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Robert Mueller Stalked Donald Trump Jr To The Airport July 30. 2018
Robert Mueller (on the far left) and Donald Trump Jr (on the right flanked by Secret Service) A photo has surfaced of arrogant, unhinged special prosecutor, Robert S. Mueller, stalking Donald Trump Jr., the son of U.S. President Donald Trump. It has a look of impropriety and criminal witness tampering. Mueller is a psychopath, as evidenced by his days as head of the FBI, where he got the agency sued by many people for everything from wrongful death to racism/bullying. Mueller also arranged unlawful maneuvers that left many informants in prison. When they got caught, he disavowed all knowledge of them, after promising them immunity. During his time as head of the FBI, Mueller would waste taxpayer money putting innocent people under surveillance for political and financial reasons, rather than criminal wrongdoing. Then he would have FBI employees illegally mine the innocent people's phone calls, emails and computer contents for political and financial gain. Mueller did this to doctors, scientists, journalists, corporate executives and professors, among others, for political and financial gain. Mueller would engage FBI agents to illegally investigate people's family members in this manner, who did nothing wrong, turning them into collateral damage and leverage for blackmail. Mueller would send FBI agents to knock on the doors of the innocent target's family, friends and business associates, who had nothing to do with the madness he alleged in investigations, and demanded they cooperate in his depraved campaigns of harassment and terrorization, or horrible harm would come to them and their children. I know of credible cases where Mueller did this. Others also complained of Mueller engaging in this criminal depravity during his time at the FBI, which spit on the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Code. Mueller is an absolute embarrassment and disgrace to the U.S. government. During forthcoming disclosures, the American people will find out Mueller is one of the worst things to ever happen to the country. There are other incidents of Mueller sending FBI agents to stalk and invaded the privacy of innocent people and their children in acts worthy of imprisonment. Here are a few examples. Mueller sent FBI agents to threaten the underage children of innocent people, because he sought their innocent parents' cooperation, regarding illegal conduct he waged for financial and political reasons, not permitted by U.S. or international law. The innocent, underage children in their early teens were left traumatized and began exhibiting the signs of PTSD. In one case, one of the underage teens was left so terrified and shaken after the FBI agent illegally and menacingly approached her on school premises with threatening behavior (as that's the only place the child was without her parents) the teen had a mental breakdown and was hospitalized, as she became suicidal. The smart, outgoing underage teen became catatonic, reclusive and morbidly depressed after the dirty FBI's misconduct. In another incident, another FBI agent criminally trespassed on school premises and issued very abusive threats to a boy in his early teens and mentioned the boy's parents, as a threat to his innocent parents, over their lack of cooperation with the FBI's illegal conduct. In another incident, an FBI agent illegally trespassed at a university and threatened staff members into doing his bidding regarding an innocent teenage student, whose family the FBI began criminally targeting and invading their privacy, seeking their cooperation in a case, all for political reasons. The family hadn't done anything wrong. However, a corrupt wealthy political donor engaged the FBI to terrorize the family for financial and political reasons. The FBI agent began demanding members of faculty harass the student. The goal was to mess up the young man's scholarship and to get him thrown out. They began making adverse decisions against the innocent A student. He was dropped from many scholastic opportunities as well. These are but a few incidents of the FBI illegally targeting people's children, in trying to get their parents to do their bidding. Some of these incidents occurred in America and others occurred in the international community. These incidents and others were waged on Mueller's sick orders. There is proof of this. Mueller is as dirty as they come. People in America and foreign nations where he waged this criminal behavior, were left shocked and appalled that the FBI went that far. And the truth about those incidents and others will come out in full detail. There are other examples of Mueller's sick behavior in this regard. Nasty, vengeful Mueller targeted an innocent family in seeking a woman's cooperation in a case that was not based in any criminal wrongdoing, but his desire to gain political control over an innocent person who is an outspoken critic of the FBI's illegal tactics. When the woman wanted nothing to do with his behavior, her family was threatened by the FBI. Then, an FBI agent was dispatched to the nursing home the innocent woman's innocent elderly mother lived. There was no problem regarding the elderly woman at the home prior to the FBI's nasty meddling. However, an FBI agent coerced a nursing home employee to get verbally and physically abusive with the innocent woman's elderly mother. The nursing home employee began shoving and hitting the old lady in her room. The nursing home employee began slapping and hitting the innocent elderly woman in her head and throwing down her food on the TV tray in her room, terrifying the poor little old lady. It was done as a threat to the elderly woman's daughter, who would not break the law in participating in the FBI's sick conduct regarding targeting an innocent high profile person the FBI failed in their threats against. Mueller has Trump, his family and business associates under surveillance. Mueller has questionably widened the net, even spying on Trump's in-laws and grandkids. He does this madness in every case and it's sick. It all comes straight out of Mueller's stupid playbook: engage wiretaps, hack computers and emails, scan bank accounts, pull credit and stalk the target, their family and friends (and all at a whopping cost to the U.S. taxpayer). Family members and friends get their privacy criminally invaded as well, with no probable cause, via illegal wiretaps, hacking, bank account scanning, their credit being pulled when they aren't even the target of the investigation. The next part of Mueller's stupid playbook is to menacingly and threateningly approach the innocent