FBI Attorney Kevin Clinesmith Pleads Guilty To
Lying To Judge And Falsifying Evidence To Spy On Political Adviser Carter Page
In Acts Further
Proving The FBI Is Completely CorruptSeptember 28. 2020

FBI attorney Kevin E. Clinesmith
FBI corruption has struck again. FBI agents have
been arrested and convicted of taking bribes (FBI Agent Arrested For Accepting A $200,000 Bribe To Derail A
Criminal Case The FBI Was Supposed To Be Investigating
Another FBI Agent Caught Taking Bribes To Derail Serious Cases).
A recent Inspector General's report revealed over
50 instances of FBI agents accepting bribes. Other employees
of the agency such as FBI agent Peter Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa
Page, were fired for corruption in the Robert Mueller Russian
collusion probe.
Former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe was fired
from his job for criminal misconduct in lying under oath (The FBI Criminally Covered The Fact From Congress That Disgraced Deputy
Director Andrew McCabe Spent $70,000 In Taxpayer Money On A Table For
Now FBI attorney Kevin E. Clinesmith can be added to
the list. Clinesmith has pleaded
guilty to "a single felony count of making a false statement in an
official proceeding by telephone during a virtual hearing" for lying
to a judge.
Clinesmith also falsified evidence, via altering an email
to make it inflammatory, in the Russian collusion probe, conducted by
corrupt former FBI director, Robert S. Mueller, who was special
counsel. The email was then used to
obtain surveillance warrants against former Trump adviser, Carter
Clinesmith and the FBI deliberately misrepresented
facts concerning Page in the warrants to illegal spy on him and by
default Trump. They used excerpts of items regarding his
interactions with Russians and deliberately failed to mention in the
warrant applications to the judge that he was a CIA asset (Central Intelligence Agency),
who was relaying information back to the CIA. In short, Page was an
American spy, not a Russian asset. That did not stop the FBI from
terrorizing him.
Mueller and the FBI ignored all safeguards put in
place by the government as a whole, to protect individuals and the
integrity of the justice system. In their zeal to get at and spy on
Trump (as others now revealed), they criminally falsified evidence, even when the CIA of all
entities, told them Page was working with them and not the Russians.
The FBI persisted, put Page through a nightmare in
investigating and harassing him, and then came up with absolutely
nothing but a waste of taxpayer money. In the end, the FBI and
Mueller's team were reprimanded for their conduct regarding Page.
U.S. District Court Judge James Boasberg stated of
FBI attorney Clinesmith, "You intentionally altered an email to add
the language ‘and not a source’ with regard to Individual No.1 and
you knew that that statement was not in fact true...you
intentionally altered the email to include information that was not
originally in the email."
For well over a decade I have stated on this site
that several top
world governments brand the FBI meddlesome, incompetent idiots with
poor intelligence data, when they label people foreign spies who are not
so. World governments know who their spies are and when the FBI
makes erroneous declarations about innocent people, falsely labeling them
spies, so they can spy on them via corrupt warrants, it severely
damages America's name and standing in the world.
The FBI has
engaged in this defamatory conduct for years regarding numerous innocent
people, in order to illegally spy on individuals in America and
abroad, in acts
the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Code expressly forbid. The FBI is, as they say on social networking, "bats**t
insane." They've gone to world governments telling them innocent
people are spies out to destroy their nations and to please assist
them with spying on them in their countries (when said governments
knew better).
The FBI has made up stories regarding impending
attacks, in seeking assistance to criminally spy on people in other
nations (The
FBI Illegally Went To Iceland To Criminally Frame Wikileaks Julian
Assange But Was Rebuffed By Suspicious Icelandic Government Minister
In Conduct That Has Become Standard Criminal Behavior From The U.S.
Federal Agency).
The FBI have also gone to world governments telling
them select people are aliens from another planet out to exploit and
destroy the world and to please assist them (the FBI) with spying on
the individuals in their countries.
The FBI are a laughingstock
among world governments for this madness. They've embarrassed the
U.S. government all over the world with this foolishness. And that's
your tax dollars going up in smoke on that insanity.
The FBI is also constantly relying on faulty
intelligence and crazy hunches that have no basis in reality.
Innocent people end up as collateral damage when the agency insanely
begins spying on and trying to destroy others like mindless lunatics
(from Martin Luther King Jr to modern day people such as Black Lives
Matter, Antifa, and Conservative and Libertarian media figures).
FBI has labeled innocent people spies, among other things, and
destroyed their lives in the process, in acts that are a criminal
violation of the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Code. They agency must be held
accountable for these crimes.
It was recently revealed, the source of the Steele
dossier, which Trump rival Hillary Clinton unlawfully paid
$9,000,000 for out of her campaign donations, which in turned kicked
off the Russian collusion probe, sourced all its information from a
Russian spy, who was under investigation by the FBI in a case they
dropped. Once again, wasting taxpayer money on madness that makes no
Regardless of what you think of Trump, no political
candidate running for president, should be criminally spied on by
law enforcement, acting on the orders of the incumbent party, using
it in an attempt to get an undue advantage in the election. It is
extremely corrupt, dishonest and devious. If it happened to the
Democratic party's officials, they'd scream bloody murder. No
candidate of any political party should be subjected to such a
thing. It is so low brow, disgraceful and completely without
Former FBI attorney pleads guilty in Durham probe
Kevin Clinesmith admitted to altering an email used to seek
surveillance warrants against former Trump campaign adviser Carter
08/19/2020 02:34 PM EDT Updated: 08/19/2020 10:04 PM
EDT - The Justice Department’s unusual probe into its own handling
of the investigation into links between the Trump campaign and
Russia netted its first guilty plea Wednesday as former FBI attorney
Kevin Clinesmith admitted to altering an email used to seek
surveillance warrants against former Trump campaign adviser Carter
Clinesmith, 38, tendered the guilty plea to a single
felony count of making a false statement in an official proceeding
by telephone during a virtual hearing that lasted less than half an
hour before U.S. District Court Judge James Boasberg.
The so-called colloquy between Boasberg and
Clinesmith highlighted a nuanced defense on the part of the FBI
lawyer, who played a key role in preparing Foreign Intelligence
Surveillance Court applications to listen to Page’s phone calls,
read his emails and search his property.
While Clinesmith acknowledged changing an email to
indicate that Page was not a source for the Central Intelligence
Agency, the former FBI lawyer insisted that he thought then that was
actually the case, although he conceded he should not have doctored
the message...
The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna
Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)
Former FBI Director Robert Mueller Obtained Executive Orders From
George Bush And Barack Obama To Criminally Steal Copyrights Worth
Billions For Madonna And Hollywood While Engaging In Heinous Human
Rights Abuses That Left Innocent People Dead
Former FBI Directors Robert Mueller And James Comey Criminally
Defrauded Florida Submarine Company Out Of Billions Of Dollars In
Copyrights And Patents To Benefit Former Employer Lockheed Martin
Then Stonewalled Congress Regarding It
Wikileaks Releases Hacked U.S. Federal Government Documents Showing
The CIA And FBI Are Spying On People In Their Homes Via Hacking
Smart TVs And Backdoors In Computer And Phone Operating System
Confirming Previous Judiciary Report Site Claims
Human Rights Activists Slam The FBI After It Is Discovered They
Became The World's Top Distributor Of Child Porn