers). It is evident by their words online. However,
the British government admits to slavery on its website,
regarding forcefully kidnapping and transporting over
3,000,000 black people from Africa to the Caribbean, to
be slaves, in what netted Britain the modern equivalent
of trillions of pounds sterling. Once again, modern
Britain is built on slavery.
My homeland Jamaica became Britain’s
most profitable island in the Caribbean. A group of
Jamaican slaves, known as the Maroons, began fighting
back and killing British soldiers and slavemasters,
which ended slavery decades earlier on the island than
in other nations. Britain declared a truce with the
Maroons, in acts that led to the end of slavery on the
island. However, the exploitation was not over.
In the 1980s, former British Prime
Minister, Margaret Thatcher, conspired with former U.S.
President, Ronald Reagan, to financially exploit
Jamaica, to steal natural resources such as bauxite. The
CIA was the driving force behind it, regarding
misconduct that completely exploited and ripped off
Jamaica concerning the island's natural resources. They
behaved like slavetraders. The same was done to Africa
by the two aforementioned elected world leaders, under
the direction of the CIA. Let that sink in. This wasn't
in the 1800s. This was in the mid 1980s and in a problem
that continues. The Caribbean and its people are viewed
by the CIA/FBI and British conservative politicians as
individuals and grounds to be criminally exploited.
Fast-forward to modern times and this
Madonna's Criminal Conduct At The BBC In Britain Has Nasty Racist
Slavery Connotations To It (Anthony Joshua, Daniel Kaluuya)
The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna
Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents). So the
legacy of the slave trade is alive and well, which is
vile and despicable. Slavery is still being practiced.
Despite the history of brutality the
British government committed against the Caribbean
during slavery, you would think it was over back then,
when it was abolished. However, as you can see by the
examples cited above via the Tories, it was not over.
Here's another example. Former Prime Minister, Theresa
May, decided to bring back vile abuses against the
African descendants of slaves from the Caribbean.
The hateful demon that is May, began
revoking the citizenship of Caribbean people, who
lawfully immigrated to Britain between 1940-1970, after
the British government invited them to do so, to help
rebuild the nation after World War II. They are known as
the "Windrush" generation, named after a ship.
Britain was severely bombed during the
war and many British soldiers had died, which left the
nation damaged in many ways. Streets and buildings had
been bombed into destruction, taking many businesses
with it. It greatly impacted business and infrastructure
in a terrible way. The deaths of British soldiers also
created labor shortages.
At the time of the war and in the
aftermath, the Caribbean was still under British rule.
Caribbean people were referred to as “British subjects.”
The British government decided to invite Caribbean
people to immigrate to Britain to help rebuild the
nation and remedy the labor shortages.
Caribbean governments were told their
citizens who immigrate to Britain would be “British
citizens” and have all “the same rights as Britons.”
Over 123,000 Caribbean people immigrated to Britain.
They encountered terrible racism, but persevered. They
helped to rebuild Britain and remedied the labor
The British government kept its word for
several decades regarding the Caribbean immigrants being
British citizens. However, that was until evil Theresa
May became Home Secretary , under former Prime Minister
David Cameron, and put a despicable plan in motion to
deport every single Caribbean person she could find and
May, via the Home Office, unlawfully
sent out tens of thousands of deportation letters, in
violation of previous international agreements the
British government made with Caribbean world
governments. They were wrongly and deliberately branded
illegal immigrants, after several decades of lawfully
residing in Britain.
Due to the new, fraudulent illegal
status, Caribbean people who had lawfully lived and
worked in Britain for decades lost their jobs, homes,
healthcare and pensions, when May declared them illegal
immigrants, under her self-professed "hostile
environment" (treating immigrants like garbage, enemies
and hostile invaders). May was denounced in the New York
Times and many other global publications as racist scum
with a sick agenda. May's name is now mud all over the
May's conduct was a terrible throw back
to slavery where blacks were robbed of everything, not
allowed to own anything and denied healthcare. May's
conduct greatly damaged the British government's name in
the world in an incident that will never be forgotten.
She is the worst thing that happened to the British and
Caribbean relationship since slavery. She is a disgrace.
The far right wants black people to stop
talking about slavery and racism but take a good look at
the conduct of the aforementioned Tory politicians
throwing race matters in our faces. We did not tell
Johnson to call us "grinning picaninnies with watermelon
smiles." We did not tell Johnson to hire a political
advisor and bring him to Downing Street, to spout his
views as a proponent of racist eugenics. Nor did we tell
Johnson to support eugenics and refuse to publicly
denounce it. Nor did we tell Boris to compare minorities
to animals. Boris did these things all on his own.
Johnson and his fellow racists thinks
what they've done is cute and funny. However, it is
self-defeating. They've scared people off Britain, whom
the country needs. They are costing Britain a fortune in
tourism and investments with this racism and xenophobia.
