Rapper Megan Thee Stallion Was Found Naked And
Suffering From Gunshot Wounds When Police Pulled Her And Tory Lanez
Over In Los Angeles (Video)July 17. 2020
Video from police bodycam footage shows a naked
Megan Thee Stallion on a Los Angeles street, after cops pulled over
the vehicle she and boyfriend, Tory Lanez, 27, occupied during a
heated argument. A second woman was also in the vehicle, Megan's
friend Kelsey Nicole. Lanez is accused of shooting rapper Megan,
real name Megan Pete, aged 25, multiple times in the legs.

Megan Thee Stallion
Police ordered everyone to exit the vehicle. Megan
exited the vehicle completely naked and bleeding from her legs. When
police discovered her injuries they rushed her to the hospital.
Something very strange was going on in the vehicle and the entire
story is not being disclosed.

Tory Lanez
Lanez has not been charged with shooting Megan
(though her producer Lil Ju stated on social networking the rapper
did indeed shoot Megan). He has been hit with a felony illegal gun
possession charge. However, it is clear the charges should be
upgraded, as this is outright abuse of a defenseless woman. He could
have killed her had the bullet hit the femoral artery in her leg, as
she would have exsanguinated (entire blood volume expelled from the
body) within a few short minutes and died.
Megan Thee Stallion Hospitalized
After Being Shot Multiple Times In Altercation With Fellow Rapper Tory