Christopher Wray Uses Semantics
In Congress In Cover Up Regarding Spying On The Trump Campaign
May 8. 2019

Christopher Wray lying his butt off in
Congress, also known as perjury
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
secretly went to U.S. judges and obtained
warrants to spy on people in the Donald Trump campaign and it
was done under false pretenses, due to rival Hillary Clinton's
unverified dossier of Russian collusion claims that have since
been disproved by congressional committees and the Mueller
These warrants had enabled the FBI to engage wiretaps, hacks
of phones and computers, parabolic microphones, GPS and
surveillance of the Trump campaign. That's called spying. To state otherwise is
semantics. The Obama administration then relayed the spy data to
Hillary Clinton, a former employee who was Secretary of State,
that sought to become Obama's
successor at the White House.
Hillary Clinton is a known cheat and a liar. She
does not do things the honest way. If she sees an opening where
she can cheat for an undue advantage, she will take it. From the
beginning of her career as a prosecutor, where she defended a
pedophile in court that she knew was guilty (as admitted later on
audio tape), while smearing the name of an innocent 12-YEAR-OLD
GIRL, defamatorily claiming the virginal child likes older men
and wanted it, Clinton has shown she has no character or
integrity (Hillary Clinton Laughed While Getting Charges Dismissed Against
41-Year-Old Pedophile She Knew Was Guilty Of Raping A
12-Year-Old Girl).
Fast forward to Hillary Clinton hiring a made
member of the Italian mafia (Colombo family), Anthony Pellicano, to criminally
wiretap, computer hack, harass, bully, stalk, burglarize and threaten
women who came forward, credibly alleging her promiscuous
husband, Bill Clinton, had extramarital affairs with them, and
again we see a woman who knowingly broke the law in unlawful
spying on others, as it jeopardized her political future and
that of her husband.
Fast-forward to the 2016 presidential election,
where grassroots candidate Trump garnered more support than
Clinton anticipated and she and Obama sought a way to discredit
and derail his campaign. A $9,000,000 dossier of unproven and
unsupported claims was unlawfully paid for out of campaign
donations given to Clinton, then sent to Hillary's contacts in
the White House and at
the FBI (again, she was a connected First Lady and Secretary of State).
Current FBI director, Christopher Wray, as well
as former heads of the agency, such as James Comey, should
at least have the common decency and cojones to own up to what
they did in illegally spying on a rival campaign, on behalf of a
sitting president (Obama) and his former employee and party member,
Clinton, who
was scared of losing the presidential race (her fears were not
unfounded, as Trump thumped her).
The FBI directors, past and present, involved in
this scandal, need to stop being
cowards. Stop hiding behind semantics. Stop being deceitful,
dishonest and underhanded. Be real men. Admit what you
did. It's the equivalent of Bill Clinton telling Hillary Clinton
and Congress that he "did not have sexual relations" with his young
intern, Monica Lewinsky, so he didn't cheat (as oral sex and
penetrating her with a cigar doesn't count as sex in Bill's book,
meanwhile to everyone else it's considered cheating).
Watching an FBI director lie through his teeth
on public television does not inspire confidence. Search social
networking. People are calling you, the FBI, liars taking the public for
fools in stating your "investigative work" in engaging wiretaps
and other means of surveillance against the Trump campaign is
not spying. Oh wait, that's right, you can't own up to it
because Congress would have to throw you in prison.
And the basis for the FBI warrants to engage in
surveillance (see: spy on) the Trump campaign, was telling
judges there was Russian collusion, which has been disproved. Mueller had to admit in his strange
report that he had nothing. He found no evidence of collusion.
In all the charges Mueller brought,
none of them had to do with Russian collusion.
The charges Mueller brought were for offenses
like lying to the FBI and Congress, which coincidentally Mueller
and fellow, former FBI director, James Comey, have unlawfully
done (James Comey Hypocritically Slams 'Weasels And Liars' After
Getting Caught Lying In Congress and
News Confirms That FBI Director Robert Mueller Lied To Congress About Carrier IQ
Spying). So clearly, they are playing a game of "do as I
say and not as I do."
