Ignorant, Racist And Hateful Characterizations Of Jamaicans
August 26. 2015

TMZ article on Miss Cleo
TMZ posted an item on its website today mocking Jamaicans via
the so-called psychic "Miss Cleo" and the news that she is
embroiled in a lawsuit filed by her former employer the Psychic
Readers Network. General Mills has been using Miss Cleo in a new
advertisement for their cereal. TMZ mockingly referred to Miss
Cleo as "Jamaican" but she is not according to several sources.
The whole Miss Cleo character is a terrible, ignorant,
offensive, exploitative stereotype of Jamaicans, perpetuated by
A few years ago, a news channel in Miami, Florida tracked
down Miss Cleo, who was born and raised in Los Angeles to
American parents. Miss Cleo, real name Youree Dell Harris, is a
practicing lesbian, who has a home in Florida. When the Miami
news channel ambushed Miss Cleo outside her home in Broward
county, a suburb a few miles outside of Miami, she spoke with a
clear American accent. This further indicates the Jamaican
accent she uses in the commercials is fake. Jamaicans always
discounted Miss Cleo's accent anyway, as it never sounded
authentic. The U.S. government, in the form of the Federal Trade
Commission (FTC) filed charges against the Psychic Readers
Network for the fraud they perpetrated on the public using Miss
Cleo. They were forced to pay huge fines to the government.
I don't know one Jamaican with a crystal ball or who goes
around behaving like Miss Cleo. The whole thing was insulting to
Jamaicans. In Haiti there is voodoo. In Latin America and the
Hispanic islands of the Caribbean there is Santeria. In Jamaica
there is Obeah, brought to the island hundreds of years ago by
Nigerian slaves, who were cruelly kidnapped, beaten, shackled
and shipped to the nation as slaves doing hard labor for no pay.
However, most Jamaicans don't practice Obeah, yet the Miss Cleo
stereotype is based on it. Jamaica is an overwhelmingly
Christian island and Christianity forbids tarot reading and all
forms of witchcraft, as seen in the Miss Cleo ads. Hollywood
also likes to slander and defame Hispanics, with terrible
characterizations on film and television.
But of course, hedonistic Hollywood hates Christianity, the
religion with the most adherents in the world, as it speaks to
morality, something tinseltown greatly lacks. Therefore, hateful
Hollywood constantly attacks Jamaica and the southern part of
America known as the Bible belt, for its deep roots in
Christianity. Hollywood routinely engages in slander and slurs,
portraying Jamaicans on film and television as violent,
uneducated fools and American Christians in the South as inbred
idiots. The whole thing is ignorant, small minded, offensive and
I've found Hollywood to be quite
hateful, sick, savage and barbaric,
as they attack innocent people without provocation, in
commissioned acts of violence, as well as emotional, mental and
financial/economic abuse, aimed at harming and destroying
innocent people (for further reference, see Anthony Pellicano,
Kabbalah and Scientology). They imagine offenses, scenarios and
wrongs that never occurred and use it as the groundless basis to
viciously and savagely attack innocent people like savages
raised by animals.
I've been called "slave" and "nigger" via emailed death
threat and in person when Madonna sent Miami Kabbalah Center
members to stalk, confront, harass and threaten me, while
relaying crazy messages from her that I could care less about.
They also kept slurring Jamaica to me on a regular basis, trying
to cause maximum offense when they'd stalk and confront me.
There is no justification for such sick, unprovoked, unwelcome
Hollywood, which is largely gay, loves to state Jamaica is
the most homophobic place on earth, using it as a baseless
excuse to slur, attack, abuse and exploit Jamaicans who have
done them no harm, when more hate crimes are committed against
gays in America than in Jamaica. However, Hollywood is a sick
place, where cults like Scientology and Kabbalah label innocent
human beings "aliens" as an excuse and sick justification in
their deranged minds for assaulting, mentally abusing and
terrorizing others they exploit for undue financial gain and
Lee Daniels Is A Sick, Disgusting Pervert
Further proof of Hollywood's exploitation of Jamaicans is the
criminal copyright infringement
that occurred due to
chronic copyright
thief Madonna and her depraved, sick conduct, she has
spooled others into in Hollywood. One of the people Madonna has
been illegally selling my copyrights to at cut rate prices, is
Rupert Murdoch and his News Corp/Fox company. I broke the story
online by blowing the whistle on them in 2005 to the FBI
(Madonna's private investigator Anthony Pellicano) and the
Metropolitan Police in London (News International/Rupert
Murdoch) for wiretapping, phone hacking, computer hacking and
theft, among other things, which resulted in scandals, arrests
and imprisonment.
