Police Officer In Ohio Violently Kicks Inmate
In Head In Act Of Police Brutality And Is Arrested For It (Video)July 3. 2020
A police officer in Cincinnati, Ohio has been
relieved of duty, after violently kicking a drunk inmate in the head
for biting his boot. The incident occurred on June 9, 2020. The
jarring CCTV video footage from the jail shows Hamilton County
deputy, Jesse Franklin, brutally kicked intoxicated inmate, Nick
Ballanchino, in the head, while he was in handcuffs and subdued on
the ground by fellow guards. The victim required stitches for his
head injury.
Seagent Franklin has been charged with misdemeanor
assault for his unlawful conduct. It is appropriate that he was
criminally charged. Prosecutors need to stay on misbehaving officers
and not let up, until the message is firmly understood that
excessive force will not be tolerated.
This is another in a long line of incidents that
illustrates some police officers in America need to be retrained.
There are countless cases of police brutality in America, especially
against black people. Recently, new legislation was signed by the
President, Congress and many states, to address the very serious and
deadly problem of police brutality.
There is no need to shoot someone in the back who is
running away. There is no need to employ chokeholds. There is no
need to beat and already subdued person. Police officers must act
with restraint regarding unnecessary violence and should do due
Black Woman Brutally Punched In The
Face By Police Officer At Miami International Airport (Video)
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