Beyonce And Jay Z's New Album Flops While The
Couple Struggles To Sell Concert Tickets And Are Slammed For
Filming In The Louvre
June 26. 2018

Jay Z and Beyonce have no sense of decorum or taste
Beyonce and Jay Z have been continuing to perform on their
struggling "On The Run 2" tour, which has been suffering from
low ticket sales (Beyonce And
Jay Z's 'On The Run 2' Tour Is Bombing and
Beyonce And Jay Z Giving Away Free Tickets In Parking Lots To Their
Flopped 'On The Run 2' Tour).
The two recently filmed a music video for their distastefully
and vulgarly titled song "Apes*it" in France's world renowned
Louvre museum, which was released this month. I am a fan of the
Louvre. I have been following it online for years and retweeting
it during that time period as well. Beyonce and Jay Z's new
video filmed in the Louvre is not being well-received by the
While the museum itself is a beautiful, classic work of art, Jay
Z and Beyonce's video is trashy and low class, due to their
behavior, music lyrics, clothes, dancers costumes and
choreography. It was like someone putting a coat of nail varnish
on a Picasso. People on social networking slammed the video as
"ghetto" and "trash" that should not have been filmed in the
prestigious Louvre.
Beyonce and Jay Z's new album "Love is Everything" which
"Apes*it" is featured on, has also flopped. First week sales are
125,000 copies based on music streaming from Jay Z, Beyonce,
Rihanna and Madonna's failed, heavily scrutinized company Tidal.
The company is currently under criminal investigation for
falsifying streaming sales to get top music chart positions (Jay Z And Madonna's Tidal Reported To The Police For Falsifying Music
Streaming Sales).
I was the first to warn that Tidal could not be trusted, due to
its owners' previous (and ongoing) acts of theft, fraud and
falsifying career achievements in Hollywood. They commit fraud
in everything they do, which made Tidal a danger to others from
day one. I issued the warning from May 2015 that Jay Z and
Madonna would falsify sales and rip off artists who sign up with
Tidal (Snoop Dogg's Son Slams Jay Z,
Beyonce, Rihanna And Madonna For Being Greedy And Not Caring About The
Public (Tidal)).
1-year later, artists began suing Tidal for ripping them off
just as I had predicted would happen (Jay
Z And Madonna's Floundering Tidal Sued For $5,000,000 Over
Copyright Infringement In Not Paying Artists While Inflating
Their Own Sales To Go Number One On Billboard).
3-years later Tidal was reported to the police for criminal
investigation over ripping off artists (Jay Z And Madonna's Tidal Reported To The Police For Falsifying Music
Streaming Sales). Tidal is hemorrhaging money as well (has been
the whole time), making it a risky, unprofitable investment.
Never mind they keep suckering in investors with false figures,
which is a crime Jay is known for (Rapper
Jay Z Answers Government Subpoena From The SEC Regarding Fraud Claims
Surrounding His Former Failed Clothing Line Rocawear (Deposition)).

Beyonce and Jay Z dressed awfully in the Louvre
As stated on this site many times, the singers and rappers
behind Tidal are not real businesspeople. They are criminals.
They know nothing about business. All they do is steal from
others and con businesses into giving them money, claiming they
will make them a fortune. Then the companies lose their shirts
for listening to a group of high profile, greedy, thieving
idiots, who don't understand the business world and don't have
basic intelligence.
I know how Jay Z, Beyonce, Rihanna and Madonna (those in
Kabbalah) operate in the music and film industry. They are
crazy, thieving criminals and cultists, who live in a world
where you commit scores of financial crimes at other people's
expense, issue commissioned threats and engage in acts of
criminal harassment to criminally get your way over victims,
while faking so-called career accomplishments in the press that
simply do not compute, as they defy logic, math, economics,
music industry averages and Hollywood revenues/tax records.
I remember years ago, at one of the lowest points of her career,
Madonna put out a crazy press release adding over 100,000,000
copies to her overall record sales. Never mind 2-years prior
Madonna's sales had allegedly been 150,000,000 copies sold (that
number did not add up either based on domestic and international
sales, indicating she lied about that number as well). In
2-years time she had added over 100,000,000 copies to her sales
tally, when the only album she had released in that 2-year
timeframe was the massive flop "American Life" which didn't even
go gold (500,000 copies sold) according to Soundscan and her
back catalog hadn't even shifted 30,000 more copies. The woman
is an absolute fraud.
