Joe Biden's New Chief Of Staff Stated
Elections In American Are Rigged
November 14. 2020

Ronald Klain
This week president-elect Joe Biden
chose Ronald Klain as his chief-of-staff. In 2014, Klain,
made the pronouncement that elections in America are
rigged, in response to an article posted on Twitter by
Vox. Klain stated, "68% of Americans think elections are
rigged. That's because they are." Indeed.
Biden was a vice president under former
president Barack Obama from 2008-2016. They knew all the
ropes of elections as former incumbents. The
presidential elections held this month bore all the
signs of fraud, where there was hacking and copious
amounts of dead people voting. It has become a practice
in U.S. elections. It is similar to insurance companies,
lawyers and doctors offices compiling databases of names
and addresses for mailing lists, then contacting people.
People within politics in America have
accumulated lists of deceased people and are using them
to vote via mail. Members of the public have tested
state election sites this month and found the date of
birth of many registered voters from the 1800s voting in
this year's election. Dead people voting.
It became apparent in 2016 when Hillary
Clinton obtained more votes in the State of Michigan
than there are registered voters
(Hillary Clinton Accused Of Voter Fraud In Detroit After Machines
Register More Votes For Her Than Registered Voters).
Michigan had a problem again this year with computer
issues that indicate hacking.
In 2007 the Emmy Award winning
documentary "Hacking
Democracy" addressed the issue of U.S. elections
being hacked. Both the 2000 and 2004 elections were
corrupted in favor of George W. Bush, whose dad, George
H.W. Bush, had been President years prior. They knew the
Then, this month it occurred again
during the election. Machines in states across America
began reporting glitches and other related problems with
the voting machines, which are signs of hacking (Evidence Uncovered Of Election Fraud
As Voting Machines Stole Donald Trump Votes And Gave Them To Joe Biden In The
Presidential Election). The 2020 presidential election will
forever be tainted.
Joe Biden's new chief of staff, Ronald Klain, in
2014 said elections are 'rigged'
November 12, 2020 - The comment has
raised eyebrows. Former Vice President Joe Biden
selected Ronald Klain as his White House chief of staff
on Wednesday. Within hours of Klain being named to the
new position, a 2014 tweet by Klain saying that
elections are "rigged" resurfaced and raised eyebrows.
Calling all Americans to take back our constitutional
Klain's tweet was a reply to a
post on Twitter linking to an article titled, "68% of
Americans think elections are rigged." Klain reacted to
the article by declaring, "That's because they are." The
article, which was written by Vox founder Ezra Klein,
argues, "Elections are rigged in favor of incumbents.
And they're basically right"...