Evidence Uncovered Of Election Fraud As
Voting Machines Stole
Donald Trump Votes
And Gave Them To Joe Biden In The Presidential ElectionNovember 7. 2020

Joe Biden
The Republicans have uncovered evidence
of electoral fraud in the 2020 U.S. presidential
election. Machines in Michigan illegally took
("flipped") 6,000 votes from President Trump and gave
them to rival Joe Biden. Election officials in Michigan
blamed it on a computer glitch and claim the error has
been corrected.
However, reports of voting machines
having glitches and going down in many U.S. states is an
unquestionable sign of criminal tampering in the form of
hacking. These machines are designed to be durable and
stable. They have glitches when the software is being
surreptitiously hacked. That's a fact. Glitches occurred
in brute force hacks when data is being compromised,
changed and or stolen.
Years ago I review the reputable HBO
documentary "Hacking
Democracy" which illustrated that U.S. elections
can be hacked. It has been going on for over 16-years.
There is also evidence in world governments of the CIA
hacking foreign elections to change the vote to
candidates who are willing to go along with U.S. policy.
Let's not forget, in 2016 more people
voted for Hillary Clinton in the state of Michigan than
there are registered voters, which indicates criminal
voter fraud (Hillary Clinton Accused Of Voter Fraud In Detroit After Machines
Register More Votes For Her Than Registered Voters).
Now here we go again with more electoral fraud in

Donald Trump
Select democrats in Congress publicly
using reverse psychology in calling people "crazy" and
rambling on about the integrity of "our democracy" in
the election, when claims of voter fraud surface, are
computer illiterate and have no business speaking on
things they know nothing about. Furthermore, they can't
even keep their phone calls secure (Nancy
Pelosi And Fellow Democrats Rage About Poor Election
Results On Embarrassing Leaked Call). We don't
need lectures from them on computer, internet or
telephonic security.
These glitches explain the blaring
discrepancies and pay close attention, as you lot
perpetrating this fraud are making America look corrupt
all over the world. Even the Iranian government is
mocking Washington over this "spectacle."
There are 315,000,000 people in America. How can there lawfully
be over 140,000,000 votes casts when there are not that many adults
in the country eligible to vote. You do realize that
these insane, unscientific, mathematically impossible
numbers mean America is basically half adults and half
children. So many Americans have at least one child and
many have two. The country cannot be half adults and
half children. No country has such a split.
America also has tens of millions of
residents who are not citizens and therefore in eligible
to vote in any election. Not to mention there are
millions of felons in America and in many states they
cannot vote. So who are all these people that have voted
in this bogus presidential election. I'm speaking pure
science to you. Make the numbers make sense because they
do not.

Joe Biden has dementia
Even foreign outlets are questioning the
credibility of the election. After polls closed, at one
point several hundred thousand postal votes materialized
for Joe Biden out of nowhere and not a single one for
Trump, which is statistically impossible (see external
site article below from Sky News). Sky News, a top
network in Britain watched by tens of millions of people
around the world stated:
"Even if, as
some statistics suggest, Biden's supporters had
submitted 616,000 absentee votes in Pennsylvania,
compared with 162,000 from Trump supporters, how on
earth could Biden make up the 690,000 deficit that he
faced this time last night."
“The same
could be said of Michigan and Wisconsin. “With 92% of
the vote counted, last night, in Wisconsin, Mr Trump
held a lead of 119,000 votes - 54%, 46% Biden. Now, a
day later it's 49.6% to Biden, not 46% and 48.9% to
Trump, not 54%.
“Far from
being 119,000 votes ahead, Biden is 20,000 in front, a
turnaround of 139,000 votes for Biden. It was described
as 'a late dump of votes'. Where are these votes from?
In Michigan, while only 86% of the vote had been counted
when I spoke to you last night, Trump was well in front,
54 to 43."
