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The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" - Edmund Burke

Justice is supposed to be blind. Judges aren't supposed to be when it comes to justice. This site provides a stunning, candid look at the judiciary and why you may not get your day in court. When one thinks of court, one thinks of justice. The famous picture of the lady with the blindfold covering one eye - but that blind fold is starting to look more like an eye patch on a pirate, as many Americans and foreigners as well are being robbed of their day in court.

And to the ones who do actually get their day in court, their rights are being stepped on by judges willfully violating their oath of office. Justice is not being served in an astonishing number of cases, with verdicts leaving the public scratching their heads - and not because of dandruff.


There are good judges out there, but sadly there are quite a few bad ones as well. This site aims to take a look at the inequity in the justice system and how innocent people are being harmed by it. It should interest you, as if you meet in an accident, are robbed, scammed or abused in anyway, the court system is supposed to be one of your (legal) remedies and the very one that might inexcusably fail you the most.

It is apart of why some repeat offenders in both the civil and criminal circuits are so bold and arrogant in breaking the law, as they know they can buy off cases click here for more. After publishing this web site, look for me to be set up for something I didn't do, harassed and jailed like Nelson Mandela. U.S. judges have done it to others like her click here.  


Good Judges That Buck The Trend...And Were Punished For It

Some judges in the judiciary showed they care about the average American by awarding in their favor when their rights were violated. However, they were punished for it. "Buying Justice" Justice C.P. (Chuck) McRae is adored by trial lawyers--and reviled by business. A colorful, cocky figure who drives a motorcycle to the courthouse and dresses in cowboy boots, blue jeans and lots of leather, he was once president of the Mississippi Trial Lawyers Association.

Nearly all of his $700,000 campaign fund in 2000 came in the form of $5,000 gifts from plaintiff attorneys who stand a chance of appearing before him. McRae says he is proud of "defending the have-nots against the haves for more than 11 years," a populist sentiment that unsettles business execs. He was "the dominant force on the court and in line to be the next chief justice," says Chip Reno, director of Stop Lawsuit Abuse, a local pro-business lobby click here.

Spotlight Case: Elsebeth Baumgartner - An Accomplished Citizens vs. The Corrupt Visiting Judge

Judge Richard Markus is openly violating the constitutional rights of citizen Elsebeth Baumgartner for simply exercising her right to free speech in a non-threatening, peaceful manner. The lengths this just has gone to is sickening and appalling and is another black eye on the Judiciary. Markus, if you're going to be doing your level best to bringing about the incarceration of law abiding citizens, do the country a favor, stop visiting and go into full retirement click here


Elsebeth Baumgartner

Judge Richard "What Constitution?" Markus

Judge Richard Palumbo

The criminally negligent judge whose actions lead an innocent woman to be severely burned by her abusive husband, with a history of domestic violence, once Judge Palumbo, carelessly, arrogantly and dismissively released him from what was clearly a necessary restraining order. This story was featured on the Oprah Winfrey Show.

In my humble opinion, if your criminal negligence causes someone permanent damage, you should do jail time for that. Had he not been so arrogant and dismissive, not listening to the woman's pleas, as was shown on tape, none of this would have happened. His conduct has profoundly and negatively affected Yvette Cade for the rest of her life.

He should have been held accountable in criminal court for his conduct, as it was 100% negligence with disastrous results. If someone, through criminal negligence, opened him or his family members up to such danger, he would be furious. For more click here

Judge Marcia Cooke (center) - the judge that doesn't need to read a case or the evidence to make a ruling.

The most crooked judge in the entire judiciary. Appointed by George W. Bush, she has shown wanton negligence in several cases, that has been criticized by the public and professionals alike, in pieces that are available online. The newest judge in the downtown Miami federal courthouse, she has been given cases of serious importance that is making a negative impact on the county's name and the court's credibility in the world.

Her conduct, among others, is the subject of a forthcoming Sonustar film titled "Justice And Truth." Thanks to this dirty judge, I got to see first hand, the sweeping corruption present in the U.S. judicial system, that in my opinion, is the most corrupt in the world, bar none. For more, click here

Marcia Cooke's oversight on my case was Judge Stephen Brown, pictured above, who probably didn't read the case either, before signing off on her thoroughly corrupt ruling.