Madonna was trying to fraudulently beat Whitney Houston, Barbara
Streisand, Celine Dion and Mariah Carey's album sales. Houston,
Streisand, Dion and Carey were still doing well in 2001, but
Madonna's career had been hit with its first of many flops to
come in 2001 ("American Life"). The overly competitive,
untalented witch decided to falsify her sales, because Madonna
is a crazy, dishonest liar.
It was pathetic. She sucks. She'll never compare to Houston,
Streisand, Dion or Carey, who can all sing well. Madonna needs
to know her place. She is not a real singer or actress. Madonna
is a non-singing, softcore porn star,
who stole
everyone's music, videos and photos, and uses background
singers in the record studio to sing the foundation for her lead
vocals, which are then mixed down with her crappy, cracking
voice. And even with all that vocal fakery in the studio,
Madonna still sounds like crap. That voice was not meant for
professional singing.
As stated previously on the site, Jay Z has been falsifying his
album sales for years, in a scam that enraged Soundscan, who
tabulates record sales in America. Jay Z paid retailers bribes
and gave some financial credits, for scanning the same copies of
his albums through the register multiple times. Jay Z's conduct
discredited Soundscan. Jay Z's wife Beyonce and protégés Rihanna,
Rita Ora and Kanye West, have benefited from the same sales
scams and PR hype via publicists, in trying to make their
careers appear bigger to the public than they really are, which
is so dishonest and dishonorable (Jay Z And Madonna Falsified Streams Of Music By Beyonce And Kanye West
Buys 1,000,000 Copies Of Rihanna’s Flopped Album ‘Anti’ But
Billboard Won’t Count It Nor Will It Make Her Money).
Bruno Mars, Adele and Taylor Swift are among the few artists
selling well in America, where music sales are in the toilet.
Hence, music streaming, which doesn't really represent any sales
at all). Madonna, Beyonce, Jay Z, Rihanna, Rita Ora and Kanye
West, among others, are falsifying their sales, streams, views
online and radio airplay (payola) in trying to remain famous and
relevant (Jay Z
and Madonna's Tidal Faking Reviews On App Stores, Social Networking
Comments, You Tube Views And Sales Data).
They are a disgrace. They are stealing from people who actually
did the work and earned these accomplishments. They are also
committing serious financial crimes, such as tax evasion, tax
fraud, wire fraud, conspiracy to commit fraud, criminal
copyright infringement, embezzlement and collusion, as well as
SEC and RICO violations.
They all need to pay attention to what has happened to their
fellow Kabbalah cult/"Illuminati" member, Harvey Weinstein. One
minute he was the top guy in Hollywood with a few hundred
million in assets, gained through acts of criminal fraud,
copyright infringement, strong arm tactics, coercion, blackmail
and award rigging.
Yet, in the space of one day it was all taken away. Now
authorities and the entertainment industry are doing their level
best to strip him of every so-called accolade, award,
accomplishment and asset. They are prosecuting him in criminal
court and removing all positive remembrance of him from the
public domain. Once his criminal cases are completed, they will
work even more to banish him from the public's memory, due to
the dishonest, damaging criminal things he has done that brought
so much shame and disgrace.
FUROR as Beyonce and JAY-Z Drop New Album With Music
Video Filmed in The Louvre
Sunday, June 17, 2018 - Beyonce and JAY-Z
stirred a hornet’s nest of controversy on Saturday when they
dropped a new album supported by a music video filmed in the
revered Louvre Museum in Paris, France. The American power
couple — restyled as “The Carters” — released their new
album, Everything is Love, exclusively on JAY-Z’s Tidal
music app. Everything is Love is clearly a last-ditch effort
to rescue their struggling On the Run 2 tour from imminent
Among the criticisms that sank Bey and JAY’s
OTR II world tour was the fact that they did not release new
music to support such an ambitious stadium tour. In
desperation, Beyonce and JAY-Z tapped prominent Atlanta rap
group Migos to craft their new sound and make the 2 old
heads palatable to the younger generation of hip-hop fans.