Some of my preexisting copyrights Madonna illegally stole via
hacking by hackers such as Randy
Vaughn and through commissioned break-ins to my home,
then sold at cut-rate prices, was illegally bought by Rupert
Murdoch's News Corp/Fox. Another of my PREEXISTING copyrights
they stole recently surfaced in the form of the television show
"Empire." I wrote that copyright nearly 10-years ago and
registered it with the Library of Congress in D.C. However, it
has been illegally used without permission by Rupert Murdoch's
Fox and gay Hollywood producer Lee Daniels (who recently added a
Jamaican character to the show that was quite insulting and
This is not the first time Daniels' name was attached to one
of my preexisting copyrights they stole. The movie "Selma" was
stolen from my copyrights. I also have a PREEXISTING copyright
called "The Butler" but it is not the same as the biography
later used for the Daniels film of the same name.
In my estimation the worst of Daniels' conduct is the film
"Precious." It is a rip off of the life of someone I know, with
items used in the movie obtained via Madonna and the Kabbalah
Center criminally spying on me in sick ways as
detailed in this lawsuit.
My mother works for a company that is under contract by the
Department of Children and Families (DCF) in Miami, which is the
U.S. government. My mother's job is like that of a social
worker. In this job my mother's responsibilities has been to
manage the lives of mentally and or physically disabled people.
I've helped my mother with her clients for years (for free), as
they are nice people.
One of my mother's clients a few years ago was a woman named
Marie, who has a slight mental disability. She is very high
functioning and has street smarts. The character "Precious" is
based on Marie. Things got so bad that people in Miami began
calling Marie "Precious" as not only does she look like the
character in the film, events that happened in her real life
mirror events in the later released film. The government knows
exactly who Marie is, as they have her records and have
communicated with her in writing and in person many times over
the years.
In the film, the role of Precious' social worker is played by
singer Mariah Carey, who also infringed some of my copyrights
for use on songs such as "Don't Stop (Funkin
4 For Jamaica)." Carey has also been sued by several
people, including the legendary band Earth Wind and Fire, for
copyright infringement on a number of her songs. It was an
extraordinarily sick, depraved, invasive and disgusting thing
for Lee Daniels to use the life of a mentally disabled woman for
profit and awards in the movie "Precious." It was also highly
illegal. This is the type of depravity Hollywood is swimming in
that they do such foul, horrible and exploitative things.
In closing, the Judiciary Report does not recommend anyone
visit a so-called psychic, such as Miss Cleo and others in her
genre. Stop letting people con you out of your money. I find it
very hard to believe God would bestow upon someone the ability
to see the future and that person would be charging others money
to do so. People in this world with extraordinary gifts are
usually pure of heart, altruistic and giving.
Miss Cleo Lawsuit Psychic
Network Tarot Parts French Toast Crunch Ad
8/26/2015 12:40 AM PDT BY TMZ STAFF - A call to Miss Cleo
could cost General Mills a chunk of its cereal fortune -- thanks
to a lawsuit you'd think a certain Jamaican lady woulda seen
coming. The Psychic Readers Network -- which owns rights to the
famed psychic persona -- is going after the cereal giant for
using MC in new French Toast Crunch commercials.
In the suit, PRN says it's dropped more than $100 mil in
advertising to make Miss Cleo a pop culture phenom -- and then
French Toast Crunch came along and jacked the whole Cleo look.
The psychics want all profits attributed to the ad campaign.
General Mills had no comment on the lawsuit.
Madonna, Jay
Z, Beyonce, Rihanna, Rita Ora And Jessie J Sued Over Copyright
Infringement, Invasion Of Privacy, Commissioned Criminal
Harassment And Assault Via The Kabbalah Center
Williams Is A Chronic Copyright Thief But Is Protesting $7,300,000
‘Blurred Lines’ Verdict Obtained By Marvin Gaye Estate
Reintroduces Songwriters Equity Act Legislation But Will It Stem The
Wave Of Copyright Infringement In Hollywood
Madonna's Rabbi At The Kabbalah Center Threatened To Beat And Kill A
Student He Drugged And Tried To Rape
One Of Madonna's Kabbalah Center Hackers Revealed Via Court Subpoena
(Photo And Name)
Madonna's Many Acts
Of Copyright Infringement
Madonna's Pedophilic Kabbalah Center