The Coronavirus Has Sent America Into A
Financial CrisisMarch 26. 2020

President Donald Trump (Republican)
The current coronavirus (Covid-19)
outbreak has created a financial crisis in America.
Television news reports indicate though many
non-essential businesses have closed in an ordered
shutdown, in an effort to tame the spread of the deadly
virus, some will not reopen due to financial losses.
Another television news report this week
stated unemployment in America could jump to a massive
30% shortly, due to the current coronavirus crisis. As
stated in a previous article today, the restaurant
industry in America will lose 7,000,000 jobs in 3-months
due to the crisis. These are all indicators of a
terrible financial crisis that has begun to grip America
this month.

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Democrat)
As previously stated on the site, I did
warn in 2018 that pestilence was
coming (Theresa May And Boris Johnson
Under-Funding Of The NHS Left The Health Service Ill-Prepared To Counter
The Effects Of The Coronavirus (Covid-19)). In late February I
also revealed that the source of said pestilence is very
inorganic (Coronavirus Cases Surface In China,
Japan, Italy, Britain And America With Questions About It's True Source).
Previously, I also stated America is
headed for a financial crisis due to tax cuts for the
rich and then it happened (Economic Reports State America Is Headed For A Recession Prompting A
Response From President Trump). Previously in 2006, I predicted the 2008 financial
crisis via my
Sound Off Column
website and in 2007
via this article.
The current financial upheaval is going
to be very damaging to America. It is also going to
wallop the economy of Italy, a nation that currently has
the most coronavirus deaths in the world (7,800)
regarding a number that continues to climb at an
alarming rate.
Theresa May And Boris Johnson
Under-Funding Of The NHS Left The Health Service Ill-Prepared To Counter
The Effects Of The Coronavirus (As Previously Predicted On The Site)
Boris Johnson
Slammed By The World Health Organization For Defying Global Health
Guidelines On The Coronavirus
Coronavirus Cases Surface In China,
Japan, Italy, Britain And America With Questions About It's True Source
Economic Reports State America Is Headed For A Recession Prompting A
Response From President Trump
Congress Slammed On Social
Networking For Delays In Coronavirus Relief Bill
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Term #AbolishTheCIA
2020 Olympics Postponed Until Summer
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