Prince Harry Files Lawsuit Against
Rupert Murdoch Sun Newspaper For Phone Hacking
October 9. 2019

Prince Harry, Meghan Markle and their son Archie
In October 2005
I filed a complaint with the Metropolitan Police in
London against Madonna and her business
partner, Rupert Murdoch, who owns News International
(the Sun Newspaper, Sunday Times, the Fox network and
until recently the 20th Century Fox film company). It
was weeks after I submitted a similar complaint to
the FBI in America in September 2005.
The complaints were for copyright
infringement, computer hacking and phone hacking.
4-months after the FBI interviewed me twice at their
Miami office, they arrested Madonna and Murdoch's
private investigator, Italian mafia member Anthony
Pellicano, for illegal wiretapping, racketeering and
identity theft, among other charges. They also arrested
3 hackers he had on staff, whom he used to hack the
phones and computers of innocent people vile Hollywood
stars and executives paid him to spy on and terrorize.
Pellicano and his hackers were all
convicted of the serious charges. He was sentenced to
15-years in prison. It should be noted, Hillary Clinton
also hired Pellicano to illegal wiretap and hacking
people. The FBI has the files on her involvement in the
case. Her misconduct has been widely discussed in
political circles regarding the illegal tactics she paid
him to engage in.
6-months after I filed the complaint
with the Metropolitan Police in London and spoke to them
over the phone, in 2006 they arrested Murdoch's private
investigator and other employees of his company for
illegally wiretapping/phone hacking the royal family and
a host of famous British football players, actors,
actresses, models and political figures.
In 2012, the Metropolitan Police filed
more charges regarding the illegal phone hacking and
wiretapping by Murdoch's employees, resulting in
additional convictions. As stated previously on the
site, while I was outside my cousin's house in London,
Murdoch employee
Andy Coulson, whom he sent to work
for then-Prime Minister, David Cameron, as a means of
arrogantly controlling him and the Prime Ministership,
was pushing his bike up the street while looking at me
and angrily muttering. I ignored him. Months later he
was convicted and
sentenced to 1-year in prison.
It was another of my trips to London
that crazy, lunatic Madonna managed to ruin with her
criminal acts of commission stalking, phone hacking,
computer hacking, harassment and threats. For years I
have warned that Madonna, Murdoch and others in their
sick Hollywood sect never stopped the illegal,
commissioned wiretapping, hacking, stalking, harassment,
threats and sick voyeurism in the industry, opting to
hire new private investigators and thugs to break the
law. I know what I have been experiencing and I have
time stamped proof of the criminal invasion of privacy,
among other crimes, continuing (which I will make public
This month Britain's Prince Harry, also
known as the Duke of Sussex, has initiated legal
proceedings against Murdoch's Sun newspaper, and the
Mirror UK, for illegal phone hacking/wiretapping. Prince
Harry has filed claims against the newspapers for
intercepting his voice messages and using the content
for stories in the newspapers. Rupert Murdoch and his
newspaper are refusing to comment, because they know
they did exactly what they are accused of doing.
Prince Harry stated they have been
committing these "phone hacking crimes" "for 20-years."
He also accused them of perverting the course of justice
(obstruction of justice) in destroying some of the
evidence of their crimes, which is illegal on their
part. The problem why this madness has continued years
later is because vile, sick, disgraceful, arrogant,
lawless criminals like Madonna and Murdoch, have no fear
of the law and believe they are above it. They have no
fear of the FBI or the Metropolitan Police. They are
haughtily of the belief they are "too big to fail" and
"too big to jail."
blackmailed prime ministers
celebrities, firmly believing they will never
be brought to justice for these crimes (and if you do
online searches, you will realize the public abhors them
for this criminal conduct). Madonna even arrogantly and
criminally spies on her ex-husband, his new wife and
their kids, in a story I broke first, which was later
confirmed in the mainstream press (Newspaper Reports Madonna Has Hired Private Investigator To
Stalk Guy Ritchie, His New Wife And The Couple’s Children
Confirming Previous Site Claims).
The fact of the matter is Madonna,
Murdoch and the people they pay to commit these crimes
in commissioned criminal acts, are domestic terrorists,
spying on, harassing, hacking, stalking, terrorizing,
threatening and disclosing the private details of
innocent people's lives for profit and perverse kicks.
They're absolute low class trash and perverts, raised by
other low class trash and perverts.
Madonna bribed the FBI. Murdoch was
caught bribing police officers in London. Murdoch's
employee, Rebekah Brooks, disgracefully stalked,
confronted and harassed the late singer George Michael,
after he was released from jail. She menacingly
informed the then tired, unwell and devastated man that
she pays police to give her inside scoops on arrests,
and he may as well give her all the embarrassing
details, lest she prints something terrible in Murdoch's
newspapers about him.
The man was going through a terrible
crisis in his battle with addiction and Murdoch, who
teaches his employees to be ruthless, decided to pounce
on him in said vulnerable state. Brooks, who shagged her
way to the top of Murdoch's empire and shagged married
Prime Minister, David Cameron, had the nerve to
terrorize Michael outside his own home. Hey, if she can
dish it, she should be able to take it.