“Now Trump's
54 is suddenly 48, and Biden, from pre-polling, goes
from 43% to 50.5%, that is an almost 8% swing. “8% of
the vote in Michigan is 400,000. It is not believable.
“This is not to buy into this argument that we must race
off to the Supreme Court. “But there is something odd
about all of this. “I am not a conspiracist, but I have
been in this game a long time. “I have never seen
anything like this in my life."
Joe Biden has received a record number
of votes in this presidential election, more than any
other candidate in history. However, former president Barack Obama was far more popular than Biden. So how
could it be that scandal plagued Biden, a forgetful old
man who is 78-years-old, unquestionably suffering from
dementia and on his last legs, more popular than Obama.
Obama had no scandals going into office.
Biden has sexual assault scandals. Biden has a scandal
regarding he and his son engaging in
pay for play
schemes to the tune of over $10,000,000 per year for
well over a decade. Biden's son is being investigated by
the FBI's
child porn division. Biden is known as "creepy
Joe" for inappropriately
touching and sniffing adults
and children countless times.
Biden referred to Obama as the only
"clean" and "smart" black man to go for office, which
offended many black people. For decades Biden pushed for
and enacted legislation in Congress that locked up
scores of African-American men whom he referred to as
Yet you're trying to tell me this Joe
Biden is more popular than Obama who had received a
record number of votes until Joe allegedly broke the
record this week. Don't insult my intelligence. Many
people didn't even vote during this pandemic and a few
million voted for third party candidates.

There are items online indicating dead
people have been voting in the election. Online websites
have been tested and reveal active voting by people who
died decades ago. This is complete voter fraud. These
votes add up and swing elections.
U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who is
technologically illiterate, has been barking that the vote is secure
when it's not. She is publicly posturing about the nation's democracy when U.S. elections have shown the
signs of theft and electoral fraud since the time of former
president, John F.
Kennedy (see external site article excerpt below).
It is a known fact that his dad, the very crooked and wealthy Joseph Kennedy,
sent teams of men out to pay people $5 per person at polling
stations to vote for his son in
the 1960s, which adjusted for inflation is about $40.

Then, there's former president, George W. Bush, who outright stole the 2000
presidential election.
His brother Jeb Bush, who was the governor of Florida at the time,
rigged the election for him. The former, adulterous, Secretary of
State, Katherine Harris, assisted the Bush brothers with this fraud
against American voters. Boxes of votes for Bush's rival, Al Gore, were found floating in the
Everglades (a famous Florida swamp).
So please, spare us the speeches of how
secure the election is, because it is not. Be honest
enough to own up to stealing the election because you
are so desperate to fraudulently win, which is an
affront to democracy and decency. At least then you
won't look like raging hypocrites and self-righteous
frauds. You should be ashamed of yourselves. That's
disgusting, undemocratic and so corrupt.
I will state this though, when you steal
another person's place in history, it will turn into
disaster, dishonor and disgrace. It will become a curse.
Just look at what happened to Kennedy and Bush. As the
phrase goes, God doesn't like ugly.
Republicans claim a software glitch in Michigan
incorrectly sent 6,000 Trump votes to Biden before local
election officials caught the error
Published: 20:05 EST, 6 November 2020 |
Updated: 22:44 EST, 6 November 2020 - Republicans claim
a software glitch in Michigan incorrectly gave 6,000
votes to Biden before county election officials caught
the error and corrected it, giving Trump a 2,000 vote
lead in the county.
The glitch was noticed by local election
officials in Antrim County on Wednesday after results
showed that the former vice president won the county in
the presidential race. After recount, unofficials
results now show that President Trump won the
historically red county by just 2,000 votes, 9&10 News
Questions were raised after the county
first reported a local landslide for BidenI in an area
that usually votes Republican. Officials acknowledged
the results seemed 'skewed' and promised a second look.
More than 16,000 votes were cast.
'It certainly makes a lot more sense
with people who are familiar with Antrim County,' said
Jeremy Scott, deputy county administrator.
