Steals $40,200 From Black Couple In Ongoing Fraud
Scheme Reminiscent Of Hitler's Nazi Police
May 12. 2023

Linda Martin and Reggie
The crooked, corrupt, slavetrading
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) are nothing
but a bunch of dirty thieves, mass murderers and
privacy invaders masquerading as a law enforcement
agency (The FBI Is
Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In
Madonna Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional
Documents) and
Former FBI
Directors Robert Mueller And James Comey
Criminally Defrauded Florida Submarine Company
Out Of Billions Of Dollars In Copyrights And
Patents To Benefit Former Employer Lockheed
Martin Then Stonewalled Congress Regarding It).
Previously, I wrote about the FBI's
latest fraud scheme regarding stealing money, gold
and jewelry from safety deposit boxes in America,
while trying to frame people as criminals laundering
money (FBI Agents Steal
Rare Gold Coins In Brazen Defiance Of Judge's Search Warrant
and Judge Issues Restraining Order
Blocking The FBI From Stealing The Cash, Jewelry And Gold They Illegally
Seized At A Beverly Hills Safety Deposit Box Business). The
judges presiding over the cases have slammed the FBI
for their misconduct.
Some of the victims were medical
professionals, a cook, business owners and others
who had received money from legitimate lawsuit
settlements or inheritances. They proved in court
where their safety deposit box assets came from and
judges ordered the return of their property/cash the
FBI wrongly stole seized. However,
the agency dragged its feet not wanting to return
the cash, gold and jewelry (some of the antique
jewelry ended up on the girlfriends and wives of FBI
employees, who later couldn't admit to these women
where they stole them from).
One doctor lost tens of thousands of
dollars in gold coins, after an FBI agent was seen
playing with them on CCTV camera during the raid of
a centrally located safety deposit box company in
Beverly Hills. Now some of the rare gold coins the
doctor collected over the course of 20-years, via
using portions of her lucrative pay as a physician
to purchase as an investment, can't be found after
the FBI took them in violation of the judge's
orders. The FBI employees that stole, sold and
pawned the doctor's gold coins need to go get them
back (that is, if others haven't bought them
already, which is clearly the problem).
Now comes word that the FBI has
stolen $40,000 from a black couple, in the law
enforcement agency's latest incident of fraud in
robbing safety deposit boxes in violation of judges
orders. The FBI stole $40,000 from African-American
Reggie Martin and his wife Linda.
Linda Martin stated, "The FBI took
my savings nearly two years ago but has never told
me why. It's been a confusing and frustrating
process from the day my money was taken. No one
should have to go through this."
To prove the FBI are dirty thieves,
take a look at what they did to members of the
public. The Business Insider revealed, "The
Institute for Justice, who is representing Martin in
a class-action lawsuit, said: "They were just
supposed to identify owners so they could claim
their property, but the FBI instead acted on its
months-old plan to search and try to forfeit the
contents of any box worth more than $5,000. The
government wanted to take their property forever,
even though they were not named in the indictment
against the company."
The Business Insider stated the FBI
illegally sent out forfeiture notices to 1,400
safety deposit box owners. The FBI's theft spree in
doing so brought the agency $86,000,000 in cash,
gold and jewelry they criminally stole from safety
deposit box owners in violation of the judge's
orders. The judge had ordered the FBI not to
confiscate the contents of the boxes while searching
the facility. The FBI are insane, lawless criminals
to have done this. The FBI are a bunch of common
thieves and hoodlums.
Former FBI Director, Robert S.
Mueller, who is a devil incarnate, transformed the
FBI into a Nazi police (and Mueller is a Nazi).
Under Mueller's disgusting leadership, the FBI began
going around stealing people's assets like dirty
Hitler and his SS police did to the Jewish people
during the Holocaust.

