Beyonce Continues To Fraudulently File
Trademark Applications For The Name 'Blue Ivy' In Trying To
Steal Preexisting Intellectual Property
January 17. 2017

Beyonce and Blue Ivy
Copyright infringing,
Hollywood Illuminati singer Beyonce, continues to
file fraudulent trademark applications for the name “Blue
Ivy” which she named her daughter in 2012. However, the name
“Blue Ivy” was in existence and registered years prior in
2009, for a wedding planning business in Boston,
Beyonce has been trying to bully the
trademark owner, Veronica Morales, out of her intellectual
property rights to the name 'Blue Ivy.' Beyonce did not come
up with the name “Blue Ivy” first. How do we know Beyonce
didn't see the name of Morales' business years ago and
decided to use it for her child's name, as she has seen so
many other people's preexisting copyrights, then stolen them
in brazen, criminal violation of the law (see list below
under "related articles" section). This woman has been
called out by so many people, even Billboard magazine, for
being a crazy thief.
It is illegal and unethical to steal someone
else’s intellectual property. It is a domestic and
international crime. However, Beyonce is a mentally ill
woman, behaving like a spoiled brat, who believes she is to
have whatever she wants, even if someone else owns it. How
disgusting and evil. Beyonce's entire net worth is comprised
of stealing other people's copyrights. It's an absolute
disgrace. She is no better than Madoff.
If Beyonce wants the name “Blue Ivy” she
needs to buy it from the owner. If not, Beyonce needs to
stop acting in criminal violation of the law, to steal the
trademark to a name she did not come up with, nor does she
own. This insistence on taking other people’s property is
going to be her downfall. As the Bible says “And great was
the fall thereof”…
Side Bar: Beyonce and Jay Z have
named their IVF twins, who look just like him, “Sir” and
“Rumi” which is being mocked all over social networking.
Audiences are not embracing the names. Not to mention, the
names Sir and Rumi are not original. There are preexisting
trademarks for the names Sir and Rumi that have long been in
existence prior to the children being conceived and born.
Sir is a title in many societies and many
“commoners” have used it as well as stage names. Rumi is the
name of a Muslim figure. Rummy and Rummi, which sounds like
Rumi, is the name of a series of card and board games. Will
the couple begin harassing people over these preexisting
names as well.
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