The MTV VMAs Were A Demonic
Mess Of Substandard Music
Hollywood Has Fallen Off And This Is Why Music
Is Not Selling
September 14. 2021

First thing's first, VMA host and singer Doja
Cat and her stylist need to be renditioned for the
eye wateringly ugly outfits she wore
Hollywood continues to corrode
the minds of audiences via the subpar awards show
they served up this past Sunday as the MTV VMAs
(Video Music Awards). In the 1980s MTV had great music videos done by talented people.
The channel used to be mostly music videos. Now it's
something else.
Don't get me wrong, MTV got off
to a racially shaky start, shunning videos by black
artists. Jewish music executive, Walter Yetnikoff,
had to get on their case to get Michael Jackson's
videos on the air at MTV and ironically he went on
to become their biggest star.

Doja Cat literally wearing a chair on her head
Once Jackson, Prince, Run DMC and other talented fellow black
artists got on the air, with their videos airing in
rotation with talented white rock singers such as
Bruce Springsteen, Bon Jovi, Def Leppard and
Whitesnake, among others, the channel took off. MTV
had the biggest and best music videos.
So, in watching Sunday's telecast I
shook my head at how badly the VMAs have fallen off.
Most of the artists on the show couldn't even sing.
They also do not enunciate properly when they sing,
so many people didn't even fully understand the
lyrics coming out of their mouths.

Madonna opened the show looking hideous from
repeated, botched plastic surgeries
The show was also one big tribute to
satanism. The devil horns on entertainers, satanic
red hoods/capes worn by performers that are favored
in the occult, and the dark and devilish stage sets
full of occult themes were proof of that. Hollywood
has basically opened a portal to hell over America
and is destroying the mental health and peace of the
country with it.
The show was opened by avowed
satanist Madonna, who prior to the show referred to
herself as a high priestess (which is an occult term
in satanism). Madonna looked hideous. She has gotten
so much plastic surgery her face doesn't look human

Thousands of people online mocked and slammed
Madonna for her ugly, desperate appearance at the
Madonna also demanded they use CGI
on her face and body in a failed attempt at giving
her a youthful appearance. Plastic surgery has
Madonna looking like the catwoman, Jocelyn
Wildenstein. There is good plastic surgery and bad
plastic surgery...and Madonna is definitely bad
plastic surgery.
Madonna has been buying influence in
Hollywood via selling stolen copyrights (stolen from
me), which an
attorney at Sanders, Squire and Dempsey confirmed to
me is being illegally passed around A&R departments
of record labels in Hollywood. She has been using
the stolen copyrights as leverage and for favors in
the industry.

Teen singer Billie Eilish and the man seated
next to her laughed at Madonna regarding how
ridiculous she looked
Someone else informed me that people
in the industry wouldn't even bother speaking to her
if it were not for the stolen copyrights she is
selling at cute rate prices. Another person also
informed me she is going to get hit an avalanche
with lawsuits when the brown stuff hits the fan for
selling stolen goods.
Madonna, who is connected to
the mafia, is behaving like them in many ways and it
is disgusting. The mafia steals
and sells things they do not own in order to get
money and live a lifestyle they are not entitled to,
as they have not earned it. Madonna repeatedly does
the same.

Chloe Bailey was on stage screaming like a
crazy satanist
Bruno Mars really should have been
the top award winner of the night. However, for some
reason he was not and it is due to music industry
politics. He is the most talented out of the batch
of entertainers that were nominated for awards last
Chloe Bailey embarrassed herself on
stage by allowing mentor, Beyonce, to turn her show
into a copy of her own, displaying occult imagery
and the same sound. Chloe sang like Beyonce, and was
on stage showing most of her butt and gyrating like
her as well. It was vulgar and unnecessary. The song
is also weak.

A comment retweeted and favorited by thousands
on Twitter regarding singer Chloe Bailey joining
Madonna's sick, satanic cult Kabbalah, who call
themselves "the Illuminati." Chloe's show was dark,
vulgar and satanic.
Normani of Simon Cowell's bootleg
group, Fifth Harmony, which was his failed attempt
at recreating the Spice Girls, was also vulgar and
low class in her performance. Normani has been doing
all sorts of desperate things to get her solo career
going, but none of it is working.
Not only did her subpar song "Wild Side"
(and its video) arrogantly rip off the hit track
(and its video)
"One In A Million" by the late singer Aaliyah, she
also copied Janet Jackson's previous stage shows
from 20-years ago, in
climbing on a person mounted on a metal object.

Normani and Teyanna Taylor
In Normani's case, she had a woman
mounted on a cross mocking Jesus and began
performing vulgar sexual movements on her, all while
kids at home were watching the show (it's something
how she's not scared to get struck by lightning). It
was sacrilegious and pathetic. If that's all you've
got your career is dead and you're finished. Selling
your soul to the devil for some fame and it's not
even working, as your work sucks and is flopping.
Brazen pedophile and thief, Lil Nas
X, won for best music video, for a clip he stole
from FKA Twigs (Lil Nas Sued By Nike Over Copyright
Infringing Satanic Shoes Containing Human Blood And Slammed For Ripping
Off Music Video By FKA Twigs).
How corrupt. Lik Nas X's rip off of
FKA Twigs video is satanic, tacky, clumsy and ugly.
He looks like a fool in that video. However, Lil Nas
X has been having sex with male executives in
Hollywood and that's why the no-talent, non-singing,
non-rapping pedo is on your television and radios.
Why is that pedophile running free (Satanic Rapper Lil Nas Labeled A
Pedophile After Stating He Wants To Rape His 3-Year-Old Nephew).

Machine Gun Kelly's performance had a satanic
tone to it
Machine Gun Kelly put on a terrible
performance. The music was substandard and he can't
sing. He started as a rapper. MGK's stage show last
night was weak. It was like watching someone imitate
a rock star. And that's the problem with most of the
show. It was full of artists who are pretenders
imitating rock stars.
However, the industry is now run by
a satanic cult, Kabbalah, who is connected to the
Italian-American mafia. The cult has commissioned
assaults and deaths in attempts at keeping a
stranglehold on an industry they are destroying with
their madness and lack of talent. It's not that
America doesn't have the talent. Like I always
state, I see many talented Americans (and people
from other countries) on You Tube (and Twitter) all
the time.
However, you have to do very sick
and damaging things to get your break in Hollywood
now (some people have even been asked to sexually
pimp out their young, underage kids to pedophiles in
Hollywood in exchange for record deals and movie
parts). Some have even attended regularly thrown
orgies with minors present, who were drugged and
forced to engaged in sexual conduct.

Lil Nas X looking ridiculous
Congress needs
to clean up Hollywood, as it is a cesspool of
debauchery, abuse and violence. What you are largely seeing on
TV and hearing on the radio are the mediocre folks
who were willing to do sick things to become famous,
as the current crop of stars are not America's most
talented (some have no talent as seen last night) or
The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna
Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)