U.S. President Donald Trump
Indicted By President Joe Biden's Administration To
Stop The Former Head Of State From Running And Beating Him In
The 2024 Presidential Election
They've Set A Precedent That Is Going To Come
Back To Haunt Them Regarding Their Own Criminal
March 31. 2023

Donald Trump
For the first time in U.S. history,
a former President has been indicted on criminal
charges. Former U.S. President, Donald Trump, has
been indicted on allegations he made secret payments to porn star
Stormy Daniels, to keep quiet about their
alleged extramarital affair. Trump denies the charges.
is scheduled to be arraigned on the 30-count
indictment next week. Trump is a Florida
resident (born in New York and lived there most
of his life in Manhattan). However, he has been
living in Florida as a part time resident and then
full term over the past couple decades. Florida
Governor, Ron DeSantis, publicly stated he will not extradite
Trump to New York.
Desperate, dumb President, Joe Biden, is well behind Trump in polls released this
week (Donald
Trump Beating President Joe Biden And Governor Ron
DeSantis In Polls For 2024 U.S. Presidency
President Joe Biden's Approval Rating Plunges
). The next day Biden had the indictment filed
against Trump.

Joe Biden
Biden and his puppetmaster, former U.S.
President, Barack Obama, employed this dirty
political trick as a means of eliminating Trump from
the 2024 election. The law should be evenly applied
to everyone in America, but it is not, as the
government is thoroughly corrupt. They protect their
cronies while abusing the law to get at or control
other people they seek to exploit or dispose of from
society. It's worst than the communism they
hypocritically decry.
As it stands Obama and Biden have
committed more crimes than Trump. The fact of the matter is
U.S. Presidents George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Barack
Obama, as well as
pedo incumbent Biden,
are war criminals. They've also committed serious
financial crimes. By right Bush, Clinton, Obama and
Biden should be under the prison, after standing
trial in the Hague. Yet, some of them
hypocritically pretend they are so angelic. Well,
the world doesn't think they are angelic. They are
known as war criminals all over the world.
Let's start with Bush II. He is a
massive war criminal. Bush's
war in Iraq killed over 1,000,000 people. He lied
that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. Bush
without congressional approval and unleashed a war
that killed several thousand U.S. soldiers and over
1,000,000 Iraqis, which is an enormous iniquity. So,
George, God moved you to kill 1,000,000 people and
steal billions in assets, while pretending to be a
Christian (I know He didn't
because He simply does not work that way). George,
what are you going to tell God when you see Him on
the other side?

Barack Obama and Joe Biden
Then there's Obama. Got into office
via criminal fraud with the FBI in unlawfully accessing and
following a movie script.
Even the "yes we can" slogan, among other
things, is in the preexisting 1999 script the FBI
had access to in 2005 after asking me for copies of
the official copyright certificates to investigate
copyright infringers Madonna and Rupert Murdoch, and
their murderous mafia private eye Anthony Pellicano,
whom they arrested a few months later on the very
crimes I and others, such as Los Angeles Times
journalist Anita Busch, accused him of committing on
their behalf.
Then, the FBI illegally went to the
Library of Congress and obtained copies of the
contents of the copyrights under false pretenses,
then did whatever they want to with them in
violation of the law, as they perversely love
criminally utilizing scripts as also seen in the
Palestine, Ohio train derailment,
which mimicked a preexisting Netflix movie
released the year prior, much to the world's horror).
Obama and Biden who went into office, have
repeatedly quoted from and done things in my
movie script ("Presidential Dreams")
for years. My script is from 1999. Obama ran for
office in 2008. For years they've fought to cover it
up, but I broke so many stories on them all the
truth began coming out and now people online are
mocking them over it (site
This criminal activity was not for
the greater good of society. For years Obama and
Biden have been abusing me and my elderly mom via
the FBI, CIA and IRS, when we've not done anything
to deserve it. Their misconduct is a criminal misuse
of said agencies (which
I've outed them on before and it ended up in
Congress), in trying to suppress
scientific progress in order to steal copyrights,
such as movie scripts (The FBI Is
Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In
Madonna Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional
The Obama administration even
aggressively and criminally threatened me to my face
in a doctor's office during a physical check up "we
don't want anything cured" and people being sick is
a multi-billion dollar business in America (The FBI Is
Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In
Madonna Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional
Documents)). That's the kind of scum
they are. They are also essentially holding me
hostage, making vile death threats against multiple
people, regarding me leaving America. What kind of
government does that (Biden/Obama
admin). And
is still president (albeit, illegally). The
world knows it now, as it is all over the internet
and in the mainstream news.
Worst of all, my forthcoming science
patents on cancer, AIDS, Parkinsons, Sickle Cell and
Huntington's, among other breakthrough items, have
been delayed. My
site exclusives
prove I know what I'm doing regarding science,
as my predictions and scientific claims,
among others, have repeatedly proven true.
Millions of disease sufferers have died and many
continue to suffer every day, all so America could
have its first black gay president (Obama) and first
dementia president (Biden). And neither one of
them know what they are doing, as the country has
been made infinitely worse off (wars, job losses,
inflation, banks collapsing, financial crisis: Three Prominent American Banks
Collapse Under President Joe Biden's Watch (Video) and
America Is Being Sabotaged From
Within (Video)).

