Wikileaks: Hillary Clinton Campaign Team Are Devil
Worshippers (Video)
November 7. 2016
The Guardian Newspaper UK Reported: The FBI Calls Hillary Clinton "The Antichrist
"Spirit Cooking"
WARNING: Very sick, satanic video with blood and child
sacrifice that is disgusting and repugnant!
Some very disturbing, stomach turning
footage has surfaced regarding U.S. presidential candidate,
Hillary Clinton. Remember months ago when I stated Clinton
is mixed up with the repugnant Kabbalah Center, who bill
themselves as “the Illuminati” and are devil worshippers,
who include satanic items in songs, music videos, photos and
films (Kabbalah Cult File Fraudulent DMCA Claim Attempting To Suppress
Story About Hillary Clinton’s Parkinson’s).
Clinton shares the same private investigator
(Anthony Pellicano)
and hacker (Randy Vaughn)
as the Kabbalah Center. Many of Bill Clinton's mistresses
reported Hillary sent Anthony Pellicano and his thugs to
terrorize and threaten them into shutting up about his

Hillary Clinton and John Podesta, also known as "the
Well, two months after my article stating
Clinton is mixed up in the occult, a Wikileaks email leak
has revealed Clinton’s campaign chair, John Podesta and his
wife, are devil worshippers, who attend sick, demonic
satanic rituals, such as eating blood mixed with semen and
breast milk. Kabbalah Center member Lady Gaga also attends
these sick rituals and was photographed at such an event.
Additional information has since come out about the
Clintons' engaging in the occult in Haiti and New York.
Podesta confirmed their attendance at a
ritual being held by New York high priestess, Marina
Abramovic, who based on what has been written, is known in
occult circles for animal and child sacrifices. As a matter
of fact, they are being accused of using the Clinton
Foundation to kidnap children from Haiti ['Clinton Cash' Documentary Exposes Hillary Clinton And Bill
Clinton Going From Broke To $2 Billion Dollars In Bribe
Money From Global Dictators And Businesspeople Stealing From
The Poor And Harming The Environment (Video)].
Bill Clinton even wrote in his book that he loves voo doo,
which is the occult.

President Barack Obama (left) and his top advisor, satanist
John Podesta (center)
Podesta is also a political advisor to U.S.
President Barack Obama, who has engaged in very malicious
and mean spirited conduct against Christians, as
Christianity opposes the occult (News
Report: The IRS Targeted Christians
Wikileaks Email Leak Reveals President Barack Obama Blacklisted
Christians From Jobs In His Administration).
What the heck is wrong with these people.
This "spirit cooking" stuff is disgusting and evil. It is an
abomination. This is some of the nastiest, dirtiest, most
evil stuff I have ever seen in my life. No wonder these people are so evil, unreasoning, illogical
and hell-bent on doing wrong. Only the devil could produce
this level of evil and that is clearly who the
aforementioned people are inspired by and it's sick. They
are lunatics. They
should not be in charge of anything.
Wikileaks Exposes Clinton’s Satanic Network
Elites engaged in ritualistic child sacrifice at highest
November 4, 2016 - Emails released by Wikileaks show Clinton campaign
chairman John Podesta was invited to an occult “spirit cooking” ritual. Alex
Jones explains why those emails only scratch the surface of the depravity of the
"Spirit Cooking": Wikileaks Publishes Most Bizarre Podesta
Email Yet
Nov 5, 2016 1:20 PM - The internet was ablaze with speculation
Friday morning following Wikileaks’ publication of a potentially disturbing
email thread between John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, and his
brother Tony, an influential Democratic lobbyist. In the email, Tony asks his
brother if he is able to attend a “Spirit Cooking dinner.” He says the artist
hosting the dinner, Marina Abramovic, “wants [him] there,” and a previous email
in the thread shows the artist requesting John’s presence at her New York City
Abramovic, a Serbian performance artist, has apparently
conducted these dinners since the 1990s. While the title “Spirit Cooking dinner”
suggests they constitute a harmless – if not spiritual — practice, some
components of the “recipes” are raising alarm. In a video of the artist
conducting a Spirit dinner in 1997, she uses a thick, red, liquid substance —
bubbling at the top of a bucket — to scrawl unsettling phrases and commands on a
white wall. “With a sharp knife, cut deeply into the middle finger of your left
hand. Eat the pain,” one of the recipes reads.
Another calls for breast milk and semen to be mixed together and
consumed on “earthquake nights.” Still another reads, “Fresh morning urine.
Sprinkle on nightmare dreams.” The vulgarity of these statements and others has
convinced some that Abramovic and the Podestas engaged in satanic rituals. At
the very least, some recipes appear to be highly ritualistic. One advocates
holding a python on one’s lap while sitting on a block of ice to fight high
blood pressure.
'The FBI is Trumpland': anti-Clinton atmosphere spurred
leaking, sources say
Highly unfavorable view of Hillary Clinton intensified
after James Comey’s decision not to recommend an indictment over her use of a
private email server
One agent called the bureau ‘Trumplandia,’ with some
colleagues openly discussing voting for the Republican nominee.
Friday 4 November 2016 10.01 EDT Last modified on Sunday 6
November 2016 16.49 EST - Deep antipathy to Hillary Clinton exists within the
FBI, multiple bureau sources have told the Guardian, spurring a rapid series of
leaks damaging to her campaign just days before the election.
Current and former FBI officials, none of whom were willing or
cleared to speak on the record, have described a chaotic internal climate that
resulted from outrage over director James Comey’s July decision not to recommend
an indictment over Clinton’s maintenance of a private email server on which
classified information transited.
“The FBI is Trumpland,” said one current agent. This atmosphere
raises major questions about how Comey and the bureau he is slated to run for
the next seven years can work with Clinton should she win the White House. The
currently serving FBI agent said Clinton is “the antichrist personified to a
large swath of FBI personnel,” and that “the reason why they’re leaking is
they’re pro-Trump.”
The agent called the bureau “Trumplandia”, with some colleagues
openly discussing voting for a GOP nominee who has garnered unprecedented
condemnation from the party’s national security wing and who has pledged to jail
Clinton if elected...
Obama Demanding Black People Vote For Hillary Clinton Who
Referred To Black Men As ‘Super Predators’ And Had A Hand In
Locking Up 2 Million Black Males During Her Husband's
Administration In The 1990s
Haiti Could Have Used The Billions Of Dollars Bill Clinton And
Hillary Clinton Stole Through The Clinton Foundation To House
And Feed People During Hurricane Matthew
'Clinton Cash' Documentary Exposes Hillary Clinton And Bill
Clinton Going From Broke To $2 Billion Dollars In Bribe
Money From Global Dictators And Businesspeople Stealing From
The Poor And Harming The Environment (Video)
FBI Hit With Massive Backlash From Americans Labeling Them
'Corrupt' For 'Rigging' Hillary Clinton Investigation Into
Mishandling Classified Information And Not Charging Her For
Crimes She Committed
Attorney General Loretta Lynch Dodged 74 Questions In
Congress About The Corruption That Led To Hillary Clinton
Not Being Criminally Charged For Mishandling Classified
Members Of Congress Question FBI Director James Comey In
Hearing About Hillary Clinton Lying To The Legislature And
FBI Under Oath
862 Dead, 28,000 Homes Damaged, Thousands Homeless And Many In
Danger Of Starvation In Haiti After Hurricane Matthew
Clintons Accused Of More Shady Financial Dealings As Their Offshore
Investment Fund Is Shutdown In Colombia