The FBI Slammed For Lying About UK Prosecutor To Get
Him Fired Leading To Him Winning Employment Case Over
Wrongful Termination
The FBI Are Sinister Sniveling Liars
February 23. 2021

FBI Director Christopher Wray
The global menace to society known as the Federal
Bureau of Investigation (FBI), went into Britain again and engaged
in criminal conduct. The corrupt FBI lied about UK prosecutor, Tom
Martin, in order to get him thrown off a criminal case at the UK
Serious Fraud Office (SFO).
The UK and US government were investigating the
Ahsani family and their company Unaoil. Prosecutor Tom Martin was
getting too close to the truth and the FBI committed fraud in lying
that he swore at an FBI agent after hours in a pub, calling him a
"quisling" "spy" and a four letter word.
Martin was fired in December 2018. However, he sued
and has won his case this month. Reuters reported, "An employment
tribunal ruled that Tom Martin, who led the British part of a global
bribery investigation into the prominent Ahsani family and their
Monaco-based energy consultancy Unaoil, probably did not use
expletives and that U.S. agencies “clearly” wanted him removed from
his post."
Reuters also reported, "Martin alleged he was fired
because the U.S. Department of Justice and Ahsanis wanted to remove
him from the Unaoil case and thwart the SFO’s attempts to extradite
Saman Ahsani, a key suspect, to Britain from Rome in 2018."
I have repeatedly stated the FBI is in Britain and
other nations committing crimes (The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna
Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)).
When I lived in Britain in 2012 and 2015, the
psychotic FBI followed me over there with their madness and began
harassing me and members of my family, all because the scumbucket
agency has been helping mediocre, underachieving, thieving idiots in
Hollywood steal copyrights. Even social networking and message
boards all over the internet know the current crop of Hollywood
denizens are thieves and slam the industry as having "run out of
Due to the fact the FBI has been criminally
exploiting me in grotesque ways for years in Miami (Florida), the
FBI behaved like I was a runaway slave they were in London to
retrieve and I'm not even American (I'm Afro-Caribbean). I learned
firsthand how African-Americans feel when they complain of the
government treating them like property to be exploited, defrauded
and abused as slave labor.
The FBI resorted to some very sick and depraved
behavior on British shores, as commanded by then FBI director,
Robert S. Mueller, and his protégé/successor, James Comey. The FBI
are white supremacist degenerates and slavetraders, who also use
other nations as their criminal stomping grounds, in arrogant acts
of imperialism:
The FBI has gone into
other nations and killed innocent people.
The FBI has gone into
other nations and poisoned people (they did so in America as well).
The FBI has also gone into
other nations and submitted false reports with foreign governments,
accusing innocent people of bad behavior, in order to get the host
country to spy on the individual(s) for them on foreign soil,
costing millions in taxpayer money to the international nations.
The FBI has illegally
wired money into foreign accounts to frame innocent people for
crimes they did not commit (money laundering, bribery, drug
dealing), then tried to take all the money in the account, including
what was lawfully there before, to leave the target destitute.
The FBI has framed
innocent foreigners for murder.
The FBI has called foreign
police departments claiming innocent people are dealing and or
growing drugs in their home, all so the FBI could get into foreign
properties they have no legal authority to enter, snoop around, take
sensitive files and or plant fraudulent evidence.
The evil, mean-spirited,
perverse FBI has approached the spouses/significant others of
innocent people they target and told them outright lies about the
individuals, in order to cause break-ups that inflict psychological
and emotional damage on the innocent target they are trying to
exploit. They've also done the same regarding people's families, in
bids at trying to turn them against their relative(s), in
unwittingly aiding the agency to isolate and psychologically destroy
targets they are trying to push into suicide, as they tried to do to
Martin Luther King Jr, among others (the vile FBI sent King a letter
ordering him to kill himself).
The FBI have criminally
entered other nations, illegally stalked and approached people's
significant others and outright lied to them that their loved ones
are terrorists or spies. The FBI then asks the significant others to
spy on the innocent persons every move, steal documents, copy
emails, aggressively question them and treat them harshly. The FBI
have targeted businesspeople in the international community with
these sick tactics to steal from them and forward proprietary data
to companies in corporate America, in acts of economic espionage,
which is a crime (The EU complains of U.S. government agencies "Spying
to Steal").
There are female
surveillance targets FBI agents have raped, or drugged and raped.