Barack Obama
While Obama was in office, to
show he was not soft, he publicly stated decided to drop bombs on
people to toughen up his image (he should be
stripped of the Nobel Peace Prize for being a mass
murderer and war criminal). Obama also
stole billions in assets while in office. That
scandal hasn't hit yet...but it will.
Obama, while pretending to be a
Christian, when you are not and hold Jesus in severe
derision, God
told you to drop all those bombs on people,
killing hundreds of thousands (and I know He didn't
move you to do that because He doesn't work that way). Obama, God told
you to steal billions in assets and criminally
misappropriate it for your political and financial
advancement? (again, I know He didn't because
the Bible states "Thou shall not steal").
Obama, what are you going to tell God when you see Him
on the other side?
Bill Clinton and his wife, Hillary,
nicknamed Killary online, because she likes to have
people killed (she openly tried to kill Julian
Assange via a drone strike), but in person she's is
a real pussy cat hiding behind security, are two war
criminals and human rights abusers. They've also
stolen billions of dollars via the Clinton
Foundation, which is under investigation at the FBI,
but their Democrat cronies have been impeding it.
The Clintons stole earthquake relief
charity funds that were solicited and donated in the
name of the island of Haiti, which Bill has scorned
for decades via illegal invasions and other
punishments (he sent Haitian refugees to Guantanamo
Bay prison in deplorable conditions because they
tried to enter America for help while having HIV or
Bill was also a frequent visitor to
the late Jeffrey Epstein's pedophile island, where
little girls were horrifically raped in acts of sex
trafficking. The pedophile island conduct also is
enough for a life sentence. But no... he's walking
around un-indicted and free.

Former President Bill Clinton and his Vice
President Al Gore were on Pedophile Island many
The domestic terrorist campaign
crazy Hillary unleashed on women who had sex with
her husband, shows she is not right in the head. The
trash hired a violent Mafioso, Anthony Pellicano, to
go after Bill's mistresses (I was a part of that
case as a victim, who was formally interviewed twice
by the FBI, as it relates to Hollywood stars such as
Madonna, and executives like Rupert Murdoch, hiring
Pellicano to illegally wiretap, hack, burglarize and
terrorize innocent people the aforementioned
depraved sickos became obsessed with).
Therefore, I know of Hillary's
involvement in that scandal. She was the first to
hire Pellicano in that circle and introduced him to
others in Hollywood, who are among the Clintons'
biggest political donors. Imagine you let a cheating
devil like Bill Clinton reduce you to behaving like
a crazy coward, in secretly hiring a dirty,
murderous private investigator to spy on, terrorize
and abuse his mistresses.
Hillary is unhinged for that. No
real woman does that. A pathetic one would, but
women with integrity and decency do not do those
things, as it says they are sick in the head to sic
a violent, murderous, satanic madman on defenseless
women. You are no longer the victim when you
do that. You become a criminal for knowingly hiring
a member of the mafia to abuse other women. Hillary
belongs under the prison for that, among other
things. Yet, she is free. Her quality of life is
terrible, but the wretched old demon is free.
Lets not even talk about Biden. The
man is called a pedophile by his son and daughter.
The Biden family has been secretly making billions
in illegal conduct. Biden was a part of the Obama
administration war crimes. So he too has blood on
his hands.

Barack Obama
The only good thing that has come
out of this indictment against Trump is it set a
precedent that a U.S. president can be
indicted. In the future it can get Obama in an
enormous amount of trouble in Congress, who could
have him indicted and ordered to appear in the
legislature for questioning over serious crimes he
has committed.
Not to mention, it could land Bush
in the Hague for war crimes that killed over
1,000,000 people. Knowing him, he'd have a heart
attack in his cell at actually being made
responsible for something evil and cruel he did in
life, rather than having his depraved, murderous dad
(ex-CIA turned president) cover for him all the
I'm not saying Trump is an angel,
because he's not. However, he certainly hasn't
committed the grotesque war crimes the other
presidents did while pretending to be angels, yet he
is the one under indictment for paying a porn star
to keep quiet about an extramarital affair.
So, to get this straight, in the
U.S. government's eyes killing millions of innocent
people in demonic war crimes is good, but paying a
porn star $135,000 not to blab about an alleged
affair that would upset your wife is extremely
wicked, heinous and indictable because it is so much
worse that global human rights abuses that deprived
millions of their lives.
This is another reason why so many
Americans and the world have no respect or regard
for the U.S. government. If you're gonna indict
Trump, file indictments against all his predecessors
and the current
president, who have done far worse than what you are
accusing Trump of doing. Because a time is coming
when the world (governments) will start doing
that for you.
Manhattan District Attorney Alvin
Bragg Accused Of Hiding 600 Pages Of Exculpatory Evidence In A Bid At
Locking Up Former President Donald Trump