Johnson's far right supporters are
engaging in this behavior to their own detriment as
well. They are also getting riled up by people such as
Nigel Farage, Tommy Robinson and Katie Hopkins, who've
made money from being racist and xenophobic. Farage and
Robinson have received donations of over £1,000,000 each
(that's in addition to payments from other far right
groups). Hopkins has also received donations from far
right entities and payment for interviews/appearances.
Farage even charged people to march with him. Have you
ever heard of such a greedy, self-serving, idiotic
However, 99% of far right supporters do
not have six or seven figures in the bank. Yet, they are
on social media making racist and xenophobic statements
for anyone to see. Meanwhile, potential employers have
and continue to look up their profiles online (as is
standard with many employers) and have refused to hire
them. As the damage from Brexit becomes even more
apparent, costing British businesses a greater fortune,
even more far right people will find it difficult to
find work and some will be fired for the damage the
movement cost Britain.
They are banking on Boris to bring back
the old British empire. However, those days are not
coming back. Britain no longer owns most of the world
that was conquered by force. Up to the mid-1900s,
Britain used to manufacture every type of product on the
planet as well. It is not so anymore. Under former Prime
Minister Margaret Thatcher there was a pronounced move
away from manufacturing.
Britain then heavily relied on
revenues from the European Union, the real estate market
and banking. The irony is the real estate market and
banking have taken a financial hit under Brexit. To make
matters worse, the racism and xenophobia Boris and
company keep spouting, is keeping vital people away. A
part of the electorate have also put their faith in
Boris, who will not deliver. Boris said whatever he felt
was necessary to get elected. From the start, sensible
people who know politics realized his entire political
platform was pure unworkable, nonsensical crap. This has
created the perfect storm of trouble for the British
To the British people, I'm not mad at
you for slavery (modern Brits). I don't hold a drudge against you. I'm
not trying to hurt you. I do love Britain, which is why
the things that are transpiring in the nation are so
upsetting to me. I can see where things are going under
Boris and it's not good. I am trying to make you aware
that you have placed your faith in a prime minister, who
is going to fail you and fail you badly. So be careful.
Make wise financial choices in your personal and
business lives. Do not risk everything on what Boris is
telling you, as he cannot deliver what he has promised.
There is trouble ahead.
Under modern Tory politicians Britain
has taken a turn for the worse and the worst is yet to
come (financial losses, poverty, Britain breaking up and
political weakness on the world stage). Scotland will
seek to leave. They will change their local laws in an
effort to leave Britain. Wales also wants independence.
Ireland wants to reunify with Northern Ireland. They are
all valuable members of the British family. It is a
concentration of revenues, businesses, workers and
military might that has Britain ensconced at an
impressive #5 in the world. However, with the things
transpiring due to the far right and Brexit, Scotland,
Wales and Northern Ireland want to leave.
I've been correct in many things I have stated regarding
Britain and would not try to steer people wrong:
Britain's Prime Minister Boris
Johnson Is Failing At Negotiating Trade Deals With The European Union
And America
KFC Chicken
Shortage In Britain Leads To Temporary Closure Of 500
Restaurants Indicating An Agricultural Problem As Stated
Previously On The Site
Labour Party Releases Unredacted
Documents Illustrating Plot By Boris Johnson And His Tory Politicians To
Sell The NHS In Trade Deal
Murdoch's News Corp Exposed For Burglaries Into High Profile People's
Homes To Steal Information For Profit
Senator Demands FBI Investigate Rupert Murdoch For Hacking Rival &
Stealing Their Copyrights
Rupert Murdoch Finally Admits His Company's Phone Hacking And
Wiretapping Crimes
Metropolitan Police Cuts To Leave 8,000 Officers Unemployed (But Can
Be Avoided)
Britain Facing
Another Food Shortage As Predicted On The Site Last Year (CO2)
The British Economy Set To Lose Trillions Confirming Previous Site
Site exclusives
Boris Johnson's IQ comments met with outrage
Thu 28 Nov 2013 16.23 EST - First
published on Thu 28 Nov 2013 16.23 EST - Boris Johnson
was on Thursday accused of revealing his "unpleasant
elitism" and insulting the low-paid of London after he
controversially suggested some people will struggle to
get on in life because of their low IQs.
The London mayor was met with outrage
from political rivals and silence from his own party
after he gave a speech embracing the philosophies of
Margaret Thatcher that appeared to mock the 16% "of our
species" with an IQ below 85 and called for more to be
done to help the 2% of the population who have an IQ
above 130.
During the speech, Johnson declared that
inequality was essential to foster the spirit of envy
and hailed greed as a valuable spur to economic
activity, as he claimed that shaking a cornflake packet
hard was the best way of getting some to rise to the
The fiercest criticism came from Nick
Clegg, the deputy prime minister, who attacked the
senior Tory's "unpleasant, careless elitism" and accused
him of talking about people as if they were dogs. "I
don't agree with Boris Johnson on this. Much as he is a
funny and engaging guy, I have to say these comments
reveal a fairly unpleasant, careless elitism that
somehow suggests we should give up on a whole swath of
fellow citizens," Clegg told LBC 97.3 radio.