There are female
surveillance targets FBI agents have drugged and gang raped.
The FBI has contacted high
schools and universities in bids at ruining the scholastic futures
of the children of people they target, to inflict maximum distress
on their parents. This is a criminal violation of the Civil Rights
Act of 1964.
The FBI has contacted
universities in bids at ruining the scholastic futures of people
they target. This is a criminal violation of the Civil Rights Act of
The FBI has trespassed on
school properties in America and abroad, and under false pretenses
made threatening statements to the children of the people they
target. It inflicted emotional and mental damage on innocent
The FBI has trespassed on
hospital properties in America and in the international community
and harmed innocent patients for illegal reasons.
The FBI has criminally
tampered with innocent targets' medication with the goal of causing
medical injury.
The FBI has approached and
threatened the citizenship of naturalized foreign citizens in
America and those of foreign nations who obtained citizenship
elsewhere, if they refuse to aid them in unethical and criminal
conduct, such as illegal spying, entrapment and theft of data.
The FBI has threatened to
have people's business/professional licenses, such as doctors,
nurses, lawyers and accounts, revoked if they do not become
informants in matters where the agency is illegally spying on and
exploiting someone for reasons not approved by the U.S. Constitution
or Congressional law. The FBI has done this in America and abroad
where they have no jurisdiction.
The FBI has targeted and
terrorized the household staff of prominent politicians in America
and abroad, in bids at gaining dirt to control the politicians, in
conduct that is completely criminal. They have threatened
politicians' household staff and their children with deportation,
though they are lawful residents. They have also threatened them
with tax audits and criminal investigations implicating them in
crimes they did not commit.
And of course, the FBI is
the agency who orchestrated the January 6, 2021 attacks on the
Capitol in America to send Congress a message that they run the
country, not the legislature (An FBI Agent Orchestrated The
January 6 Riots On The Capitol Building In Washington Confirming
Previous Site Claims).

Nations who permit the FBI and CIA to enter their
countries are taking a massive risk. Previously on the site, I
disclosed the CIA's secret internal motto is to "Damage the world
for the advancement of America" (The True Origins Of The Coronavirus
Outbreak (Covid-19)).
The FBI's secret internal motto regarding the
international community is to, "Wreak havoc in the world." The FBI
pretends to go into the world to investigate criminal cases
concerning America, but their true objective is to do damage to
foreign nations in support of America's "global domination" of the
world, as former FBI Director, Robert S. Mueller calls it.
Ex-UK prosecutor, fired for alleged swearing at FBI, wins
employment case
(Reuters) - A British former prosecutor fired by the UK Serious
Fraud Office (SFO) after allegedly swearing at an FBI officer in a
London pub has won a lawsuit for unfair dismissal and breach of
An employment tribunal ruled that Tom Martin, who
led the British part of a global bribery investigation into the
prominent Ahsani family and their Monaco-based energy consultancy
Unaoil, probably did not use expletives and that U.S. agencies
“clearly” wanted him removed from his post.
Remedies will be determined at a later date, it said
in a judgment seen by Reuters on Wednesday. The former case
controller, who is seeking compensation and reinstatement, was fired
for gross misconduct in December 2018 - around two years after
allegedly calling an FBI agent a “quisling”, “spy” and a four-letter
expletive in a pub after a meeting at the U.S. embassy in London
about Unaoil.
But the tribunal found that the FBI officer did not
take offence at anything Martin had said and that no reasonable
employer should ignore the possibility that such a late complaint
might be triggered by ulterior motives.
A SFO spokesperson said only: “We are carefully
considering the judgment and all our options.” Martin alleged he was
fired because the U.S. Department of Justice and Ahsanis wanted to
remove him from the Unaoil case and thwart the SFO’s attempts to
extradite Saman Ahsani, a key suspect, to Britain from Rome in 2018.
“I find it inescapable that the U.S. agencies and
the (Ahsani) defence team had the same reason for raising the
complaints, namely that they wanted the claimant removed so as to
prevent difficulty with their joint wish to have Mr Ahsani
extradited to the U.S.,” it said...
The FBI Exposed In The Mainstream
Press Over The Sexual Assault And Harassment Of Women At The Corrupt Law
Enforcement Agency
The FBI Caught Lying By The
Mainstream Press About The Capitol Building Riots Confirming Previous
Site Claims