The Queen Is Angry Over Harry And Meghan
October 24. 2019

Little cutie Archie, Meghan and Harry
The Duke of Sussex (Prince Harry) and his wife, the
Duchess of Sussex (Meghan Markle), appeared in a documentary "Harry
And Meghan: An African Journey" which they filmed for London's ITV
News during their recent trip to Africa. As stated previously on the
site, Markle is having difficulties in her life, due to the massive
amount of negative press she has received, much of it fuelled by her
own siblings, who sold her out to the tabloids (Meghan Markle Opens Up About
Emotional Breakdown Of Being A Member Of The Royal Family (Video)).
Coupled with post-partum depression, it has been much for her to
Sensing the strain his wife is under, Prince
Harry sued two tabloids in London, with the hope of giving his
family breathing room from the negativity (Prince Harry Files Lawsuit Against Rupert Murdoch Sun Newspaper For
Phone Hacking). The lawsuits are in reference to invasion of
privacy (phone hacking) and defamation.

Meghan Markle looking beautiful
The "Harry And Meghan: An African Journey"
documentary showed Markle suppressing tears, regarding not being
able to cope with her current situation and her failure to employ
the British “stiff upper lip” about it all. Prince Harry has been
employing the stiff upper lip, as he grew up in that environment and
it can serve one well during times of crisis. However, Markle is
having noticeable difficulties.
Rumor has it Buckingham Palace, including the Queen,
are angry about the documentary, as it spilled too much information.
The royals are not a family who are keen on sharing certain things.
They only let you see what they want you to see and it is never them
appearing what they deem weak or defeated.
Meghan Markle interview (Harry And Meghan: An
African Journey):
They became angry with Princess Diana when she did
an explosive interview with Martin Bashir, spilling the details on
her then cheating husband, Prince Charles and his very poor
treatment of her, due to his infidelity and neglect of her feelings.
While Meghan has not spilled any negative details on Harry, she has
said a mouthful about her unhappiness, the fact she is “not okay”
and can't employ the British "stiff upper lip." The Queen does not
believe in people in her family or employ making such admissions of
not coping well or feeling defeated. It is perceived as a sign of
Meghan is going to have to toughen up if she is to
stay in the royal family. The British tabloids took a terrible turn
when Rupert Murdoch was allowed to dictate the tone in the country.
He destroyed many people's lives. He simply does not care and needs
a dose of his own medicine, as I have repeatedly done to him in
breaking the phone hacking scandal, exposing the fact his wife Wendi
was cheating on him and other awful little facts about his empire.
Princess Diana interview with Martin Bashir:
The difference between American and British tabloids
is the level of journalism. There are plausible, properly written
articles in British tabloids that come across as believable, similar
to what you would find in the real, award winning British press and
in top American newspapers. British tabloids aren't outlandish and
it fools some into thinking the articles are true when they often
are not so. However, the American tabloid headlines are usually so
farfetched, you immediately know the story is a lie, because there's
often something about aliens on the cover.
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