Former FBI Director Robert Mueller (left)
brought Nazism to the FBI in 2001...and it never
left (Photo from Twitter).
The FBI is also engaging in
widespread, illegal surveillance practices similar
to the conduct of Hitler's Nazi police who spied on
people, summarily searched homes and businesses,
stole property (cash, jewelry, gold, paintings,
homes) framed innocent people and threw them in
prison. The parallels are astonishing and also very
disgraceful. Germany long abandoned Nazism yet the
U.S. government, via the FBI and CIA, have revived
it to the nation's detriment.
When they are not doing that, they
are in America and the world blackmailing and
extorting people, much like they did through CIA and
FBI employee of 20-years,
pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. The FBI served up
underage girls on a platter to the degenerate
pedophile Epstein, who was allowed to rape over
1,4000 girls for 20-years, because he facilitated
the blackmail and control of high profile figures,
such as Prince Andrew. It gave the FBI a criminal
foothold in Britain, among other places, where the
FBI have been committing scores of serious crimes
for years.

Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell are
among some of the sickest people who ever lived
Then there's the FBI looking
the other way to underage girls being molested in
USA Gymnastics (The FBI's Deliberate Criminal
Negligence And Obstruction Of Justice In The USA Gymnastics Case That
Allowed Underage Gymnasts To Be Raped And Sexually Assaulted Exhibits A
Pattern Of Criminal Behavior Present In Other Sex Crime Cases Such As
Those Concerning Madonna And Hollywood (Video)).
So, stealing money from safety
deposit boxes is nothing to the FBI. Any group of
animals who can look the other way to little girls
being horribly raped for years, and do nothing to
stop it, though it is their job to do so, are human
garbage capable of any evil.
World governments are going to bring
the FBI to justice for their crimes...and Congress
will allow it out of pure shame, disgrace and
embarrassment at the sick and damaging things the
FBI has done. That is your future and my predictions
happen all the time (site
The FBI seized $40,000 a couple held in a
deposit box 2 years ago, but won't say why and won't
return their cash
Sun, March 26, 2023 at 11:15 AM EDT
- The FBI seized a couple's savings they held in a
deposit box in a raid in March 2021.
Linda Martin said the agency had never explained why
it's still holding her $40,200. She and her husband
have filed a lawsuit in conjunction with the
nonprofit Institute for Justice. Linda and Reggie
Martin had their savings seized by the FBI from a
deposit box in March 2021. Two years later, the
agency still won't explain why it's holding their
Agents raided the Beverly Hills, California branch
of US Private Vaults and seized more than $86
million in cash, as well as jewelry and gold, from
1,400 safe-deposit boxes held by hundreds of people
who were not suspected of any crimes, according to
court documents previously seen by Insider. The
couple were keeping $40,200 cash in their box and
only found out about the raid on local news.
"The FBI took my savings nearly two years ago but
has never told me why," Linda Martin said in a press
release. "It's been a confusing and frustrating
process from the day my money was taken. No one
should have to go through this."
The Institute for Justice, who is representing
Martin in a class-action lawsuit, said: "They were
just supposed to identify owners so they could claim
their property, but the FBI instead acted on its
months-old plan to search and try to forfeit the
contents of any box worth more than $5,000."
Months after the raid, the FBI sent forfeiture
notices, telling hundreds of box holders, including
Martin, that "the government wanted to take their
property forever, even though they were not named in
the indictment against the company."...
Elon Musk And Missouri Attorney
General Eric Schmitt Expose FBI Corruption Regarding The Law Enforcement
Agency Meddling In And Controlling Twitter Which Confirms Previous Site
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Wrongful Termination
The FBI Exposed In The Mainstream
Press Over The Sexual Assault And Harassment Of Women At The Corrupt Law
Enforcement Agency
FBI Agent Arrested For Accepting A $200,000 Bribe To Derail A
Criminal Case The FBI Was Supposed To Be Investigating
The FBI Sued For Stealing Hundreds
Of Millions Of Dollars In Civil War Era Gold
FBI Boss Exposed As A Predator
Sexually Assaulting And Harassing Women
Letter From Police Officer Reveals
The FBI Killed Malcolm X (Videos)
FBI Agent Arrested For Raping And
Sodomizing An 11-Year-Old Girl
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50 Instances Of FBI Agents Accepting Bribes
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