The FBI also broke the law for Hillary Clinton, with
Comey publicly stating they will not prosecute her for crimes she
committed, but if other Americans do the same thing the agency will
lock them up (FBI Hit With Massive Backlash From Americans Labeling Them
'Corrupt' For 'Rigging' Hillary Clinton Investigation Into
Mishandling Classified Information And Not Charging Her For
Crimes She Committed). Once again, they are
playing a game of "do as I
say and not as I do."
Regardless of what political party you belong to,
you should not want a rival, sitting president engaging illegal
wiretaps, computer and phone hacks, parabolic mics, GPS tracking and
surveillance, for an undue advantage in an election, in trying to
destroy the campaign of a rival. It is sniveling, underhanded,
debased, dirty, dishonest and pathetic. You would not like it if
"the shoe were on the other foot."
The FBI cannot be trusted. They consistently abuse
the law enforcement tools they are given to spy on innocent people
without foundation. I broke the story on the
Patriot Act Abuses
after I observed the FBI engaging in illegal spying (FBI
Collected Thousands Of Phone Records Illegally and
FBI Agents Making Sex Tapes, Paying Strippers And Leaking National
I broke the story regarding the FBI spying on
reporters, journalists and bloggers (New Scandal Erupts Regarding The FBI And Justice Department
Monitoring Calls Of AP Reporters Confirming Previous Site Claims).
I did so after I witnessed the FBI illegally spying on me and
publicly using on my exclusive
scoops I prepared for this site, the Judiciary Report, (as
well as items in my private, unpublished copyrights) before I went
public with them. It is one of the most sniveling, arrogant and
pathetic things I had ever seen in my life. However, this is what
happens when people in so-called positions of power, become arrogant
and self-important, in deeming their agenda takes precedence over
the human rights of others.
I broke the story about the FBI spying on people in
their homes, after experiencing it myself (Wikileaks Releases Hacked U.S. Federal Government Documents
Showing The CIA And FBI Are Spying On People In Their Homes Via
Hacking Smart TVs And Backdoors In Computer And Phone Operating
Systems). There is something
profoundly wrong with anyone who secretly spies on others in the
privacy of the person's home. It is a sick, hellacious abomination,
born in the mind of deeply perverted voyeurs and sex offenders. That
is aberrant human behavior.
I broke the story about the FBI illegally spying on
Black Lives Matter, which the organization later found out to be
true (FBI
Has Been Spying On Black Lives Matter As I Previously Stated
Online). The FBI are using COINTELPRO
tactics on Black Lives Matter members, which is illegal.
The FBI does not follow the rule of law. I've seen
them in action too many times, knowingly and willfully breaking
domestic and international law, to believe a word they say. The FBI
is a law unto itself. The FBI believes it is above the law, which is
why the agency doesn't follow it.
I also broke the story about the FBI illegally
spying on their family members, wasting taxpayer money and
resources, for personal reasons that criminally violate the law (FBI
Collected Thousands Of Phone Records Illegally).
There is something extremely wrong with the FBI.
They are spying on the public, presidential candidates, members of
Congress, journalists, scientists, doctors, and
2-year-olds, among others. The whole thing is sick. The FBI
is out of control.
The FBI, a law enforcement agency, has insanely
gotten into science. The FBI crazily claimed they created a new form
of science, but it was immediately discredited by real scientists
all over the world (Scientists
Challenge The FBI In Anthrax Case and
FBI Anthrax Case Deteriorates Even More).
To again show you how far they've veered off course,
the FBI has secretly been dabbling in the nuclear field, which is
extremely dangerous, especially where idiots are concerned (The FBI Nuclear Ambitions).
The FBI really lost the plot with that one. They are incompetent in
matters of science. So this is not a good thing at all.
The FBI also think they are hunting aliens. Yes,
really! The FBI think they are the "Men In Black" (lunatics). The
only problem is, where are the aliens. They haven't found a single
one. If you are a human with a high IQ, apparently the intelligence
level is so low at the FBI, the crazy idiots at the agency
will brand you an alien. Do you know how dumb you have to be
to think a smart human being is an alien. The full truth is going to
come out about that one. All I have to state about it at this time
is there must be some strong crack going around the FBI offices.