The glitch was noticed by local election officials in
Antrim County on Wednesday.
The glitch was noticed by local election
officials in Antrim County on Wednesday. It wasn't a
full recount of every ballot. Scott said results that
were spit out by vote machines were tallied again. 'The
machine itself counted the ballots correctly,' he said.
Scott said officials were working with
the company that provides election software and hardware
to determine what happened. Michigan GOP Chairwoman
Laura Cox shared during a press conference that in
addition to Antrim County, 47 other counties also use
the software. Cox advocated for the counties to 'closely
examine' the results of the election to see if there
were any other discrepancies...
There is 'something odd about postal votes which
magically materialised' for Biden
05/11/2020|10min - Sky News host Alan
Jones says there is something odd about the hundreds and
thousands of postal votes which "have magically
materialised for Biden" in the last 24 hours.
“Even if, as some statistics suggest,
Biden's supporters had submitted 616,000 absentee votes
in Pennsylvania, compared with 162,000 from Trump
supporters, how on earth could Biden make up the 690,000
deficit that he faced this time last night,” Mr Jones
“The same could be said of Michigan and
Wisconsin. “With 92% of the vote counted, last night, in
Wisconsin, Mr Trump held a lead of 119,000 votes - 54%,
46% Biden. “Now, a day later it's 49.6% to Biden, not
46% and 48.9% to Trump, not 54%.
“Far from being 119,000 votes ahead,
Biden is 20,000 in front, a turnaround of 139,000 votes
for Biden. “It was described as 'a late dump of votes'.
Where are these votes from? “In Michigan, while only 86%
of the vote had been counted when I spoke to you last
night, Trump was well in front, 54 to 43.
“Now Trump's 54 is suddenly 48, and
Biden, from pre-polling, goes from 43% to 50.5%, that is
an almost 8% swing. “8% of the vote in Michigan is
400,000. It is not believable. “This is not to buy into
this argument that we must race off to the Supreme
Court. “But there is something odd about all of this. “I
am not a conspiracist, but I have been in this game a
long time. “I have never seen anything like this in my
Nearly 140 million votes have been cast so far,
the most ever in a US presidential election
Nov 4, 2020, 4:45 PM - The US in 2020
recorded the most votes ever in a presidential election,
according to results from Insider and Decision Desk HQ.
As of midday Wednesday, nearly 140 million ballots had
been cast, exceeding 2016's record of 137.1 million.
The 2020 total is only expected to soar
in the coming hours and days as votes continue to be
counted across the country. On Wednesday, battleground
states such as North Carolina and Pennsylvania remained
undecided, and large states including California and
Texas had not yet reported 100% of their results.
The country is on pace for record
turnout, which measures the number of voters against the
total eligible voting population, though that percentage
won't be clear until the total number of votes is
Chicago And Rigged Elections? The History Is Even
Crazier Than You've Heard
October 19, 2016 3:43pm | Updated on
October 19, 2016 3:46pm - CHICAGO — You can still vote
early in Chicago, but "voting often" is pretty much a
thing of the past, some experts say.
Chicago is famous for its history of
people voting from the grave and for helping President
John F. Kennedy "steal" the 1960 election. (JFK beat
Richard Nixon by 9,000 votes in Illinois by capturing
what some considered a suspiciously high 450,000
advantage in Cook County.)
Officials insist voter fraud has largely
disappeared in Chicago, but Donald Trump, the Republican
presidential candidate, has said voter fraud and
"horrendous" things happen in Chicago.
The city's election history is even
crazier than most people realize, though, with
Republican feuds leading to homes being bombed and names
being stolen from tombstones just to get extra votes for
the "Democratic Machine."
