Lil Nas Sued By Nike Over Copyright Infringing
Satanic Shoes Containing Human Blood And Slammed For Ripping Off Music
Video By FKA Twigs
March 31. 2021

Lil Nas "Satan Shoes"
Openly gay rapper Lil Nas scored a hit last
year with the country music song "Old Town Road." The song mostly
appealed to children, due to its simple rhyme scheme. He became
Hollywood's face of gay black males.
Fast-forward a year, after Lil Nas got involved with
Hollyweird, joining Madonna's Kabbalah cult, and everything has
turned into madness. The members of the Kabbalah cult are all devil worshippers, because to get into the sick
sect you have to renounce Jesus Christ, sell your soul to the devil
in a cult ceremony and engage in sex with people that go against your
Lil Nas, who started off doing clean music
and videos, is now doing what other Kabbalah cult members do in
releasing debauched and explicit satanic songs, music videos, photos
and related works.

Lil Nas "Satan Shoes" with satanic pentagrams, blasphemous
upside down cross and real human blood in the soles. He's headed for
a massive and disastrous fall.
Lil Nas is being slammed for releasing a very sick
music video for the song "Montero (Call Me By Your Name)." The video
features Lil Nas dressed in ill-fitting, short, tight biker shorts
that stick under his distended belly, along with thigh high boots
over his massive, manly thighs. He looked a complete mess.
Oh, but it gets worse. Lil Nas is seen twerking on
(sexually gyrating on),
licking and having sex with the devil on a throne in hell. Lil Nas
looked evil, clumsy, ungraceful, demonic and ridiculous. He
didn't look cute or sexy, as he clearly thinks he did in the vile video. He
looked tacky, deranged and crazy. You have to be severely mentally
ill to make a video like that.
The video is abominable and disgusting. This is what
he is introducing your vulnerable, impressionable children to after
the kid popular "Old Town Road", and he's sick and evil for doing
that, knowing his primary audience is underage.
These types of
disturbing images are not good for children or adults. He's letting
Hollywood use him for their sick agenda of trying to normalize
debauchery, satanism and other forms mentally depraved behavior
rooted in sacrilege (such as the obsession with blood). Hollywood is dragging
America into a cesspool.
Lil Nas' "Montero" music video is also a pathetic
rip-off. The 2021 "Montero" clip constitutes willful copyright
infringement, as it was deliberately stolen from the preexisting,
visually striking 2020 "Cellophane" music video by British singer,
FKA Twigs. Many people on social networking are commenting on Lil
Nas stealing FKA Twigs' video.
On the left is crazy Lil Nas' 2021 rip-off "Montero" and in
the right column is FKA Twigs video "Cellophane" released in 2019

Make no mistake it was deliberate and unlawful, as
copyright infringement is a domestic and international crime. Prior
to shooting the copyright infringing "Montero" music video, Lil Nas
contacted, Thomas Huang, who is the director of FKA Twigs'
"Cellophane" clip. Lil Nas asked to work with him and he refused. He
also asked to use "Cellophane" and he refused that as well.
So, Lil Nas did what vile, unoriginal recording
artists do, he hired the creative staff of the person targeted for
rip-off in a futile and pathetic attempt at becoming the person and
usurping their style, look and sound. Anyone who does this is a
fake, fraud and not a real artist. Madonna does this all the time,
as seen in the
many lawsuits and claims of copyright
theft against her in court and the press.
FKA Twigs has a slender, lithe, graceful body. In
the video "Cellophane" she is seen descending on a pole then dancing
on it as well. Lil Nas has a bulky, muscular body with a belly that
is bloated. He looked clumsy and foolish trying to dance on the
pole, in an outfit that only made things worse in terms of the
visuals. He was completely ungraceful. Something in Lil Nas' head is
not working correctly to think that clownish and clumsy rip-off was
a good idea. He looks like a desperate, greedy, fame hungry fool.
Some on social networking are pointing out the irony
that Lil Nas' "Old Town Road" music video beat "Cellophane" for
music video of the year at the Grammys, only for him to arrogantly
turn around and go steal it. That's not a good look.
Lil Nas is also in trouble for a sick, satanic
sneaker (trainers) he released. Lil Nas and shoe company, MSCHF,
ripped off a Nike Shoe, added a satanic pentagram to it, a
blasphemous upside down cross, the number of the devil which is 666
to the shoe. They also added human blood to the soul of the shoe,
which is unsanitary and demonic. To be as offensive as possible, Lil
Nas released the "Satan Shoes" as he calls it, on the Christian holy
day of Palm Sunday, of all days.
Nike has sued in federal court, where copyright
cases are tried as it is a federal offense, on the grounds of
copyright infringement and dilution. I've repeatedly stated on this
site that Madonna and her Kabbalah cult steal copyrights, then
devalue and desecrate them by doing piss-poor rip-offs and adding demonic, satanic
symbolisms and themes to them.
You have to be severely mentally ill to do such
things. It is completely crazy and abnormal. Not to mention, it
devalues the economy, as copyrights that were worth far more money,
are turned into madness and a mess by mentally deranged, cack-handed
idiots who do not know what they are doing (The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna
Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)).
Nike Sues Over Unauthorized ‘Satan Shoes’
Published March 28, 2021Updated March 31, 2021, 8:51
a.m. ET - Some workplaces encourage employees to donate blood as an
act of charity. But six workers at MSCHF, a quirky company based in
Brooklyn that’s known for products like toaster-shaped bath bombs
and rubber-chicken bongs, offered their blood for a new line of
“‘Sacrificed’ is just a cool word — it was just the
MSCHF team that gave the blood,” one of MSCHF’s founders, Daniel
Greenberg, said in an email on Sunday. (Asked who collected the
blood, Mr. Greenberg replied, “Uhhhhhh yeah hahah not medical
professionals we did it ourselves lol.”). A drop of blood is mixed
in with ink that fills an air bubble in the sneaker, a Nike Air Max
97, Mr. Greenberg said...
The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna
Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)
Former FBI Director Robert Mueller Obtained Executive Orders From
George Bush And Barack Obama To Criminally Steal Copyrights Worth
Billions For Madonna And Hollywood While Engaging In Heinous Human
Rights Abuses That Left Innocent People Dead
Former FBI Directors Robert Mueller And James Comey Criminally
Defrauded Florida Submarine Company Out Of Billions Of Dollars In
Copyrights And Patents To Benefit Former Employer Lockheed Martin
Then Stonewalled Congress Regarding It
Wikileaks Releases Hacked U.S. Federal Government Documents Showing
The CIA And FBI Are Spying On People In Their Homes Via Hacking
Smart TVs And Backdoors In Computer And Phone Operating System
Confirming Previous Judiciary Report Site Claims
Madonna, Jay Z, Beyonce, Rihanna,
Rita Ora And Jessie J Sued Over Copyright Infringement, Invasion Of
Privacy, Commissioned Criminal Harassment And Assault Via The
Kabbalah Center
Boycott First Guaranty Mortgage Corporation And Coester VMS Who Are
Scammers And Con Artists Engaging In Discrimination While Ripping
Off People Seeking Mortgages
Madonna's Criminal Conduct At The BBC In Britain Has Nasty Racist
Slavery Connotations To It (Anthony Joshua, Daniel Kaluuya)