I also broke the story about the FBI behaving like
arrogant, dirty, scumsucking, slavetrading thieves, which was also
later confirmed by other people's cases that went to Congress, and
via documentation of them illegally obtaining and using executive
orders from two previous presidents to break the law, in acts that
left innocent people dead (Former FBI Director Robert Mueller Obtained Executive Orders From George
Bush And Barack Obama To Criminally Steal Copyrights Worth Billions For
Madonna And Hollywood While Engaging In Heinous Human Rights Abuses That
Left Innocent People Dead and
Former FBI Directors Robert Mueller And James Comey Criminally Defrauded
Florida Submarine Company Out Of Billions Of Dollars In Copyrights And
Patents To Benefit Former Employer Lockheed Martin Then Stonewalled
Congress Regarding It).
Once again, following the line of veering severely
off course from their congressional mandate, the FBI has abominably
broken up the marriages, relationships and families of innocent
people they spied on for political and financial reasons, in conduct
forbidden by U.S. law and the Universal Declaration on Human Rights.
The FBI is deeply perverse and sick, getting into things they have
no business meddling in.
Just to remind everyone, including the FBI, who have
gotten carried away in something very evil, the FBI is supposed to
be a law enforcement agency. However, when you as law enforcement
decide to get involved in people's marriages and personal
relationships, trying to break them up with lies, because you are
following your depraved, perverse agency textbook on how to
psychologically isolate and destroy someone you're criminally
targeting (as they did to Martin Luther King and are still doing to
others today) you have grotesquely overstepped your bounds and the
The FBI are a disgrace to humanity, the
government and their families. FBI employees' families are
finding it very difficult being related to them, due to the evil
and insane things they have been doing. I have it on very good
authority that the FBI's criminal conduct and the ensuing
scandals have caused terrible friction in their families, with
spouses and children being completely embarrassed, shamed and
disgraced by them (especially at schools and universities their
offspring attend).
The international
community, including world governments, have witnessed as the
FBI has been doing very evil, crazy and inept things, even
trespassing of foreign shores with the madness. However,
officials from the FBI are going around blaming everyone but
themselves for the public disgrace they've drawn with their
crazy, criminal behavior. The FBI commits these brazen, crazy
and embarrassing criminal violations of the law, but in their
view, everyone else is always the problem and never them. And
mark my words, the criminal and insane things the FBI is doing
behind the scenes is going to bring America down in the world in a
horrendous way. And I have a track
record of being right about these things.
Former FBI Director Robert Mueller Obtained Executive Orders From George
Bush And Barack Obama To Criminally Steal Copyrights Worth Billions For
Madonna And Hollywood While Engaging In Heinous Human Rights Abuses That
Left Innocent People Dead
Former FBI Directors Robert Mueller And James Comey Criminally Defrauded
Florida Submarine Company Out Of Billions Of Dollars In Copyrights And
Patents To Benefit Former Employer Lockheed Martin Then Stonewalled
Congress Regarding It
Wikileaks Releases Hacked U.S. Federal Government Documents
Showing The CIA And FBI Are Spying On People In Their Homes Via
Hacking Smart TVs And Backdoors In Computer And Phone Operating
System Confirming Previous Judiciary Report Site Claims
Obama Administration Wastes Huge Sums Of
American Taxpayer Money Breaking The Law In
America, Britain And Jamaica On Behalf Of
Madonna's Kabbalah Center In Committing
Egregious Human Rights Abuses
Gowdy's Line Of Questioning Regarding Peter Stzrok Exposed The FBI
Official’s Motivation For Initiating The Russia Collusion Probe (Video)
FBI Director Christopher Wray Admits The FBI Has Failed To Recruit
Minorities In The Face Of The Agency's Bad Image As Hateful Racists
FBI Makes Deceitful Claim They Could Not Find School Shooter
Nikolas Cruz 5-Months Ago With Credible Tip From You Tube Page
The FBI Ignored Second Credible Tip That Florida School Shooter
Nikolas Cruz Was Going To Kill Innocent People
19-Year-Old Shoots And Kills 17 People At Florida School
FBI Director Christopher Wray Is Cracking Up