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The FBI Exposed As Evil In Clint Eastwood's 'Richard Jewell' Film (Video)

January 4. 2020

The late Richard Jewell in Congress warning about how evil the FBI is and how they destroyed his life:

The award winning Clint Eastwood directed biopic on the late Richard Jewell, who was falsely accused by the FBI of bombing the Atlanta Olympics, has caused controversy. “Richard Jewell” which has received an Oscar nomination for “Best Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture” has upset some members of the press, who are angry over how they are portrayed in the film.

The late journalist, Kathy Scruggs, is accused of having sex with an FBI agent for information, which she used to smear Jewell in the press. The FBI and Scruggs, among others in the press, really destroyed Jewell’s life. The ironic thing is the Constitution states each person is entitled to a good name. However, as many legal cases have illustrated, the FBI does not respect or follow the constitution.

Richard Jewell

The evil, lazy, sloppy FBI tried to destroy Jewell, an innocent man, over a crime he did not commit, and the agency did so in such sick ways it destroyed his health and sent him to an early gave at age 44. The FBI engaged in conduct meant to push Jewell into suicide.

When the FBI does so, they use it as an opportunity to give the public the impression, via the press, that the person who committed, did so out of overwhelming guilt. It also means case closed in their favor, where they do not have to prove the innocent person did something wrong in a court of law (because they lack evidence, as the case is built on a lie).

Clint Eastwood's "Richard Jewell" film

Ask yourself what kind of law enforcement agency pushes people into suicide, which the FBI did to Black Lives Matter members and scientist Bruce Ivins, whom they falsely blamed for CIA anthrax when they knew he was innocent (Scientists Challenge The FBI In Anthrax Case and FBI tried to pin CIA anthrax on Ivins and FBI Anthrax Case Deteriorates Even More). The FBI tried to push the late civil rights hero Martin Luther King Jr into suicide, via the infamous and disgraceful suicide letter they sent him.

 Law enforcement is supposed to “protect and serve.” Law enforcement is supposed to protect and preserve human life. Yet, here’s the FBI deliberately taking it. Members of the public have been indicted, convicted and incarcerated in America for pushing people to suicide, as it is a crime. Yet, here is the FBI deliberately pushing people into suicide. What kind of sick double standard is that.

A redacted version of the suicide letter the FBI sent to the late civil rights hero Martin Luther King jr, demanding he kill himself. To this day the treacherous FBI won't release the full letter, as their conduct is so evil, they don't want the world seeing them for the monsters they truly are. The FBI gave Baptist preacher and Nobel Prize winner King 34-days to kill himself, for daring to preach blacks and whites are equal. When he refused, the FBI had King murdered via the sick agency program COINTELPRO, as confirmed by former black FBI agents who left the agency in modern times over the discovery. Today, the FBI hasn't changed one bit. If fact, they've gotten worse.

There are parallels between the Richard Jewell case and that of Martin Luther King Jr. The FBI deliberately tried to destroy both men’s health, as they’ve done to others, in calculated, deliberate efforts meant to create such unbearable stress it would manifest itself as physical illness.

The FBI’s sick, psychopathic railroading led to the destruction of Jewell’s health. This is well documented. The FBI also severely damaged Martin Luther King Jr’s heart to degrees that when he died at age 39, doctors stated he had the heart of a 64-year-old. That’s what the sick, deliberate, calculated FBI abuse did to him.

To this day their are chunks of Martin Luther King Jr's FBI file that have been classified and hidden away, as what the agency did to him was so cruel, demonic, evil and devilish, it would spark massive global outcry. So the FBI has taken the cowardly approach in hiding the file like the dishonest, treacherous, evil people they are.

It is an established scientific fact that the human body can only take so much stress and other forms of abuse before it manifests as heart attacks, strokes, high blood pressure and or cancer, among other illnesses. The human mind is not meant to be abused either, as it can lead to psychosis and schizophrenia. In some cases the targets snap and kills others and or themselves.

The FBI is well aware of these established medical facts, yet consistently and feverishly works to create terrible circumstances in people’s lives they target, many of whom are innocent, in acts meant to destroy them.

Martin Luther King Jr was wrongly jailed in acts orchestrated by the FBI

The FBI has an internal, classified, sick manual on how to destroy a person’s health and push them to suicide (which they‘ve actively used on the public for years). Once again, the FBI are supposed to be a law enforcement agency, meant to protect and preserve human life. Yet, we see them doing the exact opposite.

The FBI is an abomination. They are bar none the most evil and arrogant law enforcement agency in existence. They have no heart or conscience. I have witnessed the FBI do extraordinarily evil things beyond anything you could imagine. They're sick and it's a mental sickness that has permeated the whole agency of 33,000 people, who all fall in line with the most horrendously unlawful and reckless behavior on a daily basis.

Martin Luther King was shot to death on a hotel balcony in acts orchestrated by the FBI

Martin Luther KIng Jr dying in a pool of his blood after the FBI had him murdered. This ladies and gentlemen is the worthless FBI.

They are repeatedly exposed in the press and government accountability reports (Inspector General) but nothing serious ever comes of it, even when innocent kids die (The FBI Informs Congress The Two Employees Who Ignored Credible Tips That Would Have Prevented The Parkland Mass Murder School Shooting Have Been Disciplined). Then they go right back to breaking the law, getting worse and worse each time.

They are an embarrassment to the U.S. government and one that will bring the country down, due to extremely illegal and sick things they are doing behind closed doors in America and the world. They have been creating and getting into all sorts of criminal madness that they do not belong in and in ways that pose a massive danger to the public, both domestically and internationally.

Martin Luther King Jr funeral. King's death sparked change in America as the public became outraged and fed up with the racially motivated abuses by people such as those in the FBI. King gained more popularity in death as he became a legend and symbol of equality.

The FBI are psychotics not following the rule of law, but their own greedy political and financial desires for power. The repeatedly toss privacy laws out the window, pulling fraudulent wiretaps, warrants to hack computers and webcams, perform private illegal property searches, in acts of prying into the lives of innocent people they spy on for political and financial reasons, not law enforcement related matters.


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