"To talk about us as if we are a sort of
breed of dogs, a species I think he calls it … the
danger is if you start taking such a deterministic view
of people because they have got a number attached to
them, in this case an IQ number, they are not going to
rise to the top of the cornflake packet, that is
complete anathema to everything I've always stood for in
'These comments reveal a fairly
unpleasant, careless elitism that somehow suggests we
should give up on a whole swath of fellow citizens.'
Clegg said he believed children developed at different
paces and should have access to a culture of
opportunity, aspiration and hard work.
His remarks were echoed by David Lammy,
the Tottenham MP who is considering a bid to run as
mayor of London for Labour in 2016, who said the remarks
were worse than careless. "I don't think that's just
careless. I think it's an insult," he told BBC Radio 4's
World at One. "It's an insult to cleaners in London, to
people who are home carers in London, people who are
minimum wage, giving them the suggestion that they are
sort of bottom of the cornflake packet. That's not the
sort of society I thought we wanted to live in,
particularly when the mayor has supported the London
living wage, which is about saying we all ought to be in
this together.
"It's extraordinary for a mayor, who
should be for all of London, to think it's all right to
glorify greed – a greed that has brought a banking
collapse and caused misery and hardship to many
Londoners, particularly to young people who can't get on
the housing ladder."
Sadiq Khan, shadow justice secretary and
another potential mayoral contender, said Johnson's
comments were "shameful" and suggested he was playing to
the right in an effort to become leader of the Tory
party. "He has never had to struggle or fight to survive
in his life. How could someone so out of touch with most
Londoners' lives possibly understand the reality of
poverty in London?" he said.
"He is abandoning and exploiting poor
Londoners to appeal to the far right of the Tory party
and Ukip as he forgets London in his desperate scrabble
to become leader of his party."...
Downing St refuses to say if Boris Johnson agrees
with adviser who suggested black people are mentally
inferior and backed compulsory contraception
11 hours ago - Downing Street has
refused to say whether Boris Johnson agrees with an
adviser who suggested black people were mentally
inferior and advocated compulsory contraception to
prevent a “permanent underclass”. A Number 10 spokesman
was repeatedly asked at a Westminster media briefing
whether the PM wished to distance himself from a string
of controversial remarks made by Andrew Sabisky, who was
recruited by senior advisor Dominic Cummings.
Presented with a series of Sabisky’s
comments and asked whether the PM backed them or would
condemn them, the spokesman responded only: “The prime
minister’s views are well publicised and well
documented.” Despite frequent requests, the Downing
Street spokesman was unable to point to a single example
of the prime minister expressing a view on eugenics or
the intelligence of black people, merely saying that
reporters would find that his opinions were
“well-documented” on the public record.
He declined to say whether Mr Johnson’s
views on the issue were reflected in a magazine article
in which the PM referred to black people as
“picaninnies” with “watermelon smiles”.
Whilst editor of The Spectator, Mr
Johnson published an article in which columnist Taki
wrote: “On average, Orientals are slower to mature, less
randy, less fertile, and have larger brains and higher
IQ scores. Blacks are at the other pole, and whites fall
somewhere in the middle, although closer to the
Orientals than the blacks.”
Asked subsequently about his
contributor’s remarks, Mr Johnson described Taki as a
“very distinguished columnist”. The PM is coming under
growing pressure to sack Mr Sabisky over comments prior
to his appointment in which he:
- Called for the young to undergo
compulsory contraception to prevent the creation of “a
permanent underclass”;
- Disparagingly compared women’s sport
to the Paralympics
- Suggested that black people were more
likely than whites to be “close to mental retardation”.
The 27-year-old self-styled
“superforecaster” responded to Mr Cummings’ call for
“misfits and weirdos” to apply to work at 10 Downing
But his extreme views immediately
sparked outrage online after it emerged that he had made
comments about the IQs of black people on a blog post
published in 2014.
In it, he wrote: ‘If the mean black
American IQ is (best estimate based on a century’s worth
of data) around 85, as compared to a mean white American
IQ of 100, then if IQ is normally distributed, you will
see a far greater percentage of blacks than whites in
the range of IQs 75 or below, at which point we are
close to the typical boundary for mild mental
retardation. That parsimoniously explains the greater
diagnostic rates for blacks when it comes to
‘Intellectual Disability’.”
Mr Sabiksy has also come under fire for
previously stating that much of the ‘hue and cry’
against female genital mutilation ‘looks more like a
moral panic’. He also suggested that giving children
mental performance-enhancing drugs which might pose a
risk to their lives was probably worth ‘a dead kid once
a year’. In 2016, the Cambridge graduate argued the case
for eugenics, which aims to improve the genetic quality
of the population by excluding certain groups judged to
be ‘inferior’, writing: “Eugenics are about selecting
‘for’ good things.”
The Downing Street spokesman had earlier
refused to confirm his appointment or to say whether he
was working as a special adviser to the PM paid by the
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Abominable Treatment Of The Windrush Generation
Three Windrush People Wrongly Deported By Theresa May Have Died
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