As for Murdoch, I was the first to write
online that his then-wife, Wendi Murdoch, was cheating
on him with a younger man. I did it deliberately because
they kept hacking my emails and computers, then using
articles items from them for articles in the Sun and
Wall Street Journal, before I published them. They also
criminally stole and infringed a number of my
PREEXISTING film and TV copyrights ("Empire" television
show, "My Super Ex-Girlfriend" "Maze Runner" "The Heat"
and "The Watch" films, among other intellectual property
The Murdoch's love profiting from
criminal theft of other people's assets and creating
misery and loss in other people's lives via their
newspapers, while hiding their own dirt, like the fact
Wendi only married Rupert for his money, Jerry Hall is
still in love with Mick Jagger and only married Rupert
because he is rich and older than dirt (she'll be very
rich when he kicks the bucket shortly), Lachlan Murdoch
is married, gay and has had sex with gay
assistants (adultery), Elisabeth
Murdoch is a bisexual woman married to a man who only
married her for her money, and James Murdoch hates his
dad and wants to take over the company, but the old man
won't die fast enough for his liking.
However, they hide all that (and other
things, such as serious criminal activity) in favor of
putting out painful secrets about other people in their
newspapers, which has destroyed marriages and lives in
Britain. Hey, if they can dish it, they should be able
to take it.
Prince Harry launches legal action against Mirror
and Sun over alleged phone-hacking
The filing is the latest case of litigation
from the palace against the UK press
4 days ago - The Duke of Sussex has
launched two separate legal proceedings against the
owners of the Daily Mirror and The Sun newspapers over
alleged phone-hacking in the latest round of litigation
against the UK press, it has been reported. The precise
nature of the legal action is unknown but the palace
reportedly confirmed claims have been filed with the
High Court “regarding the illegal interception of
voicemail messages”.
It is unclear when the alleged activity
took place, and whether it relates to the phone-hacking
scandal of the early 2000s in which it was found
journalists had accessed the private voicemail accounts
of celebrities and members of the public at large to
find and support stories. A royal spokesperson said the
palace would provide no further comment because the
claims were not yet public...
Prince Harry: tabloids hid hacking crimes for 20
Duke of Sussex joins case against Sun and
Mirror in group action alleging documents were destroyed
Sat 5 Oct 2019 18.45 EDT - First
published on Sat 5 Oct 2019 16.05 EDT - Leading tabloid
newspapers concealed or destroyed evidence that they
illegally targeted Prince Harry and his circle of
friends and advisers over many years, according to
allegations contained in his unprecedented legal action
against two media groups.
He is joining scores of other people in
a group claim that alleges editors and executives at
Mirror Group Newspapers, publisher of the Daily Mirror,
and News Group Newspapers (NGN), publisher of the Sun
and the defunct News of the World, mounted an
industrial-scale cover-up over more than 20 years. I was
by Diana’s side in her press battles.
The Byline Investigates website, which
first reported the Duke of Sussex was taking legal
action, says the group claim is due to be heard next
October. The Observer understands the claims made by
each group member carry around five pages of allegations
relating to hacking and blagging – obtaining personal
information illegally – and around 20 pages outlining
allegations of concealment and destruction of evidence.
The claims cover 1994 to 2011.
Byline reports the duke’s claim could
see his lawyers seek to establish whether the newspapers
intercepted voicemails of his late mother, Diana,
Princess of Wales. The website claims it will also
explore whether, even after Diana’s death in August
1997, private investigators were hired to illegally
target her friends and family.
Legal experts have suggested the duke
would have a problem bringing the claim. Under the
Limitation Act, there is a six-year window from when a
claimant becomes aware of the privacy breach to bring a
claim. Clive Goodman, a News of the World journalist,
and Glenn Mulcaire, a private investigator, were jailed
in 2007 for offences including the hacking of voicemails
of aides working for the duke and his brother, Prince
However, it is clear that the duke’s
claim extends at least a decade beyond that 2007 case.
As with the other group claims, the duke alleges
evidence was destroyed and concealed and so any
limitation defence would fail under Section 32 of the
Act if it were shown to have concealed wrongdoing. Clive
Goodman, royal correspondent of the News of the World,
leaves the Old Bailey in 2006.
“This is far more serious than just
phone-hacking because these allegations involve
perverting the course of justice, perjury and fraud
against senior executives and senior editors,” a source
familiar with the claim explained. This would shift the
focus away from the actions of individual journalists to
the higher echelons of the newspaper organisations.
Hitherto the focus of many claims has
been on the role of Mulcaire. “Mulcaire is just one tiny
part of this,” the source said. It is understood that
the claim has resulted in the disclosure of thousands of
alleged payments to private investigators by Mirror
Group and tens of thousands by the Sun and News of the
There is speculation that close friends
and former girlfriends of the duke may have been hacked.
“The royal family might have tight procedures for
guarding their privacy, but the duke’s nightclub-going
friends may not,” the source suggested.
The duke’s lawyers will attempt to
obtain evidence of what, if any, personal information
was obtained by the newspapers. This could include
school reports, financial statements and health records.
The sweep could extend back to include his mother...
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