The city's old "reputation is true, or
at least partially true," said Dick Simpson, a political
science professor at the University of Illinois at
During the 1928 primary election,
shootings and bombings were used to frighten and
eliminate opponents. That election — which saw two
political figures killed and 62 bombings, including one
at the home of a senator and Cook County State's
Attorney candidate — became known as the "Pineapple
Primary," using the slang term "pineapple" for a
Back then, people thought the
Republicans, and particularly Mayor William Thompson,
ran "the greatest political machine ever fashioned in
Cook County," according to April 12, 1928, Chicago
Tribune story. They hadn't seen anything yet.
It was Mayor Anton Cermak, the first in
an unbroken stream of Democratic mayors since 1931, who
created what would became known as the infamous
"Democratic Machine," said Bob Crawford, a now-retired
journalist who covered city politics for decades for
WBBM-AM and was considered the dean of the City Hall
press corps. The Machine ensured voters picked the right
candidates, and the people who worked in it weren't shy
about using money, bribes or fake identities to get
votes for Democrats.
Through decades of organization, the
Machine would become a "monolithic political
organization that crisscrossed racial and ethnic
boundaries in the city," Crawford said. The Machine's
operators took advantage of cynicism among voters, who
figured they at least had clean water and other
necessities thanks to the Machine-backed candidates,
leading to systemic fraud, Crawford said.
And the people involved in the Machine
didn't just cheat to win — they cheated so they could
get major victories that could give their candidates a
"mandate" and discourage potential opponents from rival
parties from running for office.
The Machine operated for decades, but it
was Mayor Richard J. Daley (who held office from 1955 to
1976) who mastered it, Crawford said. "It was Cermak who
got the credit for actually creating what came to be
known as the Democratic Machine," Crawford said. "Daley
got the credit for turning it into an art form."
In fact, Robert F. Kennedy once said
Daley was "the whole ballgame" — meaning if candidates
had Daley and his Machine on their side, they could
carry all of Illinois, Crawford said.
Notably, the Daley-era Machine has been
said to have "stolen" the presidential election for JFK,
Robert's older brother, through voter fraud.
(Republicans in suburban Lake and DuPage counties tried
to steal the vote, too, Crawford and Simpson said, and
they think Kennedy probably would have won Illinois
Here are a few of the tricks the Machine
• Electoral rolls are supposed to keep
track of who is registered to vote. The rolls would be
rigged so dead people's names still appeared on them,
Crawford said, meaning others could vote for the
candidate of their choice in the dead person's name.
Sometimes, people working for the
Machine would even go into cemeteries and take the names
off of tombstones, then go back and fill out voter
registration cards with the dead person's names as if
they were still alive, Crawford said.
• Election judges are supposed to keep
an eye out for anything fishy at the polls. Republicans
had a small presence in the city, though, and it was
difficult to find Republican volunteers for the post,
Crawford said.
Democrats would pretend to be
Republicans and would volunteer, meaning there were
actually two Democrats at polling places. Officers who
provided security got their jobs from the Machine and
weren't going to say anything about what happened,
Crawford said.
• People would be promised $5, a warm
meal or a drink at the local pub to vote for the "right"
people, said Crawford and Simpson.
Sometimes, the precinct captain would
steal a ballot, mark it and give it to someone to turn
in, Simpson said. That person would then bring the blank
ballot they'd been given at the polling place back to
the captain, who'd fill it out for the next person to
come in, and so on.
An old sewer boss, Ed Quigley, once told
Crawford he had a special way to make sure people voted
the right way: When a voter would go behind a curtain to
cast his or her ballot, they had to move to to one side
to vote for a Democrat or the other side to vote for a
Republican. Quigley would look under the curtain at the
voter's feet to make sure they were on the Democratic
side, Crawford said.
• No Republicans to watch for suspicious
activity in the precinct? The Democratic precinct
captain would just vote for people who didn't come in,
Simpson said.
• Ward committeemen would go to nursing
homes and "help" senior people with marking absentee
ballots by holding the voter's hand, Crawford said.
Nursing homes would cooperate because they needed a good
relationship with the city, which inspects them, he