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Mass Shooter Nikolas Cruz Pleads Guilty To Killing 17-People At Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida (Video)

October 20. 2021

On February 14, 2018, a then 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz, opened fire at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. The psychotic former student shot and killed 14 students and 3 faculty. Cruz also injured 17 people during the mass shooting. The massacre is the worst mass shooting in American history. The victims range in age from 14 to 49.

Cruz pleaded guilty today to 17 counts of premeditated murder. He also pleaded guilty to 17 counts of attempted murder. Cruz is scheduled to be sentenced in January of 2022. Cruz further pleaded guilty to assaulting a prison guard.

The killer gave a insincere, rambling apology in court and complained and violence and racism in the street, when evidence online revealed he is a violent racist who slurred students, who are minorities. Cruz's social networking pages were full of racist slurs against Blacks, Hispanics, Jews and Muslims (Cruz is his adoptive last name, but he is not Hispanic). Cruz slammed and expressed hatred for, as he put it, "Jews, ni**ers and immigrants." Cruz also made threats against law enforcement.

Nikolas Cruz during the mass shooting at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School

Socially responsible people reported Cruz to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), but twice the law enforcement agency refused to detain him regarding the extremists threats he was making online (The FBI Ignored Second Credible Tip That Florida School Shooter Nikolas Cruz Was Going To Kill Innocent People and FBI Makes Deceitful Claim They Could Not Find School Shooter Nikolas Cruz 5-Months Ago With Credible Tip From You Tube Page). Over the course of a decade local police received a total of 23 calls from the public about Cruz and his brother's conduct. Cruz should have been in a mental asylum long ago.

So many people are broken hearted regarding what the family and friends of the victims are going through. This has been very difficult for them. To see so many young and promising lives taken from the community, in inexcusable acts of violence, is devastating. My heart breaks for the parents in particular. I'm truly sorry for your loss.


19-Year-Old Shoots And Kills 17 People At Florida School



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