Migos rapper Quavo provides vocal sound effects on
The top-secret music video for the album’s
first single “Apesh*t” was filmed 2 weeks ago — while
Beyonce’s mom, Tina Lawson, and daughter Blue Ivy,
distracted the paparazzi inside another old Paris relic.
“Apesh*t” features Beyonce struggling to stay relevant in a
hip-hop dominated culture as she and her voluptuous dancers
prance and preen around the Louvre’s treasures, such as
Leonardo da Vinci‘s Mona Lisa who has her own room at the
Beyonce and JAY-Z’s pushy “music as art”
video concept did not go over well with hip-hop fans or
classical art lovers. “Anyone get creepy vibes from this??”
wrote a YouTuber with the username “Lauren Hill“. One
YouTuber raged: “At least the Louvre got paid big-ass money
that can use for the sake of REAL art and not this
self-serving, egotistical music video where priceless pieces
are being used as a nice décor for her stupid dance moves.”
“I love Bey with all my heart, but as an
European and Italian it doesn’t feel very comfortable to see
historic, classical art getting destroyed by ghetto hip hop
shit,” another viewer wrote. Diana N. wrote: “I love my
Queen Bey, but she needs to ditch this uncivilized ghetto
trash. I understand why people are mad. DaVinci probably
vomits in his grave right now. This is pure crap.?”...
Rita Ora Ripped To Shreds On Social Networking For Referring
To Conor McGregor As Her Date Despite The Fact He Has A
Longterm Girlfriend And New Son At Home (Jay Z Pimping Her
Out Again For His Roc Nation Sports)
Beyonce Steals Again Illegally Using Copyrighted Footage For Her
Deceitful New Video ‘Formation’ While Ripping Off A Model's Pictures
And Is Slammed By The National Sheriffs' Association
Madonna, Jay Z, Beyonce,
Rihanna, Rita Ora And Jessie J Sued Over Copyright
Infringement, Invasion Of Privacy, Commissioned Criminal
Harassment And Assault Via The Kabbalah Center
Jay Z And Madonna's Floundering Tidal Sued For $5,000,000 Over
Copyright Infringement In Not Paying Artists While Inflating
Their Own Sales To Go Number One On Billboard
Jay Z Answers Government Subpoena From The SEC Regarding Fraud Claims
Surrounding His Former Failed Clothing Line Rocawear (Deposition)
Serial Copyright Thieves Beyonce And Jay Z Sued For Stealing 'Drunk
In Love' And Even Including A Clip Of The Original Artist's Voice On
The Track
Madonna And Jay Z's Illuminati Cult Are Meddling In Manchester United
Again Via Romelu Lukaku After Damaging Paul Pogba And Alexis Sanchez
Beyonce Continues To Fraudulently File Trademark Applications
For The Name 'Blue Ivy' In Trying To Steal Preexisting
Intellectual Property
Jay Z Threatens To Sue Music Site Over Accurate Claim His
Concert Tour Is Flopping With Canceled Dates And Deeply
Discounted Tickets
Music Industry Website Outs Jay Z On Falsifying His Album Sales
Using Tidal And The Billboard Charts Reject His Fake Numbers
Beyonce Sued Again For Copyright Infringement In Using Academy
Award Nominated Footage In Music Video Without Permission
Beyonce Steals Again This Time Ripping Off Short Film For HBO
Lemonade Special Resulting In Copyright Infringement Lawsuit
Z Deliberately Defies Judge In Arrogantly Missing Court Dates And Is
Slapped With A Subpoena From The U.S. Government
Jay Z
and Madonna's Tidal Faking Reviews On App Stores, Social Networking
Comments, You Tube Views And Sales Data
Z and Madonna's Tidal Sued By Bank Over Loan Default At Failing Music
Streaming Company
Jay Z And Madonna's Tidal Reported To The Police For Falsifying Music
Streaming Sales
Beyonce Steals Again But This Time From Sam Cooke, En Vogue And A
European Artist
Beyonce Slammed For Taking Credit For A Company's Athletic Line
She Did Not Create
Beyonce Slammed By Rapper For Stealing Images From His Album
Beyonce Steals "Countdown" Music Video From European Artist's Work
Knowles Settles Copyright Infringement Case