Meghan Markle Opens Up About Emotional
Breakdown Of Being A Member Of The Royal Family (Video)October 21. 2019
On Friday, October 18, 2019, ITV News in London
released a clip to Twitter from the documentary with the Duke And
Duchess of Cambridge, regarding hte massive press intrusions they
have faced. While the Duke, Prince Harry, is more accustomed to it,
the Duchess, Meghan Markle is not and has been blindsided by being a
On Friday, October 18, 2019 I commented on the
aforementioned clip on Twitter. I commented on the royal family's
adherence to the "stiff upper lip" and wouldn't you know it, 2-days
later when the program premiered on ITV, Meghan stated, "I've really
tried to adopt this British sensibility of a stiff upper lip. I
tried to...I tried, but I think what that does internally is
probably really damaging." It should be noted, the documentary was
filmed weeks ago.

Prince Harry, Meghan Markle and their son Archie
However, I knew what the problem was the whole time.
I could also see it on her face in photos and videos. Not to
mention, from the beginning, 2-years-ago, I stated on this site that
being a royal would be very difficult for Meghan, who now looks to
be at breaking point (Princess Michael Of Kent Causes Outrage In Wearing Racist Slave
Broach To Queen's Lunch Held To Meet Prince Harry's Black
Fiancée Meghan Markle). I am Jamaican, with
English blood in me. Jamaica is still a part of the Commonwealth of
Nations, headed up by Britain. I know Britain and its culture very
well, as I grew up with it and ancestrally it is a part of me.
While the royals are not representative of the
everyday Brit, as they (royals) are stuck in the 1800s in many ways, they are
seen as a part of British culture. However, the royal family is run
like a business. The late Princess Diana referred to them as "the
firm." Much of what the senior royals do is very calculated and
based in self-preservation.

My tweet on about the subject on Friday, October 18, 2019
While I am a very caring person, when it comes to
business and some personal matters I do have a "stiff upper lip." It
is beneficial in many ways, especially when you need to be strong in
life, but you must privately have a safe and productive outlet to
release your feelings. For some people like me it is through writing
and music.
Another problem that created a significant amount of
problems for Meghan is her sister, Samantha, and brother, Thomas
Markle Jr, sold stories to the press. They gave the press the
ammunition they have been using to pummel Meghan. I warned they
needed to stop selling stories (Meghan Markle's Brother And Sister Slam Her In The Press In The Lead Up
To Royal Wedding To Prince Harry). Well, it had a price, just
like I stated it would and it's Meghan's
emotional health. Your sister is having a nervous breakdown, in a
situation you had a hand in creating. They sold out their relative.
Another item that was confirmed in the interview is
the split between Prince Harry and his elder brother Prince William.
The Sussexs had unfollowed them on Instagram months ago (Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Have Unfollowed Prince William And Kate
Middleton On Instagram) and moved
out of the shared Kensington Palace in London.
Meghan Markle: Adopting a stiff upper lip is "probably really
October 21, 2019, 7:40 PM - "I never thought that
this would be easy, but I thought that it would be fair," Meghan
Markle said about her treatment by the media in a new documentary
which debuted Sunday on Britain's ITV. The American-born Markle, now
the Duchess of Sussex, said out loud what many observers have
guessed: she is finding the near-constant critical scrutiny as a
royal very hard.
Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, interviewed in
the ITV documentary, "Harry & Meghan: An African Journey." ITV In
the film "Harry & Meghan: An African Journey," she and her husband,
Prince Harry, opened up about their struggles with the media's
intense scrutiny of their personal lives. "Any woman when they're,
especially when they're pregnant, you're really vulnerable," she
said. "And so that was made really challenging. And then when you
have a newborn, it's a lot."
The royals spoke about their complicated
relationship with the press to ITV journalist Tom Bradby, for the
documentary which followed them on their recent 10-day Southern
Africa trip, which they took to bring attention to various
charities. And as correspondent Elizabeth Palmer reports, their
complicated relationship with the press has proved extremely
On camera, Meghan speaks about her bruising clashes
with the British tabloid press. "I've really tried to adopt this
British sensibility of a stiff upper lip," she said. "Has its
advantages, I guess?" asked Bradby. "I tried to … I tried, but I
think what that does internally is probably really damaging," she
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