family members, friends and business associates of the target and threaten them, their lives, jobs, bank accounts and wellbeing, demanding they turn on the target, with the FBI's sick goal being to mentally, emotionally and physically isolate and destroying the target. The FBI agents will present false and defamatory information they falsified, while threatening the target's family members, friends and business associates to help them destroy the person, who they will fraudulently and inaccurately paint as the most evil person on the planet. Robert S. Mueller This conduct is a disgrace and embarrassment to the U.S. government. That's not a good look for the U.S. government. It is extremely evil and corrupt. Yet, Mueller via the FBI, and now the DOJ, has repeatedly wasted taxpayer money engaging in this unlawful, mentally deranged conduct in America, the Caribbean, Britain, Europe and Canada in criminal violation of the law. These acts have been particularly criminal, as Mueller has no mandate to operate in America in this illegal manner. No president, politician or Department of Justice employee is allowed to authorize such illegality from Mueller or anyone else, but he has repeatedly broken the law in this manner for years. Furthermore, Mueller never had any mandate to operate abroad in this manner and the conduct he ordered FBI agents and officials to engage in is not permissible under international law. Mueller is completely sick and depraved, as all that madness has nothing to do with law enforcement, but are the actions of a deranged, power hungry, money grubbing madman, who was repeatedly condemned for wasting taxpayer money at the FBI (misappropriated millions of dollars during the FBI computer system overhaul and was reprimanded by Congress for flying around in a $40,000,000 emergency private jet meant for FBI agents on terrorism missions, because clearly in Mueller's greedy mind he is some important Fortune 500 CEO who deserves the best of everything, not the loser that ran the FBI into massive debt and disgrace while wasting taxpayer money). In fact, the type of illegal, psychologically sick tactics Mueller used at the FBI comes straight from Nazism and terrorism. Mueller is a sicko who gets off on psychologically harming others. For example, Mueller repeatedly violated HIPAA when he was head of the FBI, in illegally obtaining medical records and prying into the medical care of people he targeted. Mueller had select psychiatrists the FBI paid declare people mentally ill (who were not). Mueller then used the questionable medical pronouncements in bids at discrediting people in court cases...only for other psychiatrists to check and discover the people are mentally sound. This brand of misconduct is known as "the misuse of psychiatry" and it is a crime in America. The "misuse of psychiatry" or "political abuse of psychiatry" was commonly used decades ago in Hitler's Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia (the latter being the same people Mueller is going after Trump, his family, friends and business associates over, while ignoring the fact Hillary Clinton has extensive ties to Russia as well). Read more about the FBI criminally breaking the law at medical offices [The FBI Visiting Medical Providers Telling Them To Harm Patients For Political Reasons In Criminal Violation Of The Law (Patients Have Been Maimed And Died)]. Mueller knew Donald Trump Jr. would be at the airport at that time, as he has him (and others) under 24 hours surveillance, at a very high price to the taxpayers. Mueller stalked Trump Jr. to the airport and it's pathetic, disgusting and creepy. I don't care what your feelings are towards Trump, his family or political party, law enforcement should not be crossing these sick lines. It is Nazism. Mueller is getting carried away with himself, as usual. Mueller thinks he's in a movie. His presence at the airport are the actions of a madman trying to criminally harass, intimidate and bully, which has become the way of the FBI and DOJ since he surfaced years ago and it's very unbecoming and an embarrassment to the U.S. government. Mueller has no ethics or class to be doing these things. For him to jump up and decide to stalk, intimidate and harass the child of a head of state, says he's trash and a stalker. Mueller clearly thinks he is above the law. His behavior is completely unprofessional, creepy and has nothing to do with law enforcement or proper justice system standards. Mueller is a thug and bully with serious mental problems to be stalking people's children (and ordering the FBI to do the same for years). Decent, honorable men do not do such things, especially under the guise of law enforcement. It is dirty, low class and dragging the U.S. government's name through the mud and straight into the gutter...and not just in America, but all over the world. Mueller was publicly slammed by government employees in Britain and Iceland, among other places, over his dirty tactics as head of the FBI. Mueller wouldn't like it if certain people in the government went after his offspring. Therefore, he is a fool to be stalking and harassing Trump Jr. Mueller is dealing with men in government who have a long memory and short temper. You go after their family, expect the same in return from them.
Side Bar: The FBI is actively going into the international community, committing all sorts of terrible crimes, in what is going to mushroom into a massive global scandal that sees them publicly ejected from foreign nations and ordered never to return, as the misconduct is that egregious and sick. The FBI has engaged in extrajudicial killings. The FBI has engaged in attempted murder plots, where world governments had to divert police and military resources into protecting innocent people on their shores, for fear known, armed FBI agents, who were photographed trespassing and skulking around outside their homes and businesses, would murder them on Mueller's orders, due to threats that had been made. When is Congress going to get their Frankenstein, the FBI, under control. Former U.S. President Abraham Lincoln once stated, "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." At the current rate, it will be the FBI that destroys America with their corrupt conduct in tandem with others that creates a massive, unprecedented disaster. PREVIOUS SITE EXCLUSIVES I'VE BROKEN ON THE FBI AND ROBERT MUELLER THAT LATER PROVED TRUE VIA CONGRESSIONAL HEARINGS AND PRESS STORIES: The FBI Was At The 2012 Olympics Illegally Spying Confirming What This Site Previously Stated Confirmed: The FBI Spying On Journalists Emails Just As The Website Previously Stated
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