Report: George W. Bush’s Grandfather Is The Most
Notorious Satanist In Modern Times
This Explains So Much
January 18. 2011

Aleister Crowley, a pedophile, murderer, anti-Semite and Satanist,
who practiced human sacrifices in Britain and was later kicked out of Italy
by Mussolini for depravity.
A number of reports indicate, the grandfather of former U.S. President,
George W. Bush, was murderous Satanist, Aleister Crowley (1876-1947), who
was once dubbed “The most wicked man on earth.” Coincidentally, so was
his grandson while in office. Crowley's wives and girlfriends ended up in
mental asylums, committed after the sick things and teachings he brought
into their lives.
The President’s mother is Barbara Bush. Her mother is Pauline
Robinson Pierce, who is said to have had a sexual relationship with
Crowley, while staying at a mutual friend's home, where his wife was also
present. Pierce
fell pregnant, returned to America and married Marvin Pierce. Pauline
Robinson Pierce was later labeled mentally ill as well.

Barbara Bush (left) and Aleister Crowley (right)
The resemblance between Crowley and Barbara Bush is astonishing.
Furthermore, they have made eerily similarly evil statements about victims
of natural disaster and war, further indicating they are from the same
unsympathetic gene pool. Crowley stated of the, "Loss of life which occurred during the
ascent of Kangchanjunga, an expedition he commanded: 'This is precisely
the sort of thing with which I have no sympathy whatsoever.'" Barbara
Bush made similar statements about the war in Iraq and further issued insensitive
declarations about Hurricane Katrina victims.

Barbara Bush on the war in Iraq
Crowley engaged in human sacrifices to Satan at his mansion in Britain.
His grandson Bush engaged in human sacrifice in calling a terrible war he
knew to be fraudulent, using it as an excuse to steal oil in the Middle East.

George W. Bush
Bush got a double dose of evil running through his family line, as his
paternal grandfather, Prescott Bush, bankrolled the construction of concentration camps
under the Nazis. In observing the aftermath of the Bush presidency, it is
safe to state, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. And you thought
your gene pool was a mess…