Megan The Stallion finally stated on the record
that her ex-boyfriend and fellow rapper, Tory Lanez, shot her in
the feet during an argument, after a pool party at vapid Kylie
Jenner's house [The Real Reason Megan Thee Stallion
And Tory Lanez Had An Altercation In A Vehicle Leading To His Arrest
(Flirting And Sexual Assault)]. As stated on the site on Thursday, some online
were stating Megan is lying about getting shot.
However, Megan posted photos of her injuries and
expressed her anger at not being believed by some. While more
people on social networking believe her now, some are asking why
he shot Megan. As I've stated on this site many times, Hollywood
is insane. People engage in unprovoked, cruel acts all the time,
severely damaging innocent people's lives. They don't need a
reason. The industry is full of evil.

Tory Lanez
That's why I warned on this site that Megan
should not sign with rapper Jay Z, as management, due to the
fact there is so much evil, violence, greed and corruption in
his circle. As mentioned previously on the site, Jay Z's
mistress, singer Rihanna, got into a violent fight with her
boyfriend at the time, Chris Brown, while they too were in a
Rihanna hit Chris and spit in his face over his
cheating (meanwhile she at the time was having sex with Jay Z,
Kanye West, TI, Eminem, The Dream, LA Reid and others for career
favors, which disgusted Chris, who stopped taking her
seriously). It set him off. He tried to put her out the car. She
wouldn't leave. His temper began to rage and he violently beat
her over attacking him. Brown should not have done that and she
should not have hit and spit in his face.
Note: video contains profanity
Megan did not hit Tory. She dumped him over
flirting with another woman at the party. She is one of the most
popular rappers right now with famous men trying to date her.
Tory's ego could not handle her dumping him. He shot her in the
feet, like in the Eddie Murphy movie "Harlem Nights." However,
this is real life, not a movie. Shooting a defenseless woman and
one who was walking away from you is cruel and highly unlawful.
Side bar: Some online joked that
Megan caused the fight by asking short Tory, "Where is your car
seat?" (*suppressing laughter* the internet is so wrong for that
Rapper Megan Thee Stallion Refusing
To Snitch On Boyfriend Tory Lanez After He Shot Her In The Legs While
She Was Naked
Rapper Megan Thee Stallion Was Found
Naked And Suffering From Gunshot Wounds When Police Pulled Her And Tory
Lanez Over In Los Angeles (Video)
Rapper Megan Thee Stallion Refusing
To Snitch On Boyfriend Tory Lanez After He Shot Her In The Legs While
She Was Naked
Megan Thee Stallion Says She Is Not A Devil Worshipper But Signing With
Jay Z Is Leading People To Think Otherwise
Megan Thee Stallion Hospitalized
After Being Shot Multiple Times In Altercation With Fellow Rapper Tory
Megan Thee Stallion Talks About
Being Shot In The Legs By Rapper Tory Lanez (Video)