Judge Thomas J. Maloney - "Judge With Criminal Connections," was one of several judges and lawyers caught red handed taking bribes via the FBI sting, Operation Greylord. Judge Maloney took bribes and rigged murder cases. He easily qualifies as one of the worst judges in history click here

Judge James Henson - Judge advises client to flee the country to avoid manslaughter charges. With tactics like these, this judge could work for the mafia. Congress and the people install judges to see that justice is served and victims vindicated. How is a judge, still working in an advisory role as attorney, telling a client to flee rather than faces charges like a man, which would in effect deprive families of justice, in the malfeasance that transpired against the deceased, remotely virtuous conduct befitting a judge click here

Judge Jon Gordon

"God Bless The Child - Not If Jon Gordon Can Help It." One of Miami's most callous judges, who is so arrogant, dismissive and cold blooded, that the ruled against a sick child in favor of the wealthy corporation. This is a serious pattern with him, meaning the average U.S. citizen will not get justice in his courtroom.

However, if you are a young female lawyer and you flirt with him, he will shamelessly respond to your request, making a fool of himself. Yea, I've seen him do just that, then bark at other innocent people unprovoked, who he prejudicially made up his mind against from the jump. He has a sarcastic, nasty, mocking attitude fit for an ill-mannered scoundrel. Ebenezer Scrooge has a more pleasant disposition than this man. For more click here

Judges Caught Red Handed - Judge Victor Barron, Justice Gerald P Garson, Judge Thomas J Maloney. Who are they, you ask. Why, they are judges who took 6 figure bribes.

For Judge Victor Barron click here For Judge Gerald P Garson click here

For Judge Thomas J Maloney click here


The Masturbating Judge - Judge Donald "Penis Pump" Thompson got 4 years in prison for his freaky conduct in masturbating while presiding over cases that he clearly was not paying attention to. They found semen under his desk on the carpet click here

Judge Melissa Jackson - "Hit her!" - Judge Melissa Jackson orders bailiff to pimp slap Foxy Brown, literally and further accuses her of not really being deaf, though medical science said she was. Does this judge work for the Judiciary...or the WWF. Her actions were described as racist by notable African American figures. For more click here.

Judge To Bailiff: "Hit Her!"

Foxy Brown cuffed and accused of not really being deaf.

Judge Cecilia Altonaga - A judge consistently making decisions in contradiction to U.S. law to benefit big business and her family's bank account, while trampling the rights of the innocent and downtrodden. For more click here

Judge Penfield Jackson - The judge who sought to punish Bill Gates for being rich and attempted to do so in violation of the judicial cannons governing judicial conduct. Further spoke to the press, conducting demeaning, malicious interviews against Gates click here

Judge Federico Moreno - A friend of big business and not the American citizen whose taxes pay his salary click here

Judge William Turnoff - "Defendant Given Stocks Aren't A Turnoff To Him." A judge who on two known occasions ruled in favor of his stocks given to him by lawbreaking defendants, against innocent people. That constitutes a repeated, willful failure to disclose serious financial ties in legal cases, which is grounds for recusal and disciplinary action. Never mind he kept his corrupt mouth shut in favor of his stocks. For more click here

 Judge George Greer - The judge who sentenced Terri Schiavo to die. For more click here


2,000,000 Americans in prison

The featured article is penned by the California based, American owned, Judicial Accountability. They did a stunning expose on the judicial system. Here are a few excerpts (for more go to www.jail4judges.org ):

Rigged courts, bribed judges, phony trials, extortion by lawyers, and over 2 million prisoners in the USA gulag

Multi-millionaires and big corporations, vs. everybody else

The only people who really can expect some fairness in American courts are multi-millionaires and big corporations. Nobody else really matters to American judges and lawyers. There is a huge amount of bribery in America, perhaps even more than in the courts of any other country in the world. Even some American ex-judges have admitted the near-universality of bribery there. Nearly all bribes are given to the judges by lawyers; this is considered the safe way to bribe a judge.

Bribery is rarely spoken about, just understood. Rich people pay huge amounts of money to law firms with connections, the lawyers walk around with a certain amount of cash in their jacket, and they pass it to the judges in their quiet moments together. It is mostly all cash of course. Sometimes the bribery is blatantly obvious, because of the other crimes that lawyers and judges commit in broad daylight together. In the courtrooms you can see the judges being extremely friendly to their rich lawyer friends who pay big bribes.

click